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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Oh! Come on now! Give me some pictures these old tired eyes can see! Looks sweet though, what I can see of her...
  2. Try this: http://www.dailypress.com/news/coffeehouse,0,5305731.photogallery
  3. Any opinions on Cold Steel vs. Paul Chen/Hanwei production swords? Specifically I am looking at Cold Steel's Scottish broadsword vs. Hanwei's.
  4. Just visited the Fugawee site for the first time in well over a year. They have a new (new to me, at least) shoe they call the Lexington. Basically it's the Concord, but 5/8" deeper to accommodate inserts. Has any among us tried this shoe and/or show with inserts combo?
  5. Ditto, said Tweedle-dee!
  6. I smell an identity crisis! Thomas, you're supposed to have wings! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tufted_Titmouse
  7. Wow! It went for $295! For that type of money you can get something that works! The seller did answer my other two questions: he found no markings on the pistol at all and had no idea of the caliber of the mold.
  8. Not only the screws, but several other parts as well: that frizzen doesn't look hardened, after all. Anyway, I finally got a reply to my question: replica. What a waste of a nice mold and flask! Not to mention the $142 it's already bid to!
  9. uh...a shoe stretcher perhaps? They usually come with little knobbies to stretch particular spots as well as generally enlarging the toe box. http://www.shoeandfootcare.com/c/stretchers/
  10. My thoughts exactly. I'd steer well clear of it. (Also, if memory serves, ebay no longer caters to sales of functioning firearms...) Well, I was wondering if I got no reply to my first question asking whether this was a replica or firing weapon because the seller wanted to hide any violation of eBay terms. However, my subsequent questions about barrel stampings and mold caliber have also been ignored. The buying history of the people bidding on it is interesting; they are no strangers to the waters, at least. Watch & wait...
  11. Okay, if this is real then this is obviously going to drive up the bidding, but I'm not bidding until I know more. So far the seller has not responded to my queries. So, look at this: 18th Century Flintlock Copy. What do you think? Elaborately packaged non-firing replica or functional set?
  12. I am leaning towards the work of that other fabulous bladesmith: Philippines! Picked this Batangas machete up the other day: This picture is weirdly foreshortened. The blade is 16" long, and not so roach bellied. This is a better picture, but of a different knife, about two inches longer than the one above:
  13. Stumbled over this and thought some might find it interesting: 350251531013
  14. No worries, mate! In the meantime, here are a couple of links that might get you started: 18th Century Book of Herbal Remedies Herbal Remedies, from the Claude Moore Colonial Farm Yarr, they be lubber's medicine, I knows, but I doesn't have the book you need at hand. Yardy yardy yarr yarr yarr!
  15. My copy has no appendices, and a cursory review yielded no list of botanicals. I'll happily look again if you can give me further information as to where in the book you recall this. I did check the index for botan* and medicine but, again, found nothing responsive to your request.
  16. Dear Marta, Thank you for your well written and enjoyable response to the varied queries put you. As but one of many moderators in this environment, and the newest at that, I respectfully refrain from participating in your research project. Best regards, Quartermaster James
  17. From The Historical Trekking Forum: Brooklyn Resident keeps his flinter!
  18. Quite the varied menu that!
  19. Was just over at the Panther Primitives site and noticed they have milk paint on sale: http://www.pantherprimitives.com/sale.html
  20. My thoughts exactly! Make one out of oak for far less, have money to spend on fancy iron bits for it, and haul it to events without having to worry about it! Still, I am interested in seeing for what it ends up selling.
  21. And now an unsolicited testimonial for Vagabond Armory! Got my bright and shiny beauty from Callenish today. She's very pretty and sparky too. Will post more after I've taken her to the range. Thanks Callenish! Or should we call you Gunner?
  22. Consider one rainbow bought and delivered, with a pick-up truck full of puppies!
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