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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. ok...my post is wayyyyyyy outdated but..... i did find this artice about johnny depps tattoos..not just the sparrow. and it has an ok shot of the actual tattoo he got after the movie. wish i was visitin my folks in virginny pynch...i'd get the sparrow tattoo on me :) and you'd do it of course The Tattoos of Johnny Depp Johnny Depp has maintained his rebel status and his legitimate acting talent throughout his career. He began getting tattoos on his arms at the age of seventeen, marking points in his life that he deemed significant. He has continued collecting tattoos over the years, and now as he moves into his forties, his arms are full of various images. Rarely do actors who enjoy mainstream success also pursue such intense expression of visual individuality, as these often clash with the transformation into various characters for their work. Depp’s right upper arm includes images of a Cherokee Indian chief for his ancestral heritage and a banner reading “Wino Forever.” Originally it read “Winona Forever” and was in honor of his relationship with actress Winona Ryder. However, it has been proven once again that tattoos frequently last longer than love. This tattoo was laser edited following his breakup with the actress. His mother’s name “Betty Sue” is inside a heart with some tribal flourishing on his left upper arm. Over this is an inverted triangle design. Over his heart in script is “Lily-Rose” for his daughter. About half of Depp’s tattoo collection have been done by NY tattooist Jonathan Shaw. You can see Shaw in Clint Eastwood’s movie TIGHTROPE, playing a tattoo artist. Several of his tattoos are understandable and symbolic specific to Depp himself. On one ankle is a skull and crossbones with the phrase “death is certain.” On his left hand, between the thumb and index finger, you can see the number three. He describes several small squares on his right index finger as a “permanent phone doodle.” Depp has also spoken in the past of having had the habit of cutting, of making deliberate markings with a knife blade. His arms have some places where he made deliberate cuts himself as acts of body art. In the movie PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, Depp played Captain Jack Sparrow. Costuming and smears of fake dirt were used to cover up Depp’s tattoos during filming. His character had a tattoo, which was a fake for the movie, worn by Depp. He sported a sparrow tattoo on his forearm, along with a mark branded for pirating. After filming, he had his sparrow tattoo made permanent in honor of his young son Jack. He modified it slightly, flipping the sparrow around so that it is flying towards him instead of away from his body as it was in the movie. Depp’s PIRATES co-star Orlando Bloom has an Elvish tattoo on his own forearm, a souvenir of the two years he spent making the Lord of the Rings movies. If you watch the DVD of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, you can briefly spot this tattoo in a few places. Watch for it on his right forearm during the sword fight when Sparrow taunts Will Turner about being a eunuch and also during the scene where Elizabeth (Keira Knightly) and Will (Bloom) talk about how she took the medallion when they were children. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art9306.asp
  2. here's one link for ya maggie....if you wanna plan in advance....i'll be cast and fight crew there, so be sure to look for me. (its in november) florida pirate festival, clearwater
  3. hummmm...never heard of it.....as far as john's pass capt....am i on my own...or is some of the crew coming over?????
  4. snicker...think i was more of a danger...the way i kept backing up into you/the camera lens
  5. well....lol...not sure if you are close to anything....guess it depends on how far you are willing to travel....you could try st andrews fall festival...thats in the panhandle of fl....not sure how close you are to st augustine. i know theres events in north and south carolina... a good place to check is at "no quarter given"
  6. where in neptune is st george, fl????
  7. my crew is marrooning me.....lol..... luckly i'll be in aruba.....why dont you guys sail by and say hi????
  8. well...whatever you guys do...drink one fer me mate!! miss you guys....but the weather is here, wish you were beautiful [[[[[stynky, cherly, duncan]]]]]
  9. details mate...details! y email! woohooo
  10. maggie...wanna hook up again to go to johns pass??? wouldnt be the same without going with ya lol
  11. hummmm...now what part of myself should i dip in paint????
  12. lots o stuff in fl mate....... where should i begin????
  13. well...seeing how i don't have enough plunder to go to aruba and the bahamas...lol *wink i might pop down there for a bit, think it's only 1 hr away :)
  14. that's not all you've lost maggie....lol how did the pic turn out????
  15. ohh ohhh my ears are itchin!...someone talkin bout me????
  16. ahoy maxx... if my capt allows me to speak freely...poc (pyrates of the coast) is a great group, & more like a family. and we like to do everything...from invading disney in garb, to pub runs, to professional apperances. you name it.... and not being in the sca myself, i can tell you there are a couple of guys (me included) that are in stage combat (i believe 1 is also black powder cert too). hope to hear from ya soon :)
  17. hey girlfriend!!!!!!! long time no see...busy with mosi???...i'll see you on saturday!
  18. do as i say...lol....not as i do...unless you are being a pirate capt...so we are hanging out with finbar eh???? sweet! think he cut his toenails yet?
  19. guess i'll be there...*wink....thanks for volunteerin me capt lol yoho will be lucky if he's still alive...report cards this week!
  20. very cool capt....
  21. aye..it was a good show, eh capt??? we made a great "pirate family" lol F O T O !
  22. hey mission... you can also make nicey-nicey with a local wildlife rehab. there are some things they can not give you, but you might make away with some things. check your vet clinics too. have fun boiling! snicker snicker
  23. first you make a money order out to paisley.... that's spelled p a i s l e y ...
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