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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. Ah! Negotiating wit' th' faire? Fer a job? Perhaps my crewe will do the same...
  2. Captain Hurricane? Look out there's a Hurricane Comin'!!!! Whassup wit dat? Orlando eh?
  3. heh. I answered me own question. Appears to be in cooler weather this year. http://www.piratefair.com/ It be in November in Clearwater. ARRR! Who's going to join me for a crewe to raid this place?
  4. I found the link to last year's faire... I was told it was tiny, and not very... um, safe choreographywise, but I likes watching bad choreo... http://www.timeandagainentertainment.com/C...eFest/index.htm
  5. Nay, this was smaller... very small... yet it was fun.
  6. I heard cancelled due to lack of sponsorship... I think it's on their website.
  7. I know that last year they had a Piratical renn faire in Tampa, FL. Anyone know if they're doing one again this year?
  8. Heh... one of the links there is called "Teach's Hole" Sorry, I feel like I just turned 12 again
  9. Why would a TV show in front of a green screen be bad? Just go to some cheap location, ala Hercules, Xena, Lost World, etc...
  10. Heh. I gets lots of whining on the Rebel Legion, 501st, and Mandalorian boards... a lot....
  11. Aye I saw Swashbuckler be a good film! But Cutthroat Island gets me going! I wants ta plunder Geena Davis's Booty! Arrrrr!
  12. Well, lassie... it kind of be like a Jew making comments about Jews. It's allowed. As a Star Wars fan, I have a right te say what I will about them.
  13. Aye well, it just may be the historical nazis I deal with in the waters of Florida.
  14. Ye do know what "firing" enntails don't ye? First ye must become proficient in black powder, and get certified. Then you have to keep it current. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to fire a black powder weapon. EVER
  15. Should lasses of 14 be singing about rum?
  16. Well I not be a rich pyrate, but I gots me many coats. Me best coat that a darst not wear when combat is seen is a loverly royal blue velvet affair. I also owns me 2 different brown coats, a black coat, and a burgundy one.
  17. Well, while they did announce the game earlier this month... they just announced the July release of it this past Friday
  18. To quote Freud "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"
  19. Now Iron Bess is getting one too? Dang you all are copycats... or, or PIRATES!
  20. Aye! That's the one I was talking about last month! It's not shorter than the MR one, it's the same length. And as I said my my post about it... if it's a knock off, it's very high quality, very um... Well, it would be like using a famous artist to copy the work of another famous artist.
  21. I had Burning Seas once from a very skanky wench....
  22. Hunting Hawk: Bloody great cutlass! I got one of those off'n the Bay of E about 6 or 7 months back. Yes! That is a very good, very top-heavy sword. I agree that you should fix that handguard problem, Me own right hand is scraped up because of it! Also, look at the blade very carefully. Mine has a hair thin fracture that makes it just a costume piece. It would literally shatter if used in stage or real combat. And before all of you wonder... yes I have more than just the last cutlass I mentioned. I currently own about 3 of them. And 7 different captain's coats. I'm... just a little obsessed.
  23. I just bought the Disney Adventures mag this weekend. The Comic is a hoot, and they say in the back of the issue that the next one (April 27th), they'll have another Jack comic. Booyah!
  24. Ah... I had to miss it due to me father-in-law passing away last week. Ryan, if ye met or saw the folks who would stop the charges long enough to have duels, then ye met me own crewe...
  25. Ah I've been looking at the champion boots on eBay... they be very loverly... All this fuss and I missed Searle's because of a funeral... arr... Ah well, I needs ta get ready for Drake's!
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