Aye lass. you be right. They be more for show with a good outfit. Me Capt'n has a resource for, sandles and I be learning to go barefoot. But it be cold up here in the Northeast lass!!!
Aye lad. I found a new source of affordable boots. Go to the link below.
They're only $25.00. I ordered a pair today. I'll post when they come in.
Well there be only one thing to do when faced with a situation like this...BARKEEP!!!! A round of doubles if you please!
Happy Birthdays to yose both.
I am starting a colection of pirate related bottles. Whether they be beer, ale or liquir. I'm even colecting spices or condiments. I also have some old bottles as well as reproductions to use in me re enacting
I found an outfit that makes period type flasks. i especially like the one with the glass window in the center so ye can keep track of your ration.