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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Well lad, looks like we were both writing at the same time! Sorry to hear you're not feeling so well today. Fair winds on your journey to Houston, and best wishes ye be feeling better!
  2. Aye! Ahoy lad! And welcome aboard! Now, pay Iron Bess heed and tell us some tales of your Aunt Syren. I'm sure from there we'll be able to find ye a fittin' moniker! Even better, step up and tell us a bit about yourself. What kind of pyrate do ye be? The dread scourge of the seven seas? The devil-may-care swashbuckler? The girl chasing scallywag? What's that? Aye! So ye be givin' the nurses a run for the money, eh? Good lad! You'll earn your sea-legs sure enough! I reckon ye will.
  3. Freaking hilarious! :P ------------------------------------------------- I'm Pro-Apocalypse, and I vote!
  4. Thanks! Passed that along to the local crew too!
  5. I believe this is related to this thread: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15717
  6. Hmmm...I smell a vegetable rights activist! Do you order your burgers plain? On a buttered bun, with no lettuce, tomato or onion? Subversive!
  7. “A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.” - Bill Vaughn “Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson “Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.” - W. C. Fields “A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.” - Theodore Roosevelt “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.” - William E. Simon “Alright guys, I want to get out there and vote tomorrow. And not because it's cool, because it's not. You know what is cool? Smoking. Smoke while you vote.” - Jon Stewart
  8. I see your pancake, and raise you to a cinnamon bun!
  9. Here's another, for the vendor index: http://www.gibbsbrothers.com/
  10. They look like nice barrels but I'm not sure about sitting on them. With no tops and all, we'll end up with a bunch of pirates with barrels stuck to their butts. Uh...turn the little ones over for a seat. Same with the larger for a table. Nice "camp" trappings indeed!.
  11. $17.50 to ship to the west coast. Not bad. Handy sizes too.
  12. Apathy! Apathy! That's our cry! A - P - A - T - oh what the hell, who cares anyway... The people have made it abundantly clear that they would prefer a benign dictatorship to participatory representation. Provide them bread and circuses, spectator sports and cheap goods from China, and they're happy. It's only when changes are made too fast and they perceive a change in their "quality of life" that they become agitated.
  13. And now, the video:
  14. Vote early & vote often! The ship of State is not well steered by those aft-wise watching the wake! Vote every chance you get. Vote for the most minor office offered for a vote. You cannot steer this republic from the top down. You are not off the hook with one ballot every four years! You must have representatives sympathetic to your views in the system, from the most minor local council to the highest post in the land. Apathy will be the destruction of this nation. This is not partisan. This is how OUR government works. Too many have abdicated the rights and privileges afforded them. For this matter: I don't care if you're right or left, red or blue, liberal or conservative. Just get involved! Vote! That's the least you can do! And remember: you vote with every choice you make. You vote with every dollar you spend.
  15. But these boots apparently have special powers: they let you stand sideways without falling down!
  16. Is it my imagination, or does it look like they put nearly one pound of BP in each anvil (the top anvil's load being sealed under paper)?
  17. Okay, so my verdict on this experiment is like totally positive, you know? I wore this first modified pair all week; over all terrain (mainly asphalt, concrete, and inside office buildings). The tacky effect never left plastic on plastic: think of those mats they put on carpet so your office chairs work. But I never slipped on hard, waxed floors; be they linoleum, tile, or concrete. We had rain much of the week, but it was clear for Saturday's pumpkin shoot. The trail, however, was more mud than wet grass. Still, no slippage. At days end, however, I found my heels fully caked with mud so rendering the hobnailing minimal, at best. Verdict: better than any OTC heel plate or skid pad. Not for the strict constructionist, historically speaking, but highly recommended for those of us that have need to tread on modern flooring.
  18. Shhh...I was trying to sneak by icognito like... Books? I don't need no stynkin' books! I keep it all in my head! You know, like a photogenic memory!
  19. Atticke! Atticke!
  20. Whilst one occupies one's Mind in such good and Godly Pursuits, and few Pursuits there be as noble as the Scribes', One is bettered in One's Pursuit to recall Ligatures and their Rules. For in language, as in all Things, He that is the Author of all that is Good has established Order, and Order having thusly been established by His Word comes forth in such Manner as befits by Nature and Logic having Rules. So much more so the better for your written Language even more so than your Speech to show Knowledge of these Rules and through Display of such Manners let shine forth that Light of Creation He has established within You. To wit: Rules on Ligatures (and also a link to the Wyld font & ligature macro). Your Most Humble Servant, Quartermaster James Hunt
  21. Still looking for an anvil big enough to make it worthwhile!
  22. STOP! Put your hands in the air and back away from that sheep! Baaa-ck away slowly.
  23. We be but 'umble pyrates, Miss... Readin' and writin', well those be things for those above us...
  24. There's a world championship for this!?!?
  25. Trés cool! Thank you for doing this! PM sent.
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