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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. hi duncan!!!!! hi cheryl!!!!!!
  2. are you really positive you want a bird?? expecially a grey??? it's tons of work....i like to compare it to having a 3-4 yr old toddler around the house for 50 yrs...if so.....i found this page/link for you on www.petfinder.com. it's not a baby, they are a rescue group. Congo African Grey Bird African Grey Size: Large Age: Adult Sex: I.D: Notes: We now have several Grey's from different backgrounds and temperaments available for adoption. Grey's can be wonderful companions, yet most prefer the intellectual stimulation of interaction and activity. Typically, these birds are not too snuggly. They require lots of busy "work" to keep them happy, such as foraging for food, toys to destroy, bells to ring, games to play. If you are considering adoption, please check out www.phoenixlanding.org for more information and to download a copy of our Adoption Application. All potential adopters/fosters must attend one of our educational seminars in the Washington, DC Metro area as well a brief home visit from one of our volunteers. Upcoming Events On Saturday, September 17, 2005, Pamela Clark, Parrot Behavior and Care Consultant, will be giving a presentation called "Ethical, Moral, and Spiritual Considerations of Companion Parrot Care," from 10 am - Noon at the Grace Presbyterian Church, 7434 Bath St. Springfield, VA . The next "Things I Wish I'd Known" (Comprehensive Care) Seminar will be held on October 1, 2005 from 10am - noon. For more information on these events, go to www.phoenixlanding.org/seminars.htm good luck, hope this helps.....if you have any grey questions, feel free to ask. i have a grey myself and im a veterinary technician.
  3. thanks for calling capt! proud to step up n do what i can... i will be donating a good handful of some seriously awesome pirate beads....(the ones you really have to work for, lol) am digging through closet to find some spare pirate clothes, and maybe a few more goodies. it's not much, but anything helps. see ya'll there!!!!
  4. since katrina decided to miss us, i went to a local beach sunday. we only got 1 band of rain from her in our area, & a nice "breeze". here are some pics if you wanted to see them. link to my yahoo photo albums
  5. *blushing.... ohhhhh captain.....
  6. uhhh...put me down fer 6 of 'em....snicker
  7. dag nab it!....thats the dress rehearsal dates for the fl pirate fest
  8. got my pin today rumba...thank you sooooo much IT'S PERFECT! i love it! and pink!!!! how DID you know??
  9. capt william--- the post about flyin a kite was from earlier...not the updated katrina (link was not uplinked at that time)...when she was just a cat 1/storm and was headed off to fade away in the gulf...... hurricane actually flew a kite in the eyestorm of...which one was it???...oh...i get all 4 that hit fl last year confused! as for now capt william...i pray for the best....and hope your side fairs well.
  10. i love my schlager blade...thats what i learned on, and what ive purchaced afterward....i only wish i had the diamond as opposed to the oval blade...the diamond is a little more showy on stage.. as for starfire...they are still around...i know several peeps that have them. heard good & bad....mostly is that they are very heavy! so you guys actually want to contact each other with blades huh??? ummmm interesting...(not knowing the whole story, and dont mean to insult)...please tell me ya'll have had some formal training.
  11. did anyone notice part of the soundtrack to cutthroat island was being played in some of the trailers for the brothers grimm??????
  12. just what i was thinkin....katrina is hardly worth raisin a drink to... might be just enough to fly that kite again, eh capt????
  13. as long as i'm not tastin olaf's elixir again....lol
  14. "BRILLIANT!" savin more fer ya...thanks!
  15. ummmm...right down the road from me.....maybe i should go sample
  16. woohooo went to www.piratefair.com tonight....saw nothing on auditions or practices other than auditions next weekend....think they'll tell everyone where to go the day before???? lol
  17. too bad he probably was looking at an anole...not a gecko... if there ae no practices maggie...i'll join ya
  18. perhaps i could talk diosa into making a new bodice....mayhaps a lighter color (gee i wonder what color?) instead of heat-absorbing black...and also made out of "coolmax"??? lol
  19. rumor had it that you were there, kings pyrate, i'm sorry i didn't get to meet you. and capt william, you were right...well worth the visit! only next time im staying the weekend and im NOT wearing a bodice (all day) in july EVER....EVER....EVER AGAIN
  20. well..it must be our hot topic sucks...cause i've never seen it in there but i did get a pink rhinestone skull n crossbones necklace! bling bling lol
  21. now how come disney didn't do this last year????? walmart has mini potc notebooks - 1 of jack, 1 of jack/will standard notebooks - 4 different pics (2 of jack, 2 of jack/will) 2 pocket folders - same pics as notebooks yeah!!!!
  22. np rumba!...thanks for "trading"
  23. i'd have to agree with pynch on this one...superstition or not....if you get it done facing away from you, it looks outta place. why i even found that information on a temp tattoo website (how to apply them). "it's like wiping before ya poop...it just don't make no sense!" (git er done) and if i saw someone with a tattoo facing the "wrong way" i would think that either they didn't know what they were doing or their tattoo artist didn't know either. sorry...just my 0.02 cents...i'm not a tattoo artist myself, just a canvass that holds 7 tattoos (one of them covering 1/2 of my back) along with several piercings. so i'm not just some redneck joe who likes tattoos, i'm into the art of body modification. besides... had i gotten my faerie facing away from me, it would look just plain @$$ stupid.
  24. whassup???? you guys scared to come??? lol
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