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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. I really have to object here. Rejecting Judeo-Christian cosmology does not automatically make one a thief or, far less, a villain. Those distinctions must be earned in their own right.
  2. Just to be clear about one thing here, piracy is robbery committed at sea. Although common usage has warranted the terms be placed in the modern lexicon; "software piracy", "pirate radio", and like terms are metaphors. There are, of course, many terms for robbers and thieves on land, the aforementioned "brigand" among them. Piracy most likely started as soon as the second boat was launched, and will most likely continue until there is only one boat. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana
  3. Yes, but don't take it out of context. See more here: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. Not that I'm defending them, per se: I work with them, and...well, I'm not going to post anything here that might be misconstrued as murderous intent.
  4. Try this: http://www.milkpaint.com/ And: http://www.realmilkpaint.com/products.html Read the FAQs and other information offered on both sites.
  5. Well, this stand alone post is pretty cryptic.
  6. Here's an interesting little thing: Tarwar
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. It came from EB Erikson. He also made this one


    Thanks for looking... it is sweet.

  9. It's absolutely beautiful! I'm sorry you have to part with it. If I had the money lying around, it would be sold by now. That said, I am going to see what I can beg, borrow, or steal. I advise anybody here who is interested and who also has ready cash at hand to not dawdle! Memory grows thin; from whom did you commission the blade again?
  10. Aye! All the best wishes for a most enjoyable birthday!
  11. Not sure this is the best thread in which to post this, but... having just tried it myself, I can attest to the facility of ammonia vapor to nicely age brass.
  12. Also, as this is the first of many pistols for sale, I am curious as to what else you might have to offer... Any screw barrel QA pistols coming through the pipeline?
  13. Well, don't keep us in suspense...post pictures of the carving! (Please... ) And congratulations on your new boom-stick!
  14. Oderlesseye! Careful there! Looks like you're running the risk of becoming the gentleman pyrate! Seriously: nicely done sir, nicely done!
  15. Aye! Now that she's 21, she can have her first taste of rhum! Happy Birthday to ye Syren! Many happy adventures to ye!
  16. Nice! Now, if my bonus comes through I'll be sending a PM. My Black Watch pistol has been looking a little lonely and I think it needs a playmate!
  17. Or never had been told at all. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I offer Exhibit A: The Butterfly Effect, 3.
  18. I received my pins. Thank you very much! I am happy to attest to the quality of these pins. They are also of a goodly size, at about 1 5/8" diameter.
  19. Well, perhaps you should start with something more attainable... I still have a few stacks of Burgerville tokens to wager!
  20. Just to be clear, it is not I that has this lock for sale. It's just a listing I stumbled upon, and thought to share.
  21. Alas my friend, I see the grog has finally got the better of your memory! Need I remind you of The Golden Beaver?
  22. I believe this is now done through credit cards, and the usual term of servitude is 30+ years.
  23. Well, it's about freakin' time you got here! What took you so long? Barnacles on the Sea Squirrel? Hope you brought a fresh barrel! Like Bess said: it's not a tough room to play, unless you find us sober that is!
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