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Everything posted by Merrydeath

  1. hugs and birthday cake.. just what every pirate needs! Happy berthday and many more!
  2. I don't have mine yet, but I hope they come soon.. can't wait to see them. I'm going to proceed with the tees soonest, now that I am back home. The treatment went ok, tubes gone and I can shower again Monday.
  3. Ahoy, there Mr Tarr! Happy berthday to ya, and many many more! May your rum jug never be dry..
  4. I can't get to myspace on here, but its godivalover on myspace. I'll add you if I know who you are. :)
  5. I actually work with a Bonesack.. nice guy he is and smiling most days.. might be your kin, Madl.. there is a troup of swordsmen/actors in NW Washington.. they ALL have the name JACK or a form of it.. Gentleman Jack, Jacquie Sparrow, Jack of all Trades, etc.. can't remember the name of the troup but they was at PIP. and I think about the Marx brother scene where they all are doctors.. Doctor, meet Doctor.. only substitute Captain!
  6. congrats LadyB on your pic in the paper! Its too bad they didn't get a more attractive pic of you and your outfit. The red is very striking. Thank the stars it was a cool day with some clouds.. not too much burn and the breeze dried our garb. I would have been there more hours but you didn't tell me where you were or how to find you, nor received the other calls I left for you. I did try to find you from our conversation, but I spent the morn about 2 miles from the greeters staging area with a handsome gent named Joe. I just happened to see you when I left for my cancer treatment.. luckily, I also saw Peggy, who told me how to get the free food and water for the greeters, or I would have been a hungry, thirsty pirate. I didn't find you in the main arena, after the shift was over. Again it must be bad phone reception. I hope you had a good time; I had to leave early because of fatigue and dehydration. I know you also said how tired you were.. today is my last treatment.. praying on every star I see for luck.
  7. Many many more berthdays, Herself.. I count you as one of my blessings and friends, and to NOT say have a grand time and enjoy yourself would be mutiny. Have a grand time and kick up those heels a bit! and then bring the wild stories here! :)
  8. vote for me here.. some online pirate contest, but I'd like to win if possible.. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=381554316
  9. aha!! me favorite pirate group from MO, you found.. here be more lyrics for it, and a way to hear em too! THE JOLLY ROGERS lyrics http://www.chivalry.com/jollyrogers/C3Lyri...0To%20The%20Sea songs http://www.chivalry.com/jollyrogers/C3Recording.htm
  10. many happy 'moons' to ya! and may they all be full of rum!
  11. ahoy Seamus, a tune on your pipes if you please and I'll buy me own drink, a cranberry juice til I'm off meds.. welcome and a health to the company!
  12. doing ok at the moment, traveling tween CR and Waterloo for work, treatments at 8am and then 2pm, driving 48 miles to work so I dont use all my PTO this month, and the brakes on me car making noise like a cement mixer.. still, I have insurance and I dont have to spend $50k to get well.. as a friend says, I'm the RIGHT side of the grass. good luck, lass, LadyB! you know I"m pulling for you, trying to help when I can. I'll see about visiting you this week since I"m stuck here during the day.
  13. Lady Seahawke.. good ta hear from ya, lass, and I hope things work out better for you.. I'll say a bit of prayer for your and good luck to find you. ladyB, please keep this as a fantasy. your heart is barely mended, and I am hard pressed to keep MY body and soul together, let alone yours too. I can't take off for timbuktoo to save your hide, when my hide is being strung up by insurances. (tis all fun here, lass, but you know I do care) Luv ya, my deary.. enjoy the romp, but take care of yourself! :) or its cannon fodder.
  14. myspace-- piratesthinkpink and piratesthinkpink@yahoo Just had the first radiation treatment and I think I"m starting to glow!! just kidding, but its not too bad yet. I lay on a cold bed ( >> ) and try not to move for 15 minutes, then come back at 2pm for the 2nd of the day, run home 48 miles from here, work 5 hours, sleep there then drive back the 48 miles for the 8am glow, and repeat.... interesting place, lots to see around here, and hoping to say hi to ladyB.. miss ya all, and I hope you all are happy and healthy!
  15. clap clap... looking forward to seeing them! Kudos to you, me hearty!
  16. Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement -- not even her parents' nasty divorce. Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best dressed mother-of-the-bride ever! A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new young wife had bought the exact same dress! Jennifer asked her to exchange it, but she refused.'Absolutely not. I look like a million bucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it,' she replied. Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, 'Never mind sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all it's your special day.' A few days later, they went shopping and did find another gorgeous dress. When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, 'Aren't you going to return the other dress? You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it.' Her mother just smiled and replied, 'Of course I do, dear. I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding."
  17. my prayers are with you, Lady S.. I was in the MRI only 25 minutes but that was unnerving.. best of wishes for you and your heart!
  18. blue island girls.. http://www.islandgirlstg.com/photos.htm
  19. what great pics, and that they are safe and sound in your yard. I've seen too many killed deer this year to be happy.
  20. great photos!! I was wishing I could go too, and made it as far as the Iowa border and then turned back for lack of time.. Capt Sterling with short hair.. a nice cool look, Capt! and Cheeky, pretty as always.. Madame Mary, good to see your smile! cheeky, I have 2 vintage hats, one straw and one a bowler type. Both need some tender care and repair. What and who do you suggest to fix brims?
  21. very pretty and keeping with the pirate theme and the pink ribbons too! you can also have non-pyracy folks see it at: http://www.myspace.com/piratesthinkpink or email us at piratesthinkpink@yahoo.com
  22. I love the pink ribbons! Very pretty AND eye catching! http://www.myspace.com/piratesthinkpink you can get a peek at the buttons on that site, and you can also email piratesthinkpink@yahoo. I"ll have to see about getting the pics on the regular site so you dont have to have a myspace accnt. very tired this weekend, but wish me luck on Friday and then next week for my radiation. Thanks all, especially the talented RFP.
  23. ditto.. long day and next week will be longer
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