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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Well, I ordered one of these swords from Grendal's Cave and it arrived yesterday. Sturdy? Ya betcha! Unweildly? Oh yes! Coming in at 3/16"+ along the spine, this baby weighs a good pound more than any other similarly sized fighting sword I own! At 2 3/4# - damn near what I'd expect a claymore to weigh! All I've done so far is wipe off the cosmoline it was dipped in before storage/shipping. I agree with whoever posted earlier about the point on the hilt...ouch! IMHO: a fine piece to wear for shoe, and (perhaps) good for stage combat (try damaging a leaf spring!), but nothing I'd want to take into a melee! An another, but related, note: did anyone ever establish any historical correlation for the sword Museum Repicas is selling as a "Scottish Cutlass"? I have amighty liking for both that sword and their "Buccaneer coat". Lastly, did Oregon Leather close their PDX store? Like others before me, I now have to equip myself with a scabbard and baldric or sword belt for this baby.
  2. I'm about halfway through building a conversion banjo. (Seems like I can build 'em better than I can pick 'em ) I do have a Deering Goodtime and a mountain banjo I plunk around with a bit. But I can't really call it playin', yet...
  3. Still sounds safer than "zipper"!
  4. Ooh! I just read the vendor's "Aging Tips". This thingy is charred on the inside and will add flavor to your spirit. Visions of "improving" cheap grog dance enticingly before me! It has to beat that dash of Liquid Smoke I accidentally tossed in my drink the other night - damn bottle pretended to be bitters!
  5. Aye! Mighty nice find thar! Am I seeing double, or does the vendor list the same dimensions for both this and the 1 liter barrel-keg-cask-a-mah-jiggit?
  6. Aye! Here roun' fair Portlandia, ye Dollar Tree shops be selling packs of these in tealight size for, well: a dollar. Easy enough to drop into burn'd down pillars, lanterns, and tha like.
  7. Aye! Captain Jack's Skallywagg Limited be a mighty fine hat! I ordered mine near on a fortnight ago; 'spect to see it 'round September time. Captain Gage, it seems we not only have similar taste in headwear, but in cutlery too! BTW: did you order your Skallywagg with, or without the musketball hole?
  8. Well, if it's fiction ye be seeking... I just finished a wee book titled The Pirates of Pensacola. Nothing historical really, but an engaging little adventure.
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