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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. hey pynch...was toying with the idea of flying up to va with my son during xmas break (he has to visit his dad)... anywho...put me on the books to get "the sparrow tattoo"....who better to get a pirate tattoo from, than from another pirate!...
  2. lmao....one word.... EMLA snicker quit laughing pynch!
  3. i'm not sure at all on that john...you'd have to talk with bob. good luck :)
  4. slightly off topic....i remember someone asking where the bounty is going to be, etc...looks like shes gonna go all the way up ol miss in 2006. website doesn't say dates. she just again left from st pete pier on june 23 (oh poo...woulda went down there, but was in aruba), in jacksonville on the 30th, and on up the coast to ga. wonder if they already finished filming her part. there are no dates for her from oct-on. maybe she'll head back down to the indies?? i was lucky enought to be on the bounty the day before they set sail to the caribbean (jan??). this is a pic i dr-ed up. it's some of the cast from the central florida pirate fest group. i'm right in the front w/ the poofy sleeves and a buckle across my chest.
  5. well all these inside jokes are beyond me so i'll just change the subject by saying i'm bringin "ponche crema" from aruba on friday night :) you ask what ponche crema is??? Ponche Crema Deliciously rich and generously laced with rum, Ponche Crema is a favorite with the "Aunties" who never touch spirits. It is served with tiny spoons in the tiniest of glasses, and rarely does a drop remain. One wonderful cook use to make Ponche Crema to sell in the neighborhood tokos, or markets. She had two recipes, one commercial, and one for home consumption. The secret of the Ponche Crema served at home is revealed here for the first time. Grate: 1 tsp. Fresh nutmeg into: 2 tbs. white Bacardi rum Set aside. Take: 3 eggs and 3 egg yolks Carefully remove the coagulated spots which cling to the yolks of fertilized eggs. Beat eggs and yolks with a wire whisk until light and frothy. Add: 1 tin condensed milk (397 grams or about 1 1/2 cups) Using the milk tin as a measure blend in well: A quantity of rum equal to that of the condensed milk Add: 1 small tin evaporated milk (170 grams or about 2/3 cup) Beat Again. Decant the rum wh9ich has been soaking with the nut meg into the egg and milk mixture. Be sure that the nutmeg grains do not find their way into the Ponche Crema Add: 1 generous tsp. Vanilla Pour the mixture into the top of a double boiler. Cook over gently boiling water, stirring continuously, until the liquid thickens, about15 minutes set aside to cool. When the Ponche Crema is thoroughly chilled, funnel it into a sterilized, untinted decorative whisky or wine bottle . Cap well and refrigerate indefinitely. Ponche Crema, which is called coddle in the Windward Isles, has a creamy consistency and resembles eggnog in flavor.
  6. got your pm rumba...will send this week...funny..."agador" must have read the msg last night, cause this morn he left me 3 nice feathers!
  7. thanks guys..... my hubby got one too, on the inside of his left bicept. old school lookin compass rose, lots of shading... i'll get him to be a pirate yet...might take me a few more years, lol
  8. ok...i got 1 pic online...here ya go:
  9. hope you dont mind me postin capt....wanna see lots n lots of pirates there!! July 16 - PotC Interactive. Gaspar's Grotto will be hosting our PotC Interactive event. If you've never participated, think of it as Rocky Horror meets pirates. You'll be asked to follow along in the script and perform feats of piracy, such as doffing your hat to the hung pirates, jingling coin and interjecting timely advice to the characters. Come for th pre-party at 6 p.m. and the movie begins at 8. www.piratesofthecoast.com www.gasparsgrotto.com
  10. diosa...i'll try to email bob, whoever...do some questioning/poking fer ya. oh! talked to sandi/sapphyre tonight...they are planning to go to the potc interactive john--the auditions are not yet posted (i believe) on the website. they are usually in aug/sept (if thats what youre lookin for). if you're lookin for independ. work, i'm not too sure he's lookin for anyone...you can always ask. good luck, see you there?
  11. well guys.....having just returned from aruba :)...for my souvies..i brought home... more ink! woohooo found an awesome local, with many u.s. associations. clean, respectable, etc...and very good! (he wasn't your drunk-tourist tattoo artist) anywho...haven't loaded my pics on my pc yet, but my new ink is pretty much the design below. i had the design placed on my shoulders/collarbone, facing forward. it's based on an old portuguese compass rose.
  12. rumba---i have a sandwich bag full of my african grey's feathers...couple of large ones, lots of small-med size...maybe a few of those are red, all others are grey. interested??
  13. oh nooooo...i never forgot him...besides...i already know him!...doesn't count...lol hope you in izzy had a safe trip back cascabel :)
  14. hummmm...well.....i was there friday night and sunday...... maggie was there all weekend... how come no one bother to come up to us and say you're from pyracy boards???? i mean, it's not like you coulda missed me....guess what color i was wearin!!!! whats up with that cascabel???? did i smell that bad from all the sweat???? lmao
  15. have to tried to locate foxe on the boards here??? i know hes in england somewhere
  16. hummmm...intresting...but i think i'll pass...lol not my kind of pirate thing..or anything else
  17. might see you kendra....not sure if im positive on coming out on saturday...im assuming brian will be there??? as for everyone else ive yet to meet in person...so you can find me...i will be wearing...you guessed it...pink
  18. ok...what in the heck is a...kanji?????? lol
  19. would be awsome blackwork, eh pynch?
  20. $200!!!! FOR A SLEEVE?????OMG!!!!! I'M DYING OVER HERE!!! NEED MORE INK!!! (i dream of having a full sleeve, dang it)
  21. intreagued? lol...was looking at picture of kidd when i thought..hey...if you could make a smaller gibbet, you could put a plant in it (where the feet go) and have a nice plant hanger for the porch! how crazy is that???? any ideas?
  22. i feel your pain (pardon tattoo pun)...i have been craving for 1 over a year now... not that i would get this exact piece, but what do you guys think of getting and converting/adjusting an old etching? something like this:
  23. our "madame ruby" will be there friday night maggie...talked mary and jerimy into possibly saturday as jeremy leaves for duty monday (i think) oh, and i bugged sandi and jerimy too
  24. lol...already broke that "code"...and to be honest...i thought about mine A LOOOOOONG time before i got them. and i have jobs where it really doesnt matter (my current boss has lip pierced in a trendy upscale shop in tampa, not to mention tattoos). i've had a skull n crossbones between my thumb and index for 10 years now and i still dont regret it...i've since added a small pink hibiscus to it. on my neck i have a blackfoot indian design. its on the vertbrae/back of neck. i've actually thought bout getting 2 (one on each side) drawings of indians on horseback (like the kind of drawings you'd see on old buffalo robes) my advice is to think about what design you want....if you still want it just as bad in 6 months...get it! lol
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