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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Tannahill Weavers The Final Trawl Now it's three lang years since we made her pay Heave away my laddie o And the owners say that she's had her day And sing haul away my laddie o So it's heave away for the final trawl Heave away my laddie o It's an easy pull for the catch is small And sing haul away my laddie o And we'll join the venture and the morning star Heave away my laddie o Riding high and empty before the bar And sing haul away my laddie o And I'd rather beach her on the skerry rock Heave away my laddie o Than see her torched in the breakers dock And sing haul away my laddie o And when I die you can lay me down Heave away my laddie o In a rusty hold where the breakers pound And sing haul away my laddie o For I've fished a lifetime boy and man Heave away my laddie o And the final trawl scarcely nets a cran And sing haul away my laddie o
  2. Well, for the partying part, check out www.downinthehold.com
  3. Terminal Gravity IPA!!! I love Guiness too, don't get me wrong...I can drink pints of Guiness and shoot darts all night long. Two pints of TGIPA though, and my game goes all over the board. It's a mighty brew, it is... BTW: get it on draft somewhere with good turnover. Don't bother writing back about your experiences with the bottled version; t'aint the same...the bottling kills the hops.
  4. Oh! I can sell my empties at Big Lots?
  5. Up here the liquor stores are all state run...no booze from Big Lots for me To add injury to insult, the cost is tied into the proof. Because of this, we have the added privilege of buying 40% versions of various spirits. Of course, if you're springing for the real good stuff, you'll get your 47% still. The cost, oh mateys! The cost...a 1.75l jug o' JWR like I used to buy in me local grocery store in CA runs a good 40% more here... Fortunately powerful forces (CostCo) are fighting this monopoly on legal grounds. Affordable grog for the masses says I!
  6. Bryllyant! Tall Paul gets the M.C. Escher prize!
  7. I found this at me local grog shop: Okay...it's full of wodka and no rhum... But it's shaped like a pyrate ship!!! I'm sure if I stir in a drop or two of molasses it will taste just fyne...
  8. I love the one of Obie!
  9. Cap'n Clark Cable is the author. http://www.angelfire.com/biz/argonnehotel/...l/cbook386.html
  10. The question isn't "what are we going to do," the question is "what aren't we going to do?"
  11. Sure you can luv... We won't mind...really...
  12. I got me some breeches, I did. And some music, and lots of pyratey gifts for folks! Oh yeah, and I stocked up the bar real good for the ice-storm we were supposed to have today...but it did na happ'n I need a t-shirt that says: I was promised freezing rain, but all I got was wet! Really could have made good use of that day off work too...
  13. Can't answer for Pat, Kass, but I'd buy that shirt!
  14. They say we are going to get snow today!
  15. Well, I'm just drafting my colors now. It'll be some time before I have an image to post. For now, all I can do is describe them as planned: Maroon field with yellow/gold dancing skeletons with interlocking limbs ala Tibetan Citipati (The Lords of The Carnal Grounds). Still debating whether or not to add the symbols of skillful means...
  16. There's a lot of misinformation out there regarding intellectual property rights. For example: if you bought a CD, that does not 'legally' allow you to make a copy of it to play in your car while you keep the original in your home player. You are allowed to make a 'back-up' copy to play, but only if the original is 'archived' (i.e.: put away, not stacked up in your home rotation). Similarly, even public school drama departments have to get permission to put on a copyrighted play, whether they charge admission or not. If you were to read Shakespeare aloud in the public square, no problem. Tom Stoppard? Now that's a different story altogether. Bear in mind, you only need permission (and you better get that in writing!) from the copyright holder. There's no requirement that money change hands. There are some artists who explicitly license their work as available for non-commercial uses without further permissions. You see this most often with electronic artwork. It is very rare in the music industry. Lastly...uh, pirate!
  17. Beggin' your pardon Rats, but I think you may be mistaken about 'Freedom of Speech' allowing anybody to use another's copyrighted material, for any purpose, regardless of whether money is involved.
  18. I sometimes play on Yahoo! If you see Metal Rat at a table, that be me. BTW: that's from my Chinese Astrological sign, not my taste in music.
  19. Isn't it loverly! Two days off, and the weekend still ahead! I wish you all all the best this holiday, for you & yours! I spent mine with some friends from Louisiana. Turkey & Sausage gumbo! Mmm good! Then, Saturday, I finally saw POTC2. Best regarrds, Capt. Jigme (which is pronounced 'Jee-may' or 'Jimmy', btw)
  20. Oops! Thought that last post was going into the Declare Sumthin about Yerself thread!
  21. To be the man I wish I were, I would have to have been born the half-breed love child of Billy Connolly & Dave Cahppelle.
  22. As soon as me ship comes in, it's a'sailin to Kass's website for a new wardrobe!
  23. Good thing that's not my size...or I'd have wired you the money already and damn the rent!
  24. Let me add my praises to a job well done. I've already added this my wish list!
  25. Well...while these Bud K cutlasses won't pass muster with the serious reenactor...they are great for cutting up fruit at the Tiki bar
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