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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. What's a pirate broker? Something to do with the stock exchange? Would I like to do something similar? Hell yeah! Consider the idea stolen! If the response I get be anything like my previous attempts to rally interest in anything outside of drinking rhum, I might get three positive replies! I'd like to know more of the list of classes presented at your weekend, and off the top of my head, in addition to what you have already mentioned think I'd like to include the following: An introduction to Black Powder Firearms (something I could actually present); Rope handling & basic knots - the functional aspects of marlinespike seamanship; A separate class on marlinespike seamanship as a decorative art (not necessarily GAoP, I know...); An historical overview of "pyrates", from Drake to Tripoli, emphasis on GAoP of course - and to provide disambiguation regarding the buccaneers, filibusters, etc.; What pyrates really wore; Why rhum? AKA: Drinks of the 18th Century; Something on 18th Century cooking (maybe even build a boucan?); Games and gaming in the 18th Century; Something on how people thought, emphasis on how different it is from the assumptions we carry today and why (AKA: life before & after The Enlightenment, Freud & Einstein). Why we talk like Robert Newton and how to really talk like a pyrate! Give me a few more minutes and I'm sure I can come up with more!
  2. Also: $55: Smiling Fox
  3. Cheap!?! Far from it! You make so much of your own stuff (and for that I both admire and envy* you) that you may not be aware of the cost of hand made goods. Patrick, I for one (but I do believe I speak for many when I say this) would be proud to have a Patrick Hand Original among my kit! Now, if the idea of the game is to make something, folks might not be as happy with what I would have to send. So each brings what strengths and talents the author of all that is good has granted them: Some for makin', some for shoppin'. So, are ye in? *And I do mean envy in only the nicest of ways; your projects have more than once spurred me to improve my kit.
  4. Well shucks! I thought only Yankees spell yall with an apostrophe!
  5. Okay, maybe I buy the *His mom is my sister* part.... Me too, Bess. But about this "When we were grounded for doing something bad then everyone had to stay home but me" business. I'm definitely seeing something between the lines here!!! Animal Aye! Seems the seeds of license that bore fruit this libertine tree were planted at an early age! But we digress. We must hear further from young Broadside. Aye lad! Tales must be told! Surely your mother has some stories she can give you to share with us, stories of Syren's youthful adventures...
  6. Which prompts me to ask a question long on my mind: where is this Lock House?
  7. How do you figure this? Hmm...you're right. How about Steamship Piracy is a hybrid offshoot of piracy? Sure, but I don't mean to derail this thread. I have more than my fair share of goggles, but also no horse in this race. That said, I think Mr. Hand has the right take on this. Getting out to PIP one day is a goal of mine. The historical component is no small part of the draw. If PIP becomes too eclectic, too much of a fantasy based event, well I don't need to leave the west coast for that!
  8. How do you figure this?
  9. Apologies? For what? Damn it!!! Did I miss a chance to take offense? ;)
  10. Let me also give positive shout-outs for Callenish Gunner and History Fanatic.
  11. Modesty prevents me. Seriously though, our current weather is not such a camera would survive. Pictures will have to wait upon another day.
  12. I've really appreciated something similar on other boards and so thought to start this thread here. Besides that, I really wanted to give a positive shout-out for At the Sign of the White Rose! I just received a sailor's short jacket (something I've wanted for a long time now) and am very happy. Great work, timely done, and run by our very own Kathryn & Hawkyns. What's not to like?
  13. "The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are." - H.L. Mencken, December 1919
  14. Oh no, if you don't vote your voice is quite well heard. If you've only voted twice since November 2000, you prove my point quite nicely. Thank you.
  15. This one: 25 inch Cutlass? I was wondering about the picture. Does the hilt have a bow?
  16. Aye! It is I! Fascinating, isn't it, how the colonials obsess over pyrates?
  17. Great! FWIW: I see crap like that all the time - oncologists reviewing orthopedic claims, performing IME/DMEs for soft tissue injures, etc. These are considerable income streams for some physicians, and we take them to task for it when on the stand. So, how'd it go?
  18. Well that explains why you were so cuckoo yesterday! ;)
  19. Damn it man! Oh! Wait... I'm sorry, I read "Ninja"...
  20. Buccaneers with rifles? Intrigomon! I understand rifling well predates the buccaneer era, but did not know of buccaneers with rifles. Tell me more...
  21. There is a young lady called Syren, Who has a bold nephew named Brennan, A pyrate he'd be, And sail the sea, If only his Auntie would let him!
  22. Aye! All right now young Broadside! Now that ye be one of us, you best be learning some of our songs! Here's one just right for the occasion of such initiation: Professional Pirate, from my all time favorite movie about us!
  23. I still hold out J.S. Bach's Sheep May Safely Graze, sans vocals, as my preferred score for a little bit of the ol' ultra-violence. --------------------------------------- I'm Pro-Apocalypse, and I vote!
  24. Now,now...no need to listen to your Aunt Syren about this! She's just being shy and humble, like the good and retiring lass she is. You can just send us those stories via PM, on the sly you know; like about the time she chased the neighbors down the street with her sword! She'll never know how they got posted anonymous like. Trust me...I'm a pyrate!
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