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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. if there's a part where a really sexy shirtless (but has his coat) pirate gives a certain crew member a backrub, i'd be willing to do that little skit in the bookstore. *wink wink nudge nudge
  2. good names: ARCELIA (treasure) ITSASO (sea) pirate names: CLODOVEA: feminine form of Clodoveo (famous warrior) MARIQUITA or MADALENA the Bitter
  3. well now....enough of that.... let's get back to scott not being gay & one eyed pirates with quick tongues....
  4. let me be the first to give you congrats! *kiss on both cheeks (on the face boys!) good show gentlemen!
  5. nice to see ya finally made it callenish!...was missing admiring that fine white beard of yours :)
  6. As official cabin toy I attest to the fact he is not gay! Yay for us girls!!!!! metrosexual, yes!....but deffinately not gay.
  7. not that i was seriously looking, but found a place that offers it cheaper ($9.99) than other pervious places....but you'll have to put up chinese subtitles lol different cover too!...ohhhhh collect all three!!!!! http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.531256.../qx/details.htm
  8. wooohoooo! he's a keeper capt! in return...you are invited to come over to tampa for the gasparilla parades if you wish...just make sure diosa brings back the inflate. mattress so you won't have to sleep on the floor!
  9. well...if your anything like me...an important word is budget!!!...i also am doing a pirate bedroom for myself, and this is what i've come up with. mind you...you might have to be slightly crafty. i bought white sheets (flat) and put in grommits at the top. i attached to a pole at top of window with sisal rope. looks very "sail-y", maybe you could also tea stain?? a captain's bed would be cool (from anywhere), must ding it up. (used look) lantern / sconces to place on the wall. buy lots of chests sm-med-large. ive got several sm-med decorating the top of my dressers. my wallymart has them for $5-10 each. the large one i'd place on the floor. you might even find a beatup antique chest to place at bottom of bed. (mine hold all my pirate clothes) to fill the chest...beads of course, fake rinestones, lava rocks spray painted gold are a good filler. also, hit up your local sal. army/goodwill. you can buy silver, bronze, and gold "treasure" (plates, goblets, candlesticks) VERY cheap! and so you're not having to fill the whole box, place something in the bottom to take up some of the room. if he has pictures to hang up, i took several bamboo sticks and lashed together with sisal rope to make a frame. could use driftwood if you can find the right pieces. get a book about rope knots. make knots and display on wall. dont forget old wine/rum bottles (...and parrots & monkeys) to lay about. could also get candle and melt down to bottle. make sense? hope this helps!
  10. omg....how funny!!! tempting...very tempting!!!
  11. ...if women ran the world...would missles be shaped different????
  12. just stick with wow shelia....wow is good...
  13. all i can say is......wow....
  14. wooohoooo! does he give backrubs too???? btw....great FOTO!
  15. beautiful work capt!!!! ahhh kendra you have fooled another
  16. well lets see...ive just learned something.... i heard that quote from when i was in high school (along with 14 will get you 20) in the 80s....wayyyyyy before kid rock said it. matter o fact...never knew he said that bout them twins! so i plead innocent. as to yer daughter, and any other young un....i seriously would never wish harm to any o them. btw roger...the whole19 thing...snicker....iffin i was 19, that would have made me a mum at age 8!!!!! (seein how i have an 11yr old)
  17. thanks for the update lass. *kisses
  18. hey...if there's grass on the field, play ball!!!!!! doh!
  19. dudeeeeeeeeee....that's coooooool
  20. i'm afraid you'll have to go a bit further south if you want a "real blue" sea...lol...but you can have crystal clear springs! at least it's not like the chesapeake or potomac! thats fer sure!!!!
  21. btw...the best of luck olaf...hope its a big success.
  22. ...of roger hitting the elixir...and being with olaf!
  23. well there was nothing there when i was there on saturday, then i left....so that rules me out!
  24. anyone have $2000 that they want to give me????
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