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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. I'll be leaving Gainesville around 6pm, so hopefully I can get to the ball before it ends Friday night...
  2. Well I was raiding the aisle of the local Toys Arrrr Us plundering Star Wars figures when I happened to wander over to the Lego section. Seems that Mega Bloks, the company that puts out Dragons, is now releasing a set called Pyrates! They have 3 different crews: The Privateers, the Mauraders, and the Skeleton Crew. Yes, the Skeleton Crew are... well, skeletons. They're coming out with 3 skulls that open up to become islands, each has 3 figures. Pouches with 2 figures and treasure inside. The Maurader ship and the Skeleton ship. A pyrate isle playset. The figures are very detailed, much more so than old school lego figs. Find them today, or explore: Pyrates homepage
  3. Aye, Sea Dogs is a grand old game. We've discussed it quite a few times in this very forum. I believe that Sea Dogs 2 actually became the PotC game.
  4. That's all I know. Me and some of my crew will be going... and I will be drinking heavily and looking for wenches...
  5. Aye lads and lassies... I be selling off me wares... must get money fer a new ship. Some blaggard blew holes in me last one! Arrr... My eBay auction And while yer there, ye can check out me auctions fer other things if'n yer so inclined!
  6. Hello all! I have been in contact with the organizers about this event. It seems like it will be fun. Friday night is the big pirates and wenches ball/auction. My crewe and I have been given permission to "work" the event and have been allowed to join in on the Sea Battle and Raid. Weird points of notes. As one who does a lot of historical events, it will be very Hollywood. Black powder will be used only for the battle and the raiding will involve... Super Soakers? Email for details mates!
  7. What are the rules for garb at this faire? Can patrons go in garb... me and my crewe plan ta make the 4 hour trip...
  8. About how much does a box cost?
  9. I think it's those pretty boys Depp and Bloom.
  10. I hate Bratz... But wow! The pirates can drive the Mini Cooper to the Sushi Bar and sing on the karaoke stage! I hate mall pirates.
  11. She's a loverly ship to be sure. But I pulled two of her out of 10 packs.
  12. I just rewatched it the other day on... FMC or VH1 I think this past week. oy. I used to love that move, now it makes my head hurt.
  13. I find the rare ones on eBay. Works best in the long run and on the coinpurse. I know in PotCC, They released new versions of El Fantasma and Jack, maybe some others. They're common cards too!
  14. Why can't folks just wait until a movie is released?
  15. I have The Revenant, El Fantasmo, and Ghost Crew... they're... okay.
  16. Ahoy mates, I'm back in port... POTCC is going to be quite nice. Since no one else is really talking about the really import stuff from the new set, let me tell ye what I heard sung by mermaids... Forts. When you get enough gold, you will be able to build forts on your islands. Schooners. New ship type that are faster and turn quicker. New Nationalities. Both France and America are making appearances. "terrain". On the reverse side of islands, there will be terrain effects that you can play on your sea. Like Fog, Sargasso Sea, and Reef. It will rock!
  17. Now I'm not one to frequent Hot Topic (being as its stupid to be goth past a certain age... And I'm not one to collect Living Dead Dolls (seeing as they're quite gruesome and once you become a parent you'll understand)... But I found the Hot Topic exclusive Living Dead Doll Captain Bonney last night at the mall. She's about 8 inches tall. Has on 1 boot and her left leg has a peg. Her right hand is a hook. She has a scar across her right eye and underneath the eyepatch it looks quite gruesome. She's wearing black leather pants, a red velvety cap'ns coat, a headband, and she has red hair in dreads/braids. Her left hand is bedecked with rings and she has an earring in each ear, both different. She has a belt with a pouch, cutlass with scabbard, and a flintlock pistol. The cutlass's hand guard is shaped like a skull and looks wicked. Yes, it comes out of the scabbard. At about $27, I highly recommend everyone get one.
  18. Jack Sparrow used a rope made of his own back hair to slingshot himself around the sun and travel through time.
  19. I hear that they're going to cast a complete unknown and kill off the character of Will Turner! Said unknown is skilled in pyracy and goes by the name of John Young. Interesting. Right there in um... Entertainment Weekly.
  20. Watcher yer tongues mates! I loves me some Ice Pirates!
  21. And all the pirate lasses who own male real dolls rush out and buy it...
  22. I know about... last year or so, they were auctioning off Dawg's flag. Very nice.
  23. That's the Sega version of Sid Meir's Pirates.
  24. I think there's a pirate game called Legend of Black Kat for PS2 or XBox...
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