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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. They named an engine after Captain Sterling? And it runs offa hot air? *ducks & runs*
  2. You may find this helpful: Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow
  3. Curiouser and curiouser...running Firefox here; no problems with Syren's Tavern displaying correctly... No horizontal scroll bars; no need for them.
  4. Between my old eyes and the tiny type on this LCD screen, I thought I was opening a topic titled Suffering at PIP!
  5. Happy Anniversary!
  6. Do you mean honest-to-goodness 19th century pewter...with lead?
  7. Some might argue it was stopped long ago...
  8. Let's not forget about these: Stealth Boats
  9. So, exactly how is this used? Is it clamped down on a toothe and then used as a handle to pull the toothe out of its socket? Or, perhaps it somehow leverages the toothe free?
  10. Tea does impart a nice brown. But if you're going to go down this route, allow me to suggest grape juice. Yes, at first blush it will look purple/pink but it quickly turns a nice dingy grey/blue. Yes, I have gone this route. I have a shirt from my early days in this hobby that seems to have been made from the same stuff as cotton bedsheets: stiff, tight, and bright. I've dyed this with tea, used it as a rag, and finally used grape juice to end up with something I might finally wear in public!
  11. Hell man, you have been to Virginia and not stopped by to say hello? Sorry Captain, it's been quite a few years since I was last out that way; the "Father & Son Eat Their Way Through the South Tour of '94", I believe...
  12. Sorta steamy inricate comic work... http://wondermark.com/ Been going a long time, it seems... I like #3 Heck, I like a lot o' 'em!
  13. Would that be the lotion, the hand cream, something else, or do you just dab on the real stuff?
  14. Haven't got 'round to racking the cider yet. Still bulk aging on oak...
  15. Good point. Consider, however, that after it's aged and set a grease stain is a grease stain. Hard to tell the difference whether it was from whale oil or motor oil, or something in between. Don't have the documentation handy at the moment, but I think grass and vegetation stains might be PC Oh! And ever slip and fall in clay soil? That's no easier to get out now than it was 300 years ago! Thanks, but I can't take credit. Once again I'm just passing along more of what I've learned here.
  16. It's worth noting that there are different forms of tripe, depending upon from what part of the digestive system the tripe was harvested.
  17. I am squarely with Hawkyns on the subject of clothing. IMHO it comes down to whether you have clothing or a costume. That said, I recognize that for most their "garb" is costume, and they are just trying to make their costume better. So you have a day job? What do you wear when you are doing yard work? Jeans and a t-shirt? Get over it! Put on your slops and the rest o' yer kit! Don't worry about the neighbors - most likely you're better armed than they are anyway Wear your kit while working on your car, while barbequeing, etc. There, that will get it all nice and grungy like. So, how do you go about keeping it clean? Rule #1: no modern washing machines or detergents. Hand wash in good old fashioned pure soap. Fels-Naptha can be found almost everywhere still, and there's fancier stuff around too. What you absolutely want to avoid are the UV whiteners prevalent in most detergent. Hand washing and line drying will also help your kit age appropriately. Rule #2: see Rule #1. Just my two-cents worth, and spoken as an overly clean pyrate.
  18. I stumbled upon THIS today, and thought of Mission. BTW: does anybody recognize this event?
  19. Still waiting for the sequel...
  20. Damn! Now I gotta wipe the drool offa my keyboard!
  21. Callenish, Is this true of pure neatsfoot oil, or just the cut stuff? Thanks!
  22. Black Bear Historical CLothing
  23. Fair enough Hawkyns. The gauntlet was thrown. I would say, however, that if my experience could speak it would say that folks like you are the exception and not the rule. My encounters with the SCA have not included meeting anybody with your passion for the hobby, nor likely for history at all. And now back to your regularly scheduled topic...
  24. Yer coming along right nicely mate. Right as rain I say, right as rain! Right to find shoes you want and get them right the first time. Shoes are probably the third most costly single piece of personal kit, after good arms that is!
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