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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. still not friday yet, right?

  2. i found this online...one of her many endings: Unfortunately, Mary and her unborn child died in prison of fever. Anne, however gave birth to her child which was followed by several execution reprieves. This is where there are no more official records. She was not hanged and she did not die in prision. At the time of her trial she was not yet 20 years old. It is possible that her father was able to help her escape as well as continue the repreives, however nothing is known. Here is one account of a possible 'Anne Bonny' who escaped prison: "There is some conjecture that her wealthy father bought her release after the birth of the child. This is one version of her life after the trial. Anne's child, born five months after the trial, on April 21, 1721, was named John Cormac Bonny. John Rackham seems to have been listed as the illegitimate child's father. After the child's birth the mother and child return to Virginia via South Carolina. There are some records that imply that she married a Joseph Burleigh at this time, 1721. It is guessed that this marriage was arranged by Anne's father to get her started upon a clean slate when she returned (one can only imagine the dowry required to get a man to marry a woman reputed to be such a wildcat). The Anne thus recorded gave birth to eight more children with her husband, three of whom died young. This Anne is said to have died on April 25, 1782 (which would have put her age at somewhere around 70-80) and was buried in a place called Sweethaven (possibly in York County, Virginia)."
  3. ....i think i have gun envy....
  4. i'm totally going off memory here...i believe they tried to (or did) seek pardon for pyracy from rogers in the bahamas. some time after that they attacked several ships around jamaica, then got caught. i think jack rackham was tried in spanish town (called something else then) on nov 16 (my son's b-day) and was hung from a gibbet on an island just off the coast of port royal (it's now called rackham's cay). the girls were tried afterwards, & pleaded their bellies. mary died while in prison and is buried in jamaica, anne was eventually sent free. correct me guys if i got anything wrong.
  5. great moose...cant wait. i'll be there as well with the west coast mutineers "fight circle"...i'll be playing mary read (squee!...*can pyrates squee?)
  6. no plans on pip. i have no vacation time. i just started new job and i'm already going on an unpaid vaca (was planned when i was at other job). and i'll be doing the pirate gathering in st auggy weekend of nov 13-15.
  7. ...dont forget shrinkage :) without looking at pattern, are you making it double doors??? i couldn't live without double doors on my a-frame. when no paytrons around i get a nice breeze or i can always close "the front" and leave the back open. good luck!!!
  8. lmao!!! i forgot all about that! hahaha and your quotes...giggle...i remember some guy buying me mojitos in KW (yuck) and that "oh so fun when you flog me" drunk lesbian wanting to get pics for her GF. ...oh the good times....
  9. thanks guys! good to be back!! as far as me...i'm doing ok...former work was/is soooo nuts i need a bottle to tell you guys over it. the new place is ok, the girls are nice. but like buffett said--getting (under)paid by the hour and older by the minute. you gonna be in st aggy in nov stinky??? lol...which tunes did you leach?
  10. yeah bright!! it's so nice to see clothes that are dirty and have stains!!! :) i hate looking clean! *wink*
  11. i'm guessing i wont be seeing you anytime between now and nov (clearwater pirate fest..if it even happens) either way... my question is, what is the turn around time on a semi-custom cutlass? do i need to sent you somekind of pic for an idea i'm brainstorming about the guard design? thank you :)
  12. thought i'd move my lazy @$$ and get back on here again...still see some of you old folk haning around :) hello to ya!!!
  13. do any of you have documentation?? birth/death/marriage records? i'm really into it. so far i have one line documented back to the late 1600's. there's an old...lol...saying... "Genealogy Without Documentation is Mythology" good luck on your quests!
  14. he wasnt wearing the bandana for the olympics...i'm guessing prev appearance???
  15. who's going???? (ill be there of course) come visit me (us) at the pirate encampment by the jousting field
  16. aye so does he (hurricane)...but he be freezing his arse off in washington state right now...just wait til his fingers thaw out
  17. more pics: i dont know what the black outfit is from, but on reading, it looks like he did a robin hood thing....i wonder if he's a rennie in the off season! and if you squint hard enough...can you see a little orlando bloom????
  18. figure skater from belgium was just on the telly....dancing to the potc soundtrack...it was great! the anouncers said he was the first skater to get the audience envolved. i googled him and this is what i found: his costume (one of the pirate costumes): part of an interview: Kevin van der Perren is no new name in skating. He became the Belgian champion already back in 2000 and was the talk of the town at the 2002 World Championships in Nagano where he charmed the audience and judges with a tango short program, dancing with a pretend partner. Earlier that season he got silver at Junior Worlds. Having reached the ripe age of 23, he recently skated in the Stars on Ice shows in Antwerp for the third time, now as the ambassador for the event. As an IMG client he received the royal treatment and a hotel suite, to which he invited us to do the interview. He apologized for not being able to offer us anything to drink, but for the better part of an hour we had his undivided attention. A good portion of the time was spent laughing and joking, but he also spoke in his frank and to the point way about his career, the Olympics and his life. We laughed about the construction in front of the hotel, which looked basically the same as last year and the year before that, and would most likely stay that way for at least two more. But according to Kevin that wasn’t the Belgian standard, but the Antwerp standard, and he jokingly added: "Can you imagine what would happen if they ever had the Olympics here?" A lady sat at a table while we talked, busy gluing tiny sparkling stones on a red bandana Kevin would wear with the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" costume. "This is like my third costume for the season for the free", he explained. "Pirates" seems to be a very hard topic for a costume!" This last version of the costume is red, black and white with sparkles all over it. It hung over a chair, and after a close look I just had to ask if he glued all the rhinestones on this one too and he laughed. "No. I put in something like 30 hours on the last one, and the stones were still coming off. This one I didn’t do myself, but I like it so I’m keeping it."..... ......His programs this season are the "Computer game" short from last year, choreographed by Nikolai Morozov, and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" free. On the latter he worked with Diana Goolsbey. "I worked with her before the last Olympics. I like what she does; it’s a different style from other choreographers. And I was sick of "Robin Hood" after doing it for a whole year… I wasn’t sick of the music, just of the program, I really wanted something new." And already early last season he had the music picked out and knew he would be a pirate for the Olympic season. And Diana was just the right person to customize the action packed program."...
  19. sorry...i slipped away for a week...work was extra tough, after 10-12 hours on my feet/day...the LAST thing i want to do is workout! you guys have any suggestions?? and if you still want to join...email/pm me to add you to discovery.
  20. got a msg today from nbc about why we can't see everyone in group...can't make heads or tails... Thank you for contacting Discovery Health Channel. We appreciate your interest in the Discovery Health National Body Challenge. We are reviewing the functionality of scrolling through the progress to determine any issues with this feature. The only way to join a group is to receive an invitation from the group administrator. Once registered, you will be asked, if you want to join the group. We recommend temporarily disabling spam blocker to receive your registration confirmation and invitation. Every group must have a group administrator. The only way for the group administrator to invite members to a group is through the “Manage Your Group” feature on the left navigational bar. Once the group is created you must follow the steps to create a “Tummy Talker” to invite your friends and family. (This is different then simply “Send a Tummy Talker” on the navigation bar.) Groups must click on “Manage your Group” and access the “Tummy Talker” feature. There is no limit to the number of members that can join a group. Group members cannot see exact weight, only cumulative weight loss. The personal data is not shared outside the company. To view rules, regulations and most frequently ask questions, please visit http://health.discovery.com/convergence/bo...06/faq/faq.html. Registration is available anytime during the 8-week Challenge. However, please note that the 8-week Bally Total Fitness pass is only available until January 17, 2006 at 11:59 PM (ET) and is effective from January 14, 2006 through March 11, 2006. If you miss the deadline, we encourage you to log onto www.discoveryhealth.com to take advantage of the fitness tips and video, expert advice and our customizable diet and fitness tool. Good luck on the National Body Challenge! A reply to this message is not necessary. If you have any further inquiries or comments, please contact us at nationalbodychallenge_inquiries@discovery.com. Thank you again for taking the time to write us. Sincerely, Brandi Viewer Relations Discovery Networks This e-mail, and any attachment, is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, copying, dissemination or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not the views of Discovery Communications, Inc. (DCI).
  21. dunno if this is inspiration or not...lol the nbc (national body challenge) website, under the "plan your excerise" tomorrow, asks for 30 minutes (or more) of cardio. post on what you chose to do!...and which single part on your body hurts the most. :)
  22. been to both...my first thought was nassau...they do have a small quaint pirate museum to see, you can "hike" to blackbeards tower (aka the water tower) and there is a cool little fort at the tallest point in nassau. the kids you can always take snorkling or the obvious atlantis aquarium. on the other side is a dive (and snorkle/snuba) center that is built on a set used from the old flipper tv show (stuarts cove, i believe, and they are GREAT!!!!). anywho...lots of things both kids and adults... jamaica..well...it's so large...guess it just depends on what city you're in...i spent a week just outside of mo bay...so if you want some info there (or nassau) pm me.
  23. awesome!!! i hope you were riding a road bike....cant even fathom riding that distance on a mtn bike! this afternoon i kinda cheated...didnt "really" work out....i practiced working out a fight (i do stage combat) for an up coming renn fest. but i would say i got at least a solid half hour slinging 2 axes around...does that count??? so if you see "fencing" under my excerise routine...i'm actually slinging around an ax...lol *waiting for my biceps to fall off tomorrow
  24. i can see anyone either...just the first 4...i cant figure it out either i just shot off an email to them to see what i'm doing wrong/how to fix it. said they tryto get back to you in a week. EVERYONE READY FOR TOMORROW?????? <----they are drinking water
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