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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. Unless we're fighting the giant Pandas of the World Wildlife Fund... the WWF has not existed for about 5 years, they're the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) now. Or is it yet another confusing abbreviation?
  2. Well if you can't answer questions about that... maybe you can answer some regular Pyrates questions: Why do the Sea Marauders have a new captain? Will the SMs ever get their own island like the Skeltons and Privateers have? Why Ghosts? I've looked at the poster that comes with the shark raft and I notice that even considering the 2 new skulls, the raft, and the 4 3-figure sets... there's still a lot of missing figures... So what else is coming? Will the Privateers ever get a ship?
  3. I knew something was up when I saw the ad for the Treasure Island set and it had the PotC2 logo on it...
  4. Update: According to the Megabloks site... they don't list the raft I just bought. But it lists both Skulls and apparently they're releasing 4 packs of 3 figures. Should be interesting! But are the Privateer's ever going to get their own ship? Lets all hope that they don't go too much like their Dragons line and just release new factions every 6 months so that the cool factions are cancelled.
  5. Have any of ye seen the new wave of Pyrates? I found one tonight at the Mart of Walls. It's the Shark raft. A big Sea Marauders raft with a huge shark and 2 SM figures, and a monkey. Well a gibbon at least... Inside, the information stuff shows 2 more skull sets, these are painted gold and only have 2 figures... not 3 as previous. Also no treasure chests and only 1 skull has a cannon. I looks like the SMs have a new captain and about 6 or 8 more crew. Privateers get about 6 or so crew, and the Skeleton Crewe gets about 10 more by the look of it. But wait, there's more. The King Pyrate's map has changed, gone is the Privateer ship on it and more locations are added. And... there's a new faction. The ghost pirates, called the Lost Souls or some such. You can get the interesting Ghost Vs Skeleton in one of the new skulls. There only looks to be 4 ghosts total so it will be interesting to see what other sets they'll be releasing.
  6. hmmm, you could have an arrow pointing down and have it say: *Plunder me Booty! or else there's: *I'd rather be training cabin boys.
  7. Well, depends on what ye mean by the near future. Me lady and I will that visitin' relatives in the port O Philadelphia around September and we're only doin' that as an excuse te hit th' faire.
  8. See, I think SNL is still funny... but lately their hosts have just sucked cannonballs. And MAD TV hasn't been funny in the past 2 seasons. All the good actors are gone and Michael MacDonald just is tiresome. Frank Calliendo is gone, and Bobby Lee is a just a walking sterotype.
  9. I hated the sketch. I caught the entire episode live and I must say that Peter Sarsgaard is just not a good comedic actor at all. Plus something was just off that entire ep, from the boom mike appearing in scenes, to the SNL staffer being caught on film placing the remote control on "The unfunny hotel skit that would just not end". Sheer crap from start to finish. BTW, cutting scenes from TV shows is real piracy.
  10. Ah Searles! How I love Searles Raid with its complete lack of teenage girls dressed as Jack Sparrow. And they get to turn the little twits away too... I do prefer historical events I do... Blackwood's Buccaneer's outta Gainesville will be thar te raid the city and jollificate like it's 1699!
  11. Barbarossa is too expensive. When combined with his brother, you don't have much else to play with. And Hawkins is a waste of a card.
  12. Nay... they are actually moving at an easy pace for a company their size. Did you never play Magic or Heroclix? If sets are a success, they immediate start working on the next set or storyline. If anyone wants a kick butt pirate ship, I recommend trying to get the Gale Force Nine for only a buck. All you have to do is buy one of the Island sets and mail in the upc code with $1 to get a nice 4 mast ship that ignores terrain and allows you to explore islands without docking.
  13. Help a feller pyrate out by biddin on me eBay auction Tis a Brit auction from Spanish Main, Crimson Coast, Revolution, and Barbary Coast. Tis a bargain fer the price! And ifn this one sells, I have loads of Frenchies and Spanish Pig Dogs te sell also! Pirates of the Spanish Main British lot Ye'll be helpin me get much needed supplies fer reinactments!
  14. Well, there is Pirates of the Burning Seas which should come out sometime this year. My only gripe is that it's broadband connection only. Plus you know you have to content with idiots calling their pirates Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, etc...
  15. Gang! As of today, I went to my local Sam's Club. The "Black Sea Battle" set with both ships and the one skull island... formally $70 (the price of both ships so you get the island free)... is now a measly $27! Run, don't walk, to your local Sam's to see if they've got this awesome set for a steal! Arrr! Heck, both ships and the skull for less than the normal cost of the Sea Stalker ship? Aye!
  16. Depends... do you want accurate or folks wearing tacky spandex throwing plastic beads around in a poor man's Gasparilla? BTW, I think both Jose Gaspar and Billy Bowlegs are pretty much fictional.
  17. Excellent! I'll be sure to check out his booth this year. I can't guarantee, I'll be pyratin'... but any one feel free to say "Yarrr" to the red and black armored Mandalorian. Glad he's not the dealer from St George street. That place is a tourist trap for people who don't know how to use eBay or order for themselves.
  18. Well... I bought em because... try making islands when yer a Stay-at-home Dad with a 10 month old when yer not out ta sea... lol. And The pennants and flags all fly backwards in the movies and video games (like SM's Pirates!).
  19. LOL. No, the islands come as a set of 6 certain islands for Spanish Main (which the sticker on the bottom says "Spanish Maine") and 6 certain islands for Crimson Coast. No randomness. I was considering the forts... maybe they'll do a pack of forts to attach to the islands.
  20. I got the PC version of SM's Pirates! for Christmas and me mate has to constantly pull me away from the computer to go to bed.... lol But I was thinking back, since I played the original back in the day... There has been no actual sequel to the game. There was the original, then Pirates Gold... which was really just and update, and now this version which is still just an update. But if they were to make a sequel, what would you like to see in it? I know, I for one like how it's an "open ended" game but I always feel guilty if I don't rescue the relatives or defeat the evil bad guy Lord Montalbaun. I wouldn't mind the ability to choose your pirates look and mode of dress. Heck, a pirate coat is a cool item! I also wish you could attack and either change governors or utterly destroy the small settlements, Indian Villages, and pirate havens. Changing or adding to the Top 10 pirates would be nice. Like if you fight Rackham, you should also have to fight Bonney and Reed. How about being able to set up your own pirate haven? That would be cool. A place to store extra ships, plunder, and to bank your hard earned gold. The ability to bury your own treasure would be a neat idea too. That way if someone else digs it up, you have a reason to hunt them down for it. Oh and no more dancing. Argh some of those brats dance too fast!
  21. They do look small in those pics... but trust me... wow. I asked the shop where I bought mine if I could see them out of the box and was just floored... It sure beats the idea of making my own like I was planning on.
  22. Actually, the islands are to scale if not bigger than the one's provided in the game packs.
  23. Has anyone else seen these? I went to my local gaming store last week and was floored to find a set of 6 BEAUTIFUL painted plastic islands for Pirates of the Spanish Main. $30 for the set. Each is lovingly hand painted and has fabric on the bottom so they don't slide or scuff. Went back this week and now they also have a set for Pirates of the Crimson Coast. Just as wonderful! They appear to be done by an outside group using the license, but are still marvelous! Gale Force Nine Islands I recommend that all hard-core Pirates gamers to go set a set or both today!
  24. No Walt wasn't just about making money, he was about spying on Commies and then later eating Cuban children. Sorry, sorry... Robot Chicken joke.
  25. Arrr Matey! I be recruitin' new members fer me cap'n. We're a historical pyrate troupe with a vast and varied stage combat experience! We're based out of Gainesville, Florida but we do events all over the state. If'n yer interested, drop me a line.
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