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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. alright...you got me red.... i'm 33! touche'!
  2. well....glad to see you still remember me! lol and yes...i'm POSITIVE i'm older than 19!...way older!!!!!
  3. how bout orlampa??? lol
  4. *paisley goes back to work....decides to make up skot's hammock. she sprinkles it with hibiscus flowers and places a bag of homemade old-fashion rock candy (rum flavor of course) on his pillow. the rest of the crew gets assortments of cherry, coconut, and lime. animal gets chicken & rice flavor.
  5. oh! i've found a food dehydrator and some body oil....lavender too!
  6. i've got an extra toaster
  7. woohoo yeah! another victim i mean recruit!!!! lol if you're headed to ord...don't forget to take a day and go to the beach...cocoa is nice & has the famous ron jon surf shop open 24hours. also kennedy space center is right down the road. i went there last year, highly recc. it!
  8. i'm getting j e a l o u s....lol...oh well... *decides to live vicariously (?) through shelia as long as she gives details! i'm afraid in your old age dear, you are getting confused....
  9. a custom paint cannondale optimo/caad 7 road bike w/ speedplay pedals..... ohhhhhhh....the other bike!!! 2001 honda shadow vlx (583cc, but they call it a 600) deluxe in metallic blue, complete with leather saddlebags & a bee-itch bar :) it's my first motorcycle...snicker
  10. what exactly entails "pug treatment"????????????????? woohoo wouldn't that be a hoot! get nigel to draw up our biker patches (one green & one pink skull/crossbones ). diosa can sew them on lol...... you know......daytona bike week is coming up.....i'll garb if you garb!!! lmao!
  11. "nudge...nudge"
  12. the only reason you have tea bags and coffee in your house is to stain clothing. you yell "heave to" and "step lively" to your kids. your son (11yrs) finally earns enough money to buy something at a faire/event...and what does he get???? ....a flogger but not just any flogger!! "I want the red one, so it doesn't show stains." - Micah, POC powder monkey
  13. thats not true! *as she rides off on her purtty blue 2001 honda shadow vlx deluxe
  14. be afraid...be very a f r a i d.
  15. well....guess that would depend on where ya be... i could tell ya my mortage is pertty close to yours and i've got 3/2/2 house w/ small office....and THERE'S NO SNOW :)
  16. hey mr hand!....seems during the crew meetin...everyone is makin plans on movin to fla....when ya comin???
  17. why roger....one of my favorite rogues! it's nice to see you made it back (virtual island this time.) come over here n sit on my lap and tell me what you want.
  18. forgot to ask you this the other night cinn... WHY would you eat MEXICAN food in NASSAU?????? you're supposed to eat conch, mahi, grouper, etc!!!! don't you know that yet????
  19. speaking of fun.... nigel...please post your pips of pip soon!!!!
  20. you must have been posting when i was writing... what did i miss? heyyyyy....why are you asking where i am right after you start making the bed???????? ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ....backrub????? wait....a....sec.... WHO MESSED IT UP!?!?
  21. and what's wrong with a blow-up bed you ungrateful wench????? (snicker) also wanted to add that micah & i really enjoyed ourselves yesterday. the trip home was not too bad, except for the slow service at the waffle house, and the fog. micah fell asleep right away. yeahhhhh our arms hurt.... thanks again for getting the passes, diosa. that was really sweet. along with the food....wonderful. our arms hurt... skot, as always, wish i couldv'e spent more time wit cha. missed my full blown backrub, but loved tickling you & rubbing your head. amy, thanks for returning my pug, unharmed, and with a tan. and for getting completely toasted in front of my son (lmao!!!) still hurting... shelia, loved seeing you again, can't wait you hang out with ya more. thanks for teaching micah to chug. nigel, thanks for not smellin like dead packas after you got off work :) cinn, enjoyed your company & you making out on my car. get your butt down here soon!!!! still hurting!!! capt...my capt....you're the best. you've got a wonderful crew (including the crew poc #1 on the potc game). i'll follow you anywhere....that is hot and has great weather. :) xoxoxo [[[[[group hug]]]]] everyone be safe on their travels home!
  22. thanks for the compliments....glad you enjoyed them. i hope everyone can come down this year to see in person.
  23. ohhhhhhhhh! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! sorry i started this subject!
  24. i've seen pictures of those god awful creatures...they are the size of my head!..yes....keep them over there!!!! but don't forget we have the pleasures of the palmetto bug...aka cockroach! Size: American Cockroach adults are about 1 3/8 to 2 1/8 in ( 34-53 mm) long. ever have one of these things fly on you?????? ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! btw joe....how much longer are you going to be over there??? need any pirate care packages?????
  25. OHHHHHHHHHHH CAPTAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN i see you updated the crew page..... did ya have to use the NUN picture?????????? omg! (and yes, i'm allowed to say that)
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