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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I STILL have my nephew's old Pirate outfit and it's back up on eBay again. I NEED to get rid of this outfit to make room for the new stuff. It's just sitting here collecting dust begging to be purchased or used! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=260276740060 Someone someone someone PLEASE buy it! Pass it along to someone out there. Surely someone has a boy or girl with a size 34/36 waist needing to be outfitted! ~Lady B
  2. Tis mighty nice indeed. But I'll stick to m' paper 'n' parchment maps. ~Lady B
  3. Ahhh... th' kiddies. aye most pricy they are... swiftly rovin' through attire. ~Lady B
  4. Oh, I likes him! Can we keep 'im? Hmm? canwecanwecanwe!!! ~Lady B
  5. Well.. not a teenager, so that's tossed out... not a turtle.... that's tossed out... not a ninja... that's tossed out... Middleaged Mutant Pirate Bloke? Oy, oh, how that skirting/petticoat/jupe (whatever th' hell yo'r making) comes out nice. ~Lady B
  6. Reply t' what, Rumba? I be happy t'day. Truck is fixed! :::Dances around::: I can actually get some stuff done now! ~Lady B
  7. I was laughin' m' arse off! Incredibly well done! Kudos to the maker of this "trailer". ~Lady B
  8. 3 yards should be plenty enough, Rats. As I said, for skirting and waistband. And what ye have left can go for linen rags, quilted coat or blanket or scarf, or something else depending upon how much you have left, that is IF you have anything left. Now, Dogge. Rats is right charming in a ladies petticoat. How else is he gonna pull of a Pintel and Ragetti? ~Lady B
  9. Huzzah an' happy birthday to Will Fiddle! Hope all be well with ye, m' good man and look forward to future music provided by thee. But for now... enjoy yo'r grand day with fair carousing! ~Lady B
  10. Here's to ye, an old Pub mate! Hope all be well and may this day of yours be a blessed and blissful one! Happy Birthday, Wm Blydes! ~Lady B
  11. Oooo... good luck, Hester! Not had that done but I do so love a fire place! I love mine. Magellan loves it, too. I've got it decorated with an old style broom, my dutch ovens, some firewood in ametal holder, etc... looks rustic. Hopefully it won't be so stressful tomorrow as it was today. ~Lady B
  12. Hmm... wish I can boucan, smoke or BBQ. Oh, well. For now... it's roasting in the oven. Roasted a nice pork roast. Oooh, so juicey and tender. damn good! Roasted corn along side it. Mmmm... Tomorrow night. More of the pork. Not sure if I should have cauliflower and cheese or a sweet potatoe (roasted in the oven of course)... or baked beans (Bush's baked beans! Hello, best beans out there!). Time to go grocery shopping to get more meat. And veggies and milk and cheese. Aye, I'm a basic person with food. Wait til ye see me cook at events! Make sure you have PLENTY of stomach room! ~Lady B
  13. Awww... sounds like you have a gem there, Bo! :) Any plans for him? I'm envious of ya. ~Lady B
  14. I'll have to attest and stand along side Ransom here concerning skirts and lady like nonsense and storms... THEY DON'T MIX! And I will also confirm Ransom be a she. Great lass. Hopefully, Ransom... a drink at said tavern WITHOUT the interruption of a Midwestern Hurricane. Hahaha... well said, Avery... well said! Mental age of infant? Oh, come now. It can't be that bad. ~Lady B
  15. Who said anythin' about givin' them away, Sterling? Payment for ensuring that I don't see the gallows, mate. LMAO! Cheeky, I think it's lost lost that may be the issue. Might have to put GPS locators on the crew! :::motions to Dogge::: 'nough said. So... who's the cartographer? There ya go! Who ever is cartographer can "map" out the hotel for the crew. Imagine the brain strain of someone walking around with a compass and such, mapping out the hotel! LMAO!!! Poor Matt... wait, is that a good thing or bad thing with yo'r mom coming? Just one more to corrupt. Oooo... forgot about the sushi bar! :::kicks chops::: Mmmm.... ROTDLMAO! Now... Sterling... when you mention it's not an Olympic pool... did ye expect it to be a cube, paper thin, looking like some shimmering futuristic alien building? Oooh,... ohhh, you mean SIZE! Why do I have a feeling this is gonna be a hell of an event! Again. ~Lady B
  16. Awww... isn't that sweet of him. :) ~Lady B
  17. Thought there was a thread for this, didn't see it. Watching the Olympics, given the opportunity to see previews of the upcoming series. Looks interesting and I want to see it! ~Lady B
  18. Still haven't found it around here. Bummer. ~Lady B
  19. ahh... thank ye both! :) I pray I'll be able to view the documentary again. Maybe, if time allows. ~Lady B
  20. Tired and yawning here. Mellow and hopeful. Truck is on it's way to getting fixed, jeep is gone! ::: bawls::: had many a great memory with that old jeep. The coinage from the jeep is going towards fixing that damned truck. :::Grumbles::: But necessary for me to get around so I can get chores done and get some food and supplies. Annoyed over the weekend with my mom and aunt hounding me to get my butt down to Washington to live near them. Well, my desire is to be more by Chicago and Milwaukee. ugh... Still nothing job wise... tis a hint from God... I'm NOT suppose to be here I guess. Just taking things one day at a time. Need to see a chiropractor cause my back all up and down it is hurting. Can't do that until the truck is fixed. Some folks want me to attend some upcoming events, but those are up in the air and pending. Poor Magellan was sick today. Just the norm with me.... but staying mellow and hopeful. ~Lady B
  21. It hasn't been snapped in half by now? Wow.. I'm impressed. How's about another one just in case. ~Lady B
  22. :::whimpers:: I'm jealous, Bo! He's a beauty. What a difference a few months make! Had much troubles thus far with him? He still looks rather calm. Good God look at that tail! Long! Keep that tale long! Does good with clippers or anything else? Ehhh, sad to call a wee young thing too wild. If it was 15 and just freaking out all the damn time (seen that), well then it's understandable. Name for him yet? Adorable dog, too. And ditto with ye, Lily. Lovely pooch. Cheese? hehehe, poor thing. This his/her training & management in grace, poise and civility? OK... eventually I'll have a pic up here of Magellan soon. He's 2 yrs old now and absolutely my baby. He was a bit sick today, upchucking all over. Poor thing. Pampered him I did. ~Lady B
  23. Well, that too. :) But eager to see Dressage. Then Jumping... then the cross country. Wasn't there another equine event in there? ~Lady B
  24. ROTDLMAO! LOL... :::Still laughing::: LOL... LMAO! ::can't stop laughing::: I'll reply proper when I can stop laughing!!! ~Lady B
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