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Everything posted by John_Young
Yes, Sideshow's "Fife & Drum" line looks promising. I like their Napolean, but he's being done in their new 14 or 16 inch scale. Bleh. Too tall for a little man...
I thought Drunken Sailor had a lot of verses...
Actually Jamie Fraser is the name of my Highlander commander for Wizkid's Mechwarrior... :) But I would never tease a fair, bonny lass
oh we have tons of them running around over here... can't go 10 feet without tripping over one.
I love em! Yep. I'm a guy. My wife got me reading them.... I found Fiery Cross a tad... slow. And ug. Forget Sir John and the whatever. I'm just not into soft-core gay porn and scat.
Aye... I got those very same boots. Afraid the folks at Searle's won't like me wearing them though... arr....
Pyle... in their MageKnight game, Minions expansion... They did Atlantis Guild folks who were pirates, the Xandressans. I have the Captain on me shelf next to Corsair... arr! http://www.wizkidsgames.com/mageknight/fig...asp?unitid=2207
Someone complained about my blue velvet coat at FLARFN last year...
Not criticisin yer work... it looks lovely, but is velvet for a coat period? I have a lot of period nazis and they love to speak up when I step out of line... makes getting me garb difficult...
Hmm.... the SCAboots look interesting... but are zippers on the side period?
I'm looking for good period piratical boots. They need to withstand the scruitiny of historical nazis for 1600s time period. The kicker... besides being wonderfully historical... preferably no more than $150.
Which Daredevil are ye talking about Wolfy Wench... that be 3 of em For Marvel Heroclix, every set has included a Wolverine, Spidey, Daredevil, and Elektra... Well... considering how HORRIBLE sales for Crimson Skies, CreepyFreaks, and Shadowrun have been... which is how poor I expect Sportclix to sell... I hope this new game does great. Hell, for $4 booster you get pieces and complete rules? I'll buy a case of em! ARRR!
Well, I tested her out last night against some other stage combat worthy weapons... Against Highland Steel (I miss that company) and Starfire... she held her own. A few nicks here and there, but that only adds to the character of the blade. The problem with stage combat is... if you or your partner aren't pulling the blades before impact or you'll do damage to even the hardiest of combat worthy weapons.
Geena Davis was in it? I was too blinded by her.... um bodicework to notice any bad acting.
Shaking it around and whatnot... it still isn't loose anywhere yet. I love it! Definately not the typical ren faire $20 jiffy sword purchase.
Well, for all intents and purposes it is the Museum Replicas / Windlass steel cutlass. So it can stand up to combat, it has no sharp edge... it only looks sharpened. I haven't had blade to blade with it just yet... will let you know in a couple of days. But if I remember the pirate episode of "Conquest", the host was using it and it looked a tad.... um jagged at the end of the day...
I'm sure a lot of you have seen the really nice Cutlass that Museum Replicas has had for a while... but at almost $300, it's just a wee bit prohibative. Well, messing around on eBay the other week I found a dealer, the name is fivestardeal (search his store if'n you're interested). He's got either an exact duplicate or he really is a distributer for the actual swords. Regardless, my sword cost me about $75 including S&H. And they're auctions, so I'm sure you might be able to get them cheaper than I did. It's well built. Nothing bent, broken, or flimsy on it. I recommend it!
Well... it depends... are ye in Florida, California, Japan or Paris? If memory serves me correct, they're from the Pirates of the Carribean stores in the Disney parks.
My shame is... I love this movie. Heck, eBay was selling off props from it for a while just last year... and I own a bit of Cutthroat Island history. *sniff*
Well... that's the problem... they don't make the Rev War figs anymore... but with just a little work, you can make them into great pirate accessories. Don't like the crappy shoulder flashes? just rip the sleeves of for a Cap'n Dog look.
Jeeze. You folks sound like whiney Star Wars fans. You don't own the rights to it, Disney does. Let them do their job. And PotC jumped the shark by just being made.
Ay... other than Blackbeard (He comes with the sabre because that's what he had in the historical pic they used as a model) and the old pre-movie PotC fig... there aren't much 1/6th scale figs out there. I don't like the sideshow civ war stuff. If ye want frock coats, search the Bay of E for the "Soldiers of the World" Rev war figs. They have good boots, coats, vests and accessories. They come with (unusually long) shortswords. The "SotW" Civ war figs come with cool sabres though. Also GI Joe did a George Washington and a Minuteman, which are good for parts. The George Washington outfit is on my custom Russell Crowe/MaC fig. Other good stuff.... um, Captain Action, the rereleases, the Phantom villain, arabic guy. Has good parts for a Sinbad fig. Also, Hasbro did 3 or 4 different Sinbad figs based on the Dreamworks movie which are very cool. On the Bay of E, I found a dealer that sells a nice Ken doll romance novel style priate outfit which fits bulkier figs (Hasbro) as well as skinnier figs (Dragon, Blue Box). It's a pair of black velvety pants, leathery swashbuckling boots, and a white frilly shirt that's open to the belly button. For female figures, Blue Box's Cy-girls Martial Artist outfit set has a nice black leathery bodice which I have one of my female pirates wearing... The Barbie, Princesses of the World collection.... their Portugeuse princess is nice for a noblewoman.... I'm a big resource for 1/6th scale stuff.
Considering Crossgen comics is located about 2 hours south of me, I've been thinking about making a pilgrammage to them.
Aye... we've mentioned it in this forum a couple of times. But I heartily agree, it is perhaps the best comic out there today, pirates or no. I know issue #5 just came out yesterday and they're planning a one-shot on Redhand Harry... this series is great! Joshua: Have you comic shop specially order it for you, they'll get you the newest issues as they come out. I know issues 1-3 sold out so they have printed a combined volume. Otherwise, look here: http://www.crossgen.com/company/retailers/...ier/premier.asp