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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. Sorry gals, most of us Pirates don't like little boys in tights and fairies in our Piratey goodness.
  2. Didja notice that Anna in VanHelsing carried a saber that looked similar to this cutlass?
  3. Aye, me own favorite pirate from Survivor: Pearl Islands once again lost Survivor: All Stars. But Rupert fans don't fret! Run over to CBS.com and vote for him to win the million dollar runner up prize! Let a pirate win for a chance!
  4. Islet de la John Young
  5. What costume ye be talkin' about? It's garb, lad, GARB!
  6. John_Young


    ah.. funny thing about it... I never used the audio commentary on my DvDs except for Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 ("We are so sorry for this") Well, it's an excuse for me to watch it again.
  7. John_Young


    His name is Hector?
  8. You "weekender, I'm into pirates because of Johnny" set really need a subscription to No Quarter Given. No. Keith was being secretly talked about, but.... Because fanboys and girls spoiled it, it spoiled the suprise and Disney nixed the plan.
  9. Would some lass care to explain to me why they find guys in homoerotic themes attractive?!
  10. Um, Calavera from SG-Command?
  11. Either with PotC or with Homoerotic themes...
  12. Alrighty, well cleaning out me closet I gots something else ta sell something else! Take a look! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...MESSE%3AIT&rd=1
  13. Tis Ebay and this infernal technology! Arr, i can't gets it ta work
  14. Arrr.... the mighty warship Google always works the best!
  15. Arrr, it be time for me to thin my collection of garb. This here is a beauty and can be easily modified to a good frock. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...MESSE%3AIT&rd=1
  16. Is it rated Arrrrrrrr?
  17. 1 thumb and a hook hand, way up!
  18. well "Adventure Kermit" as they call him is going for quite the hefty sum on eBay. The figures are normally around $10, but Indy Kermy is about 10x that.
  19. Wow! I just picked up the 2 Muppets they have so far from this line brought to us by Palisades Toys. First up they released Sam the Eagle as Mr Arrow. He is huge, and pretty hefty. His garb is detailed and he comes with a tricorn hat (with magnet to keep it on his head), a key, a Bible (with secret compartment to hold treasure map) and a real telescoping telescope. The accuracy and detail on every piece is phenominal. The second piece that was just released is Kermit as Captain Abraham Smollett. He is every inch the muppet / ship's captain that we know and love. He comes with a rapier w/scabbard, a magnetic tricorn hat, and the evil pirate Polly Lobster. The detailing is just marvelous, from his powdered wig to his pot belly. They are also offering a "Ghost of Mr Arrow" figure which has a paler paint application and he comes with seaweed to drape across him. I beleive that it is a convention exclusive, which means that it will be extremely hard to get. I tried to get the Kermit as Indiana Jones convention exclusive and was literally 1 minute too late. And I was at the booth as soon as the con had opened. While these figures are wonderful, bear in mind that some of them are hard to get. I know Target and Media Play stocks them, but each "wave" of figures only consists of about 4 different characters and certain ones just won't sit there "peg warming". If you can find them, go get them! I for one am hoping that they do a Fozzie from Muppet Treasure Island!
  20. Go with what strikes yer fancy? I thought there was rule fer that...
  21. someone better email the folks and make sure they're going to be actually doing it... And see if they need any help?
  22. Arrr... it be too far for me mates... Besides, Black Powder vs the Miami full-automatic assault rifles... not a thing I want to tackle.
  23. Teach's Hole still makes me giggle Well, the booklet does have some good stuff. They also say the game is more closely from Ancient Roman Times . Them wacky Ancient Romans .
  24. Tarnation folks! Have ye never been to a ren faire or a store that sells pyrate stuff? Morgan's revenge is a game that comes in a little bag wit' ole Morgan's face on it. Inside are metal coins and a top. Ye place yer bets, ye spin the top, ye take yer winnings. It's pretty cheap ta buy, and easy ta larn. Not one of yer video games, or durn blasted board games...
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