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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Thanks CrazyChole! I had just made knife tip slits for the prongs, enlarging them into proper holes helped a lot.
  2. Since this thread already has the shoe experts gathered, I thought I'd post here rather than start a new thread. I can't seem to keep the prongs on one of my buckles flat. It keeps raising up, turning my footwear into additional weaponry! Any tips?
  3. Hmmm...that appears to be no more heel than on my average cowboy boot. Nothing impractical there.
  4. Catheter bucket boots?
  5. Ahoy mateys! Argh! But this last passage has been difficult, and it seems weeks more ahead! Internet access is inconsistent, the computer and the printer are at different addresses, and my belongings are scattered. My apologies for not getting packets out last week. Many plans were disrupted when the moving company did not arrive as agreed. Many thanks to Ransom and Odorless Eye for the fyne plunder they contributed to my collection.
  6. A fyne bit o' plunder sailed me way from Odorless Eye. I thanks thee Eye! Thanks thee indeed!
  7. I'll be pulling into port, and transferring plunder filled dispatches to the packet ships, this weekend. Keep your eyes to the horizon...you ne'er can tell what will come sailing yer way! Quartermaster James Hunt of the Good Ship Fearless
  8. Came into port to find a fyne bag o plunder awaiting me! Many thanks Duchess! Look to next weeks packet ships to bring ye something in return! Best regards, Quartermaster James Hunt of the Good Ship Fearless
  9. Alternatively, you could start with a mannequin and turn her pyrate yerself...
  10. I think it comes from the matted hair pyrates affected after time spent in Jamaica... ... ... ... ... ... No? ... ... Seriously? ... ... ... Okay, the first use of Dread Pyrate I can recall is The Dread Pyrate Roberts, from The Princess Bride...
  11. Aye, as will yers...as soon as the gnome dries (that being but a figure of speech for a wee bit o' time, mynd ye...)
  12. Nay, not mere "food", but exotic spices from far away lands...
  13. Well, um...err...it sounds like she has some interesting hobbies... I've seen some toasters that claim to offer multiple "brands" to your toast. Leads to to believe I can just cut my own drop in stencil. Will probably first experiment with adding such to my current toaster. Uh, yes...I am talking about installing sheet metal plates into a working toaster...better make sure the breakers are up to code first!
  14. Taking this thread back to it's origins... Since these German toasters made there appearance here, I have learned that there are similar items available stateside. Not pyratical mind you, more Mickey Mouse, or Winnie the Pooh, mind you. So, my devious little mind is wondering if one could take one of these units and customize it with a "toast stencil" of one's own design? Hmmm...I see the "Toaster project" looming on the horizon! Mmmm...toast!
  15. Silly Cat! You're supposed to drink the cocoa packets...not nail them to the wall! I put some more plunder on the packet ships this week, but many more will be sent after next week, as I will be between ports until then. So, if I've already swapped addys with you and you don't receive something this week, look to the packet ships the week next. Best regards, Quartermaster James Hunt of the Good Ship Fearless
  16. Hah! Keep yer eyes off my jar o' pennies on the counter! But do PM me if'n that's not what ye meant.
  17. Damn! Now the cat is really out of the bag! Here in Oregon, we greatly enjoy the the tree octopus broiled, with a little hoison sauce...mmm...tree climbing tentacled goodness! Endagered? Pshaw!
  18. Pirhanna penguins devouring a cow?
  19. defenestrate - I just love that there is even a word for this! The pyrates sacked the manor and defenestrated the governor! The pyrate seized and defenestrated the annoying cell phone! The pyrates, full of rum, committed many acts of defenestration!
  20. Ahoy Captain Midnight! Fyne work, indeed! What size belt does this box accomodate? Best regards, Quartermaster James Hunt of the Good Ship Fearless
  21. Ahoy mateys! I be on my way to a new port o' call, and I have one too many seachest for the voyage. Anyone who wants to swap me some plunder is welcome to PM me. Also, a bit of info to help me fyne tune the trade would be most welcome. Best regards, Quartermaster James Hunt of the Good Ship Fearless
  22. Figures include 12 ideal pirates What the heck is an "ideal pirate"?
  23. pyracy@graysail.com? Isn't that a No Quarter Given address? That is the address I contacted when I was having registration problems, and they took care of them...
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