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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. ok...here's my .02 cents....actually it's probably bout .01....lol i'm for both (fun pirate & historical pirate), but it depends on situation.... and all i'm going to say is, if i'm not at an historical event & i have my "fun" pirate clothes on....you'd better not start counting my stiches! (unless you want a pink sharpie all over you..lol..and i'd better not catch you with any farb!) there is a time and a place for each "outfit"....unfortunately money has everything to do with my wardrobe. so...if you'd like to donate to my historical pirate clothing, you can make the check out to:
  2. :angry: not sausage??
  3. ohhhhhhhh! (can i say this here capt???) I'LL GET IT! *pais flips hair from face and asks someone to tie hands behind her back
  4. he's scared of my sharpie... but not scared of DEAD PACKAS!
  5. im here! im here!!! sorry there capt n diosa...been....uh.....BUSY.... with hubby. we were...uh...cleanin up the..uh...crows nest. yeah! the crows nest!
  6. what time frame are ya lookin at? and besides piratin, what are ya into??? some of us might be meetin up for the gasparilla parade at the end of jan. (all pirates mardi gras style) you could snorkle with the manatees up until march at crystal river. ive heard this is very cool because not only are you in crystal clear spring (72 degrees year round) water, but they come right up to you. sometimes bump you! you can camp in the everglades... and if you are into the disney thing... besides....you bein from virginia....might have a hammock you guys can sleep in fer a few nights...you provide you own rum of course (im just outside of tampa, just moved here from wash dc)
  7. uhhhhh capt???? think i have a grievance to settle with mr hornsby.... now mayhaps that he was just so caught up in our wonderful group and it being the holidays n all that he forgot bout skot, doc & i....or mayhaps was he hittin the eggnog early???? i'll be happy to ferget this small problem for a bottle o rum......fer each of us! if not........ *grabs her pink sharpie
  8. short n sweet guys, cause i have to pick up hubby from airport at midnight,,,wooohoo merry christmas and happy new bottle of rum!
  9. i'm afraid you've got some competion 'ere lillie, should be fun! theres almost nothing that i wouldn't do (except drink elixir and eat sausage) *paisley goes back to shopping for a tattoo gun & pink ink
  10. i'm afraid you are sorely mistaken, missy, but i do not snore! talk in my sleep....maybe...sometimes...but snore, no.
  11. that would be me animal :) and i'd be delighted to email it to ya merry----thanks sooooo much fer takin pictures of me where i don't look like i've drank all of the elixir! good job mate! darkrose-----i'm waitin fer me news!
  12. ohhhhhhh darkrose!!!! *runs over to, leaps on, then hugs 'ello ol mate! we thought you fell off the face of the earth! ...must have been the smell of olaf's summer sausage that brought you around. i was just speaking of you yesterday...nice to hear from you, and now that your settled, i expect to hear from you more!!! 'ave a wonderful 'oliday sweet'eart! xoxoxo
  13. woooohooooo way to go cheryl!!! sounds like he found you and not the other way around! miss you guys up there, but i'm totally taken in with fla and dont miss va AT ALL! lol hope you have a merry christmas. hugs n kisses to family ps...if you havent alreadt, dont feed the bird a seed only diet...it is horrible (its like eating mickey ds everyday) for them. get a pelleted diet...good luck
  14. *upon hearing that capt wants rabbit fer dinner, she decides, maybe she shouldn't use sevin dust....maybe "bopping them on the head" will work just fine not sure bout the hasenfeffer capt, but i did find this: Beer Basted Rabbit 3 pounds rabbit meat 2 tablespoons garlic salt 2 (12 fluid ounce) cans beer DIRECTIONS: Preheat grill to medium high and lightly oil grate. Place rabbit meat on heated grill and season with garlic salt. Pour beer into a medium bowl. Let meat cook 15 minutes, then start basting with beer every 10 minutes until done, about 30 minutes. throw a little bildge rat in just to spice it up.... ummmmmmmmmm yummy goodness.
  15. ummmmm UMMMM mighty fime lookin men there capt, if i do say so myself! yummy!
  16. *paisley starts to scatter little pieces of summer sausage laced with sevin dust around the ship.
  17. capt...seein how i'm chief vermin wrangler on the ship....was wonderin if ya needed me to preform any duties to lower the number of dinners...er....pests on board?
  18. ....and it had a very foul and mysterious odor..... *or was that olaf???
  19. .the haunted s u m m e r s a u s a g e...... woooooooooo
  20. *twirllin around the deck in her pink skirt... awwwwww, my wittle animal.....did anyone tell you you're cute when you act toughy-woughy???
  21. May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
  22. don't forget bout the chickens too!
  23. you have friends???? -alter ego, Sister Mary May Himm
  24. anyone else????? this is what you'll see..... (well, part of it...i'm not counting all the drunk college girls)
  25. F O T O ! (think princess bride scene "truuuuuuu luvvvvvv"
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