i'm afraid you are safe lass....by the time you guys finally finished packing i was almost dead to the world...
if you wake me up early again....
MUAH-HA-HA *evil laugh
801 was the bar we always passed and it never had people in it....we were going to go there sunday night and you were going to sit between me n doc for saftey...lol
thank god no condoms....that was the hotel room...:
i didn't take inventory, but the last time i looked there was:
1 box of carb-solution bars (which animal ate going to miami)
large handfull of beads
1 tankard
1 bottle of pepto....
Nigel Male English Champion. From the Irish and Scottish Niall.
Nigellus Male Latin Champion. Latinized from the Scandinavian Njal: (Niall) in Normandy.
fish??? lmao...don't think soooo
not too sure bout champion either
did i also mention that you and your drunk feet must have stumbled in the bathroom sunday night? how do i know this you ask???? you left a smear of pink writing on the bathroom doorframe!
sorry amy...i tried to scrub it off
Mojitos BAD!"
"Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"
NIGEL!!!!! she was my lesbian!!!! i ...well....once again....go to "key west"
i'm trying to censor myself!