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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Of the Godwin hunting swords, is the Jaeger Hunting Sword perios? They say the design was knicked from a book on the American revolution, but it seems likely this style might have been around a while before then. Of course, it's that "seems likely" that's always the problem!
  2. I am going with that!.., Really very cool. You can definitely do some saber rattling with that ! All together now, in three part harmony: NICE!!! Great work Sir!
  3. No worries mate, I'm still hearing the "no" loud & clear... Getting kit together, as I am sure you know, is not without cost; I am trying to adhere to the "measure twice, cut once rule". Especially after my new found "tankard" turned out to be a pewter two gill measure! Oh well, wouldn't be the first thing a pyrate knicked from the kitchen! So, about the cocoa powder & rum experiment...are you mixing and drinking, or steeping and straining? In short, a drink recipe or a flavored rum? Now I'm off to search the forum for advice on a proper period frog. BTW: what's the event this weekend?
  4. Okay...since this discussion is taking place, let me clarify: It's actually Atlanta Cutlery that has the blades of which I spoke. I get them mixed up with their sister operation frequently, although they don't necessarily cross stock all items. Here's the link to their D Guard Bowie D Guard Bowie It looks like it might have a partially sharpened back edge, but not what I'd call a clip point. I like the 18' blade length for "about town" wear. Here's the other: Rifleman's knife It seems to have more of a clip point; in a sort of "proto-Bowie" way. Since I've brought up the subject of Museum Replicas/Atlanta Cutlery pieces, what's the word on the period appropriatness of their soon to be re-released Dutch Cutlass? Finally, how's the rum & cocoa experiment coming? Should we start a new thread for it?
  5. Thank you sir, you are too kind. Yrs&c, Blackjohn (who is at present conducting very serious experiments with cocoa powder and 2 gills of rum!) Careful now! Don't let that cocoa overpower yer rum!
  6. Works for me...that's why I asked the experts! Thanks!
  7. It strikes me that the D Handle Bowie, popular in the American Civil War, is much like many GAoP blades. Museum Replicas sells one that reminds me of the "long knife" concept. They also have a Revolutionary War period rifleman's long knife that caught my eye. Would either of these be a justifiable addition to a GAoP kit?
  8. I agree, for the most part, with Harbormaster. The caveat being that declining a promotion usually dead-ends you. So, bring it up with the supervisor offering the position; get the issue on the record, and take the position. But, be prepared to take your newly upgraded resume elswhere. Of course, a lot of corporate strategy is dependent upon your field.
  9. ...or the bandwidth to let their site download!
  10. I guess my membership the The Pipe Guys Yahoo! group, as well as Pipes.org lumps me into this thread. I just luvs it when a sweet young thing tells me my pipe smoke reminds her of her grandfather's (well, you just come and sit on grandpa's knee... ) Better still when they wants to try a pull on me pipe! Never had nuthin' but compliments on the sweet smoke of me pipe-weed!
  11. Is this a plug? I live on the west coast, but found the 411 pdq via Google.
  12. Mixing coconut & coconuts...?
  13. Well, my only truly pyratey gifts I got from me Secret Santa. Thanks again Rumba! I also got a tavern pipe: Which is almost pyratey! And some cash, which I was counting on, and which I "pre-spent" on a period shirt from Kass. And I got a 23 quart pressure canner, which I have wanted since, like, forever! And some really cool Chinese tea aged in a pomelo shell, along with a new tea mug. And a battery powered tape measure (who would'a thunk it!) And some peanuts and brittle from a fancy Virginia peanut company. And some wine, an ornament, some cookies and other treats. And, yes, that dreaded stomach bug that's going around!
  14. So, I'm not the only Oregon pyrate without TV!
  15. Hmm...I didn't see any bottles. I think those cats have been hitting ye olde catnip!
  16. Like Rip Torn's Laphroig in The Man Who Fell to Earth... Or the Bulleit whiskey placement in Deadwood...
  17. Blessed be Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt (aka: Donn Beach) & "Trader Vic" Victor Jules Bergeron
  18. Aye, there's no substitute (and no accounting) for taste... As to my taste...here's a brief list of tasting notes: Tattoo? Strikes me as Captain Morgan's answer to Jaegermeister. Pyrat XO? Mighty tasty, but more a cordial or liquer than a rum. Gosling's Black Seal? Now there's a fyne rum. Don't be messing it up with mixers, water, or ice. Prussers? Nice spicy note. Cruzan 2 Year Old Estate Dark Rum? Economical choice for mixing, making toddies, or sipping with ice. Nothing stellar here, just a good workhorse of a rum. :) And there's plenty more rum out there! Of course, I am going to keep reading Bilgemunky's reviews, and trying new (to me) rums! Anyone ever had the chance to try Tanduay?
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