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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. No Quarter Given's site as a pretty complete list as it is mates. No need buildin yerself a Galleon if ye can just steal (or reference) theirs.
  2. Like I've said before people... if you can't wait a mere 13 months...
  3. See I doubt Liz "wants" Jack really... although since she keeps trying to get married in every movie and it doesn't go well... My take was that Liz "was" using the compass to try to find Will, but she didn't know that he was on the Dutchman, underwater, behind where Jack was sitting.
  4. Well considering you obviously don't have anything better to do... So you must take it as a sign from above that your Dee Dee Dee is annoying everyone and step down.
  5. I'm more disapointed that Lady Seahawke and her ilk are disapointed in things that normal people liked about Potc2. Potc2 did wonderful at box office, and you CAN'T say "well people saw the movie and then were disapointed" because then how do you account for the movie lasting as long as it has? Now Miami Vice, that was a disapointment and the box office shows that. Try to cut down on your stupid giggling pirate pictures and your massively annoying epliptic seizure inducing signature, before Lady Seahawke and her fleet of too-much-time-on-her-hands-ness becomes a character in Potc3 that gets eaten by the Kraken then pooped out in small chunks to be eaten by seagulls.
  6. So the other day I was at home and the scruvy Fedex man came and dropped me off a treasure map. Well this is strange thinks I since I hadn't been at the Bay of E and I don't think me first mate had been chatting with the Amazons lately, so what could it be? The package had a terrible Roger on it and came from a well known publishing house. It twas addressed to my ship and myself. Interesting... so I tears it open and inside I find... An interesting bit o pirate humor in the form of a 2 sided book called The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists on one side and on the other The Pirates! In and Adventure with Ahab. So I sat down and read it. Boy did it make this sea dog groan and laugh and shake me head. Pretty funny stuff, some of it even required me to remember my schoolin' as a boy. In the Adventure with Scientists, the Pirate Captain (that's all they refer to him as) run afoul of Charles Darwin and are caught up in an adventure. I laughed when they named his pet bulldog Huxley (go on mates, Google Huxley and Darwin and you'll see what's funny). In the Adventure with Ahab, they keep running into the grim feller many times including in Las Vegas when they decide to go into show business. Ah good stuff indeed. Now if the book is to believed (and it might not be considering it lists about 100 other books in the series) that it was first published in Mother England a few years back and that the Adventures with Ahab had another title and it was published the year after. So maybe that's true. I don't know if it's true or not. But I think this Gideon DeFoe feller is funny if not extremely touched in the head. And I thank him or his publishing house for getting my crew's information off either the listing on the NQG website or the magazine. Glad they did.
  7. Hey, don't knock The Shaw. Plenty o lasses went head over heels for him in that movie. This was when they had real actors to play pirates and not Slashfic pirates who wear eyeshadow.
  8. And there's something called capitalization. Look into it.
  9. Well... I used to play guitar when I was back in middle school, learned some basic notes and such, but due to money my parents took me out of it. Then for Father's Day I got a nice basic acoustic guitar and since then I've relearned most of my chords and notes. Not ready to stand on streetcorners strumming fer cash, but soon... soon... I'm already pretty good with the ballad, "Hero of Canton".
  10. What pirate CCG? Potc? 7th Sea? Pirates of the (insert location here)?
  11. The swordfight was perhaps the freshest innovative concept to hit the screen in years. A swordfight is not a swordfight, a car chase is not just a carchase. The Bourne chases are always a fresh exciting visual spectacle that to compare them to say... Blue Brothers is a disservice. Yeah Potc2 was a bit long. But I think it was overall a very funny, action packed thrill ride that deserves the same, if not more respect, than the first movie. Of course that's why it's currently the Number 1 movie for 3 weeks in a row at this point.
  12. Well a real pirate would never show his true hand if he thought he could get ahead. Is it so hard to wait a year and a month for a little movie?
  13. Wow, talk about a Blast From The Past Reis! Yes, 7th Sea was a CCG and a Roleplaying game at the same time. I only collected the CCG, while I am proud to say I own every 7th Sea book released. Skull & Bones is a crappy d20 supplement not worth the paper it's printed on. Get it only if the store has it like 50% off or more. No d20 game captures piracy well at all
  14. Yeah remembering Droid Adventures is not making me feel better about Potc cartoon... Now if it's like the Clone Wars...
  15. I wouldn't call them comic books. It's a comic tale in a book, but not it's own comic book. And they... what is the term...? Blow chunks? If I recall in the first adventure the Black Pearl is still cursed. So yeah, non canon and definately written and drawn for the Lizzie Maguire age group. Plus Disney Adventures keeps getting thinner yet more expensive. Way different from when it debuted like 10-15 years ago.
  16. I wouldn't call it an Easter Egg. At the theater I was working as a pirate, I would tell people before the movie there was something at the end... then as they started to come out I would tell them... and then usually they would chew me out for making them watch something so stupid.
  17. Jack of the Caribbean? That's so Sparrow? Jack Sparrow, Homecoming Pirate? Brilliant! A cartoon... is that a theory or...? Because I know Zizzle and other outlets have had cartoony drawings of Jack. Well, here's to hoping it's a decent show like Kim Possible and not a cancelled soon show like... well Buzz Lightyear.
  18. Well Disney could take it in another direction after 3... They are known for giving the TV treatment to it's movies such as Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Timon & Pumba, or Lilo & Stitch-emon shows. So how about a live action teenage Jack Sparrow show?
  19. Eunich. But I would think Beckett doesn't like Jack on the basis of... pirate. The Potc Visual Companion and the movie refer to him as being part of the East Indian. They hated pirates because... well pirates were always raiding their ships. Remember Kidd? I love how people demand immediate answers for a movie that won't hit until next September. Instead I would rather learn about the return to Isla de la Muerta, the Hurricane, and other like events that happed between 1 and 2 that are referenced in 2.
  20. It was decent enough... My gripes was the pirates with eyeliner (yes there were one or two), the cheesy Blackbeard, the MardiGras beads in the treasure, someone was wearing a pair of modern boat shoes, the blue striped shirts...
  21. Well my group Blackwood's Buccaneers has a paid contract for performances all day on Saturday. So I'll be counting me booty.
  22. So I caught the rerun of the first episode last night on Bravo. Interesting... considering the one "pirate" act they showed in the commercials was so gawd awful. Never do your drugs before the show folks! They appear to have 2 other pirates, gals from the look of it, in the audience so maybe they'll be called up next ep or so.
  23. Did anyone else get annoyed at the event though? Kid's who tried to tell you what was historically inaccurate. Respect yer elders ya twats. People driving by and "Arrr"ing? Isn't that like driving through the Ghetto or Barrio and shouting ethnic slurs? Or my favorite... going to the 7-11 in garb to get a Slurpee... and no one having any idea that there is a pirate fest not a mile away! WTF?!
  24. I remember Beachum... you were quite drunk at the Ball. I'm waiting for my crewe to get their pics ready. Anything from Maggie?
  25. Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I had a great time this weekend!
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