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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I believe Black Syren be lookin' fo' crew as well. Depending upon where ye live in Texas. Otherwise, she'd know some other crews to get involved with. ~Lady B
  2. Not sure where to put this but I think it deserves to be brought up. I know a couple months ago on the Point of the Cutlass forum someone had posted a call to arms for some pirates to join Extreme Home Makeover to help out with a boy who liked pirates. Didn't know the full extent of it nor the story and couldn't join in the fun cause I got that call to arms nigh a week too late! Pity. But that story was told last night and oh, how it moved me! The lad who likes pirates is named Job. He's 10 yrs old and has battled and won against Luekemia, had a double lung transplant, Wheelchair bound and continues to battle severe health issues. And he's 10! Extreme Makeover: Home Edition gave him a new home and gave him an awesome piraty room. He's even on PotC Online as Captain Job. But surely there is more that can be done! So what say ye pirates out there help to work on a fund or even some healthy trinkets (healthy as into they won't trigger some health problem) to the lad? ~Lady B
  3. {content erased and edited by the Lady} Please keep scrolling down.... ~Lady B
  4. Job hunting (again), trying to get ahold of DHS, etc. And just trying. ~Lady B
  5. Wasn't feeling well at all yesterday; ill. Feeling better but bummed. Hard to be positive with all the bad luck and curses. ~Lady B
  6. Tis cold. I'll spare ye the Weather Channel funny. I'm in no mood for it. ~Lady B
  7. Like I do every year... just wear one of my period outfits. That is IF i do something like take my sister's kids out trick or treating. Otherwise, I don't dress up. ~Lady B
  8. Another mad one, hmm? Bring 'em on! Happy belated Bday to ye, mad mate. ~Lady B
  9. Ahoy, Animal. Ye be well missed, mate! Happy belated Bday to ye, ya wild one! ~Lady B
  10. A hearty Happy Bday to ye, mate. Fine, fine job ye do. May ye at least have an enjoyable day though. ~Lady B
  11. Hmmm... well, sounds like I won't be buyin' any more MS software. And what software I'll be crossin'... I'll toss it into the waters like the Boston Tea Party! Damn them! Damn them all for ruining our bloody fun! ~Lady B
  12. At the moment, I'm pondering what to do when Elections come. Whether to put down Jack Sparrow or Optimus Prime or Queen Elizabeth 2! I honestly don't want either candidate in office! Palin is bad enough as VP, Biden is worse though! OMG, his last stupidity show was horrific! OMG, FDR getting on the TV immediately to talk about Stock Market Crash that just happened?!??! Where the Hell did this guy learn History? OMG, horrific! And he's a Politician who's under Obama to be possibly the next VP? I DON'T THINK SO!!! And Palin.... uuuh, no comment there. Seen both candidates... and knew all too well about the Clinton's too.... NONE of them this year were good enough for office. Hang on, folks! We are SOOO in for a MAJORLY bumpy ride for the next 4 years FAR worse than the last 4 with Bush! Got Gold? Got silver? Or should I quote Scar from "The Lion King" ... "Be Prepared!" ~Lady B
  13. Midday today, it dropped to $2.39 a gallon. Eastern Iowa is still higher than most places in Iowa. Even Des Moines. But, still.... I can't complain too much. A bit happier that gas is coming down. Again, I'll be even happier when it's below $2 a gallon AND STAYS THERE!!!!! Bad enough with all the crap going on here, gas doesn't need to be high. As to the Elections...Umm... perhaps I'll post that somewhere else. Ugh.... :::Shakes head:::: ~Lady B
  14. Very cool, Patrick. Aye, I'd be with MadL on the description. I'd think it would be like "Captain Midnight and the World of Tomorrow". Among other things. Hmm. I'll have to conjure something up in due time when I get time and coinage. Looking forward to more, Patrick. ~Lady B
  15. 3 events on average. 5 if I'm lucky. ~Lady B
  16. Pencils mostly. But love using charcoal. It's awesome. If I want to color them, I'll scan them in and color using adobe photoshop. Tedious and time consuming considering I don't have a Tablet and pricy prorams. But it works. I've used colored pencils before to draw and color. But last time I did that was 2003 and that was two Transformer style pictures. ehh. ~Lady B
  17. Hmmm... good question. Tis a tough one. ...... ...... ...:::Thinks::::: ....... ..... Damnit... too much I want to do. I'd be utterly bored out of my mind in just one bleedin' profession. I suppose something that utilizes conjuring ideas all the time? I'm rather good at that. Horrible about putting them into effect, but excellent in conjuring ideas. ~Lady B
  18. Hear, hear. I'll second that, Bo. Welp, lowest gas (and that's ethanol) is currently at $2.69 here in Cedar Rapids. Otherwise, Regular here is $2.79. I'm a bit happier. It's a little easier but would like to see it under $2.00 a gallon. ~Lady B
  19. LOL.... hilarious, QM. It's Bumblebee. After all, he's the one stuck with the cheesy kid or teen in almost every series out there with him in it. :) Aye, Megatron is my fav. Hello?!?! CANNON! I do so love cannons. All in all, it's a neat version, yet some Transfans are kinda iffy about it. Ooo! Ooo! Matt! Another TF fan, mate? Rock on!!! Well, I suppose a techno cowboy version with a futuristic style would be BraveStarr from the 80's. Might by steampunkish, in a couple of ways I suppose. Yes. Yes I think Patrick DID toss lighter fluid onto an ember. Hmm, wonder what you get with 18th c steampunk style/ pirate steampunk. Instead of victorian/edwardian era, more of the 17th or 18th c influence? Hmmm... ~Lady B
  20. HOUSE PARTY AT RUMBAS!!!! LOL... So.... when is the house party, girl? Granted I doubt I can attend (I do need to move out there). But hell, so many out that direction who might be able to attend. ~Lady B
  21. ::::hugs to Lily::: thoughts and many prayers to ye, Lily. ~Lady B
  22. Hope you feel better here soon, Cheeky :::hugs::: Poor lass. That sucks, Rogue Mermaid. That's no fair, either. Welp, I'm slightly cheering up. Thanks, Syren. :) :::hugs::: for the call the other day. Kinda trying to keep a positive hope and mind in all this. Time to hunt for a job that will pay. Working for nigh two months without pay does NOT help. Hence, the need to sell my stuff On the other hand.... my toe hurts!!! I think I broke it. :::whimpers;:: let's just say, my sister's couch attacked me. Ok, ok... I stubbed my baby toe against the couch by accident. IT HURTS!!! Oh, well. Just another day in the life of me. ~Lady B
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