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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Okay, so I've suddenly found myself wondering what those buccaneers machetes Dampier or Exquemelin mention actually looked like. Has anyone found illustrations of those?
  2. So...didja buy it? I was sorely tempted. Good move mate!
  3. Interesting thing is how often true period knives are compared to current kitchen knives. Take a look at trade knives: a 12 inch trade knife (7-8 inch blade) is a fine chef's knife, and the smaller companion knife is a perfect parer!
  4. I wish the pictures were more clear (both in focus and color balance), especially of the splitting of the guard and the fit of the tang. The middle pic looks as if there's some sort of filler used. Still, it certainly has character. I wonder how hard it would be to restore it to bright?
  5. It seems to be in vogue for blade-makers to do "file work" these days. Is this a new avenue of artistic expression or is there historic, specifically GAoP, precedent? I don't recall seeing many, if any, period blades so "decorated". To my mind, it's one of the fastest ways to muck up the otherwise clean lines of a nice blade, but I understand tastes vary.
  6. FWIW: I have the Middlesex New England "Cookson" fowling piece with doglock. I'll second what's been said about these import guns and add that they can be quite improved with but a little work. The locks benefit greatly from some polishing and tuning, and the first thing I'd do is strip and refinish the stock. They're a good project, if your the handy sort. Pete at MSVTC and Blair at Loyalist are both stand up guys. I know Pete backs his guns, even offering lifetime frizzen rehardening. I've not bought a firearm from Loyalist nor anything from Military Heritage, so I'll keep silent there. Cascabel & Callenish: do I understand correctly, from what I've read here and in other threads, that you offer import gun tuning and customizing? Last but not least, you can waste away an afternoon reading about import guns over at The Traditional Muzzleloading Forum.
  7. My hunting sword came with "eaters" - now I'll have to get some pictures up here!
  8. Check out your supermarket's Hispanic section. They generally have a brand or two. Just make sure it says ginger BEER. Hawkyns Aye, as opposed to Ginger Ale fer sure, but some of the new trendy stuff does call itself Ginger Brew... Now, that said, I've got to keep a weather eye open for Jarritos Ginger Beer!
  9. Not sure how it happens, but everywhere the crewe and I go seems to end up with a pyrate theme...
  10. If'n it makes you feel better luv, remember you're over half a continent closer to PIP than I am!
  11. Liquor stores, in the mixer section you can usually find Cock & Bull. Grocery stores, especially trendy ones such as WFM and its ilk, carry Reed's. Reed's Store Locator
  12. Depending upon the individual gun involved, the frizzen may need to be fitted to the lock. Even barring that, no. It's easier and more cost effective to simply harden the face again.
  13. I don't seem to see many sailor's short jackets about. Actually, garb for less than a pyrate king has always seemed lacking...
  14. Ginger beer! Been drinking the stuff since I was naught but a young sprout! Used to be hard to come by, Cock & Bull being the only brand about. Nowadays it's not hard to find. If you like your ginger, try some of Reed's Extra. And as to the Gosling's, that's my usual rhum of choice. But I think they're making the bottles smaller these days; they just don't seem to go as far as they used to.
  15. Have we seen this before? Chicken Fried Bacon with Gravy
  16. Oh my! I love this! If I go to the PPF this year, I think I'll have to do this!
  17. Well, better later than never! Happy Birthday Rumba!
  18. Thank you for the clarification. I hold both Pete and Blair in high regard. Yes, sometimes our intent does not so well translate from our mind to our writing. You may not know that the good folks at Loyalist have been sorely vexed before by false claims made by false representatives. Ask Blair about his ordeals sometime. Apology accepted, and I likewise offer mine. Aye, but it was not I that proposed commerce.
  19. Since you asked, the cost of shipping is the least of my concerns. First and foremost is that I've never heard of you, and you are asking for pre-payment on goods that have not yet left India. Second: as illustrated below, you claim to offer items that are made under contract for certain companies but offer no proof nor even claim to be legitimately authorized by these companies. Third: again as illustrated below, you disparage these same companies, which happen to be run by people who are part of and well known to the reenacting community, and who are held in high esteem there-in.
  20. The Highland Still House, Oregon City, Oregon, nice Scottish pub with a wall of whiskey to challenge the stoutest peat-head! Also a favorite port of Pirates of Portlandia. Run by a couple of the finest scallywags ever to wash ashore in these parts. Great food, beer, ale, and whiskey. They've even laid in our favorite rhums! Jo's Saloon, Milwaukie, Oregon, a clean well lighted place near work. Great for a well made burger and a pint or two for lunch. They also do a good BLT. Homemade chips, fresh cut fries. Oh sure, there are a lot of fyne and fancy places around the metro area that I could list, but do they know me by name there (my pyrate name at that!) and do the waitresses give me hugs? Surely you jest!?! But that would be "extraordinary"!
  21. Pirate's Passion
  22. oh...11:50 PM...I get it now...
  23. Prayers for full and speedy recovery, and for justice.
  24. Is it back up already? Good job! Now why does my post post as 10:48 a.m.? It's 9:48 a.m. PST... Maybe the pub hasn't shut down yet?
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