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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. I do not believe the two party system is the source of checks and balances, rather that comes from the division of government into the three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Also, our system is not inherently limited to two parties but has simply devolved into such through non-participation and apathy.
  2. If you want viable candidates from a party other than the Democrats or the Republicans you can't wait for them to show up on the presidential elections. Our system works from the ground up. Vote every chance you get. Vote in every municipal, county, and state election for which you qualify. Vote to put people with your values in positions from the school board to the water board to city commissioners, to county reps, etcetera. Then, and only then, will other parties have a viable base from which to elect leaders to the house and executive branch.
  3. Stepped out this morning to find my two left tires slashed!
  4. Just don't look to it for history luv, it's pure fantasy; like LoTR or Firefly Rumba - it's on NBC. Up here in more northerly regions of the west coast it airs on Friday nights (this Friday it's being pre-empted by local sports though, so check your local listings).
  5. Sure I watch it; just like I watched Buffy, Xena, or Beastmaster. I sure don't expect history when they don't even try to be true to the novel they're stealing! The first episode was more MacGyver of the Jungle, while the second was more Gilligan's Ghost Whisperer. They have a lot of pitfalls to avoid to bring this off: threat of the week, failed escape plan of the week, to name just two.
  6. After you launch the "More Photos", I love that picture #4 is matched up with this description: Like Civil War re-enactors, many of these latter-day pirates pursue historical authenticity.
  7. Well, if I follow that article correctly, Lafitte's maternal grandmother was Jewish, therefore his mother would have been Jewish, and so would he. Since by tradition, Jewish status is inherited and follows the maternal lineage, someone who is maternally descended from a Jew, even if totally unaware of their Jewish heritage, or even if a practitioner of another religion, is from a traditional Jewish legal perspective still a Jew. - Wikipedia article on Ashkenazi Jews P.S.: Yes, I understand Lafitte was Sephardic. This distinction does not matter for the question at hand.
  8. Aye! That Stynky does!!! Thank you for a salvage well done!
  9. Are we space pyrates now?
  10. Nice work! I definitely need one of these. Check your PM.
  11. Thank ye all kindly. It's all a poor pyrate can do to keep up with this crew; a right fyne and awesome bunch ye are! Now! Off to cruise the Islets of Langerhans!
  12. My last known sighting...
  13. 99 Cents Store? 'Round here we have The Dollar Tree, The Dollar Store, and Ye Olde Dollar Shoppe, but no 99 Cents Store...think of the pennies I could've saved!
  14. Billy Connolly. Nuff said.
  15. Don't look at me! I never suggested that costume! In fact, if you check the record, I believe you will find I have most consistently advocated radical reduction of ladies' attire. You see, I'm always thinking of the ladies' interests...
  16. No. TP ain't crafty enough, ye gots to use naval lint. More pyratey that way too!
  17. My thoughts indeed! Stockings, breeches, slops, drawers, that's a lot of cloth! While we're at it, stockings with slops? I've seen it in pictures. Does that imply there were also breeches beneath? ---------------------------------------- Just noticed this be my 108th post - woo hoo!
  18. I recently read that slops were worn over breeches, to protect them. Previously I had understood slops to be an alternative to breeches. Which is correct?
  19. Thank ye Lady B! And that's a fyne coat ye've got there too!
  20. I turned a reaver upon the high seas for to support my luxurious lifestyle.
  21. Finally I get some pictures! (Where do all those pictures people are always taking go?) That's me carrying my colours from the other thread.
  22. Since we be marching in a parade today, I thought I should finally get around to making my own colors. Tempus fugit! Memento mori!
  23. Nice article. Thanks!
  24. Let me know when you have some without the holes drilled in the bottom...
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