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1stMate Matt

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Everything posted by 1stMate Matt

  1. That looks great. Did you make it from scratch or did you customize a standard sword?
  2. Hey Dave, It's great to have you aboard with us. I am super excited to work with you. I write the sword column "Blades of the Brethren" and I have been the assistant editor. I am not sure what title I will hold in the future, but it doesn't matter as long as I am the 1st Mate. Feel free to drop me a line anytime. I am always open to brainstorm or share connections. Welcome once again. I can't wait to sea what the future brings.
  3. There are plenty of other pubs to share a drink. I am sure our paths will cross soon. I will be at MDRF the last weekend I think. My old roomate is jousting then.
  4. Drings normally run right at $300. Balance depends on what blade it has. I try to keep them fast in hand.
  5. That one with a pommel and basic blade would run $325 retail. The skulls are great sellers at festivals for me. I prefer a nice faceted pommel myself. The bills must get paid :)
  6. Here are a few more designs. These both have bronze skulls that we cast. side view. side view Most of these pictured here are for pirate re-enactors so they have an aged finish. We also offer all of these polished.
  7. We have been meaning to get envolved with the Fort de Chartres folks for awhile now. Looks like a great time!
  8. I sadly had to work on getting the next issue of the magazine out this weekend. Some of our ladies at Pirates Magazine made it out for some of sunday. I however, never got out to play.
  9. Thank you sir. We used to make 3 standard cutlass blades all at 28" long. The last 2 years we have had tons of requests to make shorter cutlasses more like a boarding cutlass and now we make more shorties at 21-24" then we do the full length. I prefer a short blade for both use on stage and for costume wear. Long blades always get in the way.
  10. This last one is our new "D-ring" guard. We have been in design mode the last few weeks. What do you all think? All of these sold the first day that they were available at a festival. Check out these and more designs @ www.baltimoreknife.com
  11. Just added a few new cutlass designs to our line. This first one is called the "Bootstrap". This next one is called our "Roped" cutlass www.baltimoreknife.com
  12. My apologies. This sucker is hard to get good pictures of. Went back and looked at the ones that I took before we shipped it out. Only had a few that are decent.
  13. Well those are far from flattering. :) I will get better ones up soon.
  14. Getting to meet Rory his daughter this weekend was amazing. I got her to sign one of the covers of the summer issue with her father on it. One of the best conversations that I have ever had.
  15. Hey cool. That is #2 in our Bootstrap series. That is the first one to hit the west coast. Glad it found a new home.
  16. Here are a few pictures from Ojai last weekend. I am still gathering photos and sorting them for publishing. Tony Swatton and his son playing a large version of jenga. Our Sarah aka Apple. Apple and Kenny Klein. The Captains prize.
  17. When we meet perhaps we could brainstorm some names.
  18. We will be there. We are there a lot of weekends but we will have a nice set up at the Pirates Den with our friends from Florida. I may or maynot have swords with me.
  19. Well it would be nice to see you again John. If you end up going drop me a line. I think you bought me the last drink so the first round is on me.
  20. I was in Tony Swattons shop this past weekend and he gave me a sneak peek at some stuff that he is making for the "Mad Hatter". Looks like they are going all out.
  21. Cool, Sarah will love seeing Linda again. The crew and I will be there this weekend. I myself will be there Sunday. The Crimson Pirates are good friends of ours and they will be down from NY this weekend to perform. Klaus and others will be there all weekend. Be sure to grab us and say hello. I will be trying to catch all the shows that use my weapons(all of them) and then I will be off to the pub.
  22. Wow. That is a lot of rapiers. Hell of a collection.
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