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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Alas, not workin' for me. Oh, well. Somethin' 'bout an application had been disabled. Most likely from my end since I haven't programs compatible to the Chat Room. Oh, well. ~Lady B
  2. Mmmm... Pirate's Choice Rum! I still have a bottle of Molassas Reef unopened. And I've had some of that Pirate's Booty pupped corn, too. Good stuff. Still.. no Buccaneer Blends around here. I keep lookin' for it. FYI, I had to move this topic to the Hide since it was more about food rather than movies, TV, or the sort. ~Lady B
  3. Weather cooperated? wow. ::: stunned::: LOL.. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE th' photos thus far, Cheeky! Absolutely fabulous! And... kidnapped? By Pirates? :::Gasp:: tsk tsk.. At lest ye got a ride in a fine carriage. Better to be a Lady rather than a Wench, aye? Will be interesting to see what happens next year. But... would most definitely like to know things well before hand, instead of a week or two weeks before the event. ~Lady B
  4. ::: is counting and amused at how many people are pointing out that "The link is not working" :::: LOL

  5. I don't know, Oderless. But definitely do need somethin' for we dandy sort o' pirates to either parade around as they hit th' towne in our fancy duds. Cascabel.... ye look absolutely... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmaaahh-valous! Quite the handsome couple ye be. :::applauds::: Lawyer?!? LOL, suppose could be liken to one.. ye rob th' King of all he's got, aye? ~Lady B
  6. Ooooo.... another dandy t' join we foppish and fine pirates, aye, Oderless? T'will be a hell of a party at PiP! M' compliments to ye, Cacabel! Th' both of ye look right fine an' handsome! Very much enjoyin' th' fine attire! Classy! Very much like! :::thumbs up::: ~Lady B
  7. LMAO!!! OOOOOOHHHH MMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGE!!!!! LOL... Wonder if I can conjure up a few souls. Of Course, as long as it remains on a weekend that no other event like an NWTA event lands on and I can pull some folks away from Port Washington... maybe I can persuade some Rev War mates to ... join. We shall see. Hell, I got to find a way to get down there! :::runs out... then runs back in...:::: Oh.... wait... maybe I can borrow a couple of sheep from my uncle. ~Lady B
  8. I knew it! Hook 'll be hoverin' 'round yo'r establishment like moths to a GLOWING bug zapper! LOL And what do ye mean... ALMOST, Sam? Chocolate is just as good as rum. What makes either one better... is to COMBINE THEM! Mmmmm.... ~Lady B
  9. Plenty o' pirates who be marooned upon land. I be at least 2 - 3 days from any shoreline that is associated with an ocean or sea. And over 4 hours to th' nearest large lake that can be mistake for a sea. Again, don't feel bad, mate. At least McCool be near-bouts ye! BTW.... welcome to th' Pub! Enjoy yo'r stay here at this fine establishment. Hope it be grand comradery for ye as well as flood ye with a wealth of information that ye may be seekin'. ~Lady B
  10. My goodness, tis a very indepth insight into yorself, Kilo. Welcome to th' Pub. Hopefully ye'll find th' establishment much to yo'r liking. Plenty o' fun here and of course, more than enough information, too. Tis proper tradition that th' newcomer buys a round o' drinks for we old salts. I'll have a glass o' fine moscato d'Asti, please. A fine, mellow spirit for me this time. ~Lady B
  11. Hmmm... looks like I missed out on a brilliantly fun time. I suppose... I need to make plans to attend next year. ~Lady B
  12. Mud... dangerous... Hmm, interesting. Anyways... It's possible, Silas. Just depends upon your persona's history, family, status, nationality, etc. My encouragement... keep looking, keep researching. Truly is the only way we find out. ~Lady B
  13. True. Pirates did not wear such styles as these. Women would even be hard-pressed to wear such hairstyles, too. I don't know if they wore such styles before 1720, I haven't seen etchings that show these outrageous styles yet. Sterling or Cheeky or Mary may have found something we all missed. I think these styles were post GAoP though. There are other types of styles used that are appropriate for the GAoP for women and Ladies of Status. Here's a couple of threads already that's struck on this topic: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15677 http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15155 Enjoy. ~Lady B
  14. Hmmm.... will try a steam iron as well. I tried steaming the blank over a boiling pot and tried to reshape it after it had been "shrinking and warping". But would not stretch. I think what you need, Silas, is not just a means to reshape, but to actually block it... meaning, stretching it as it's steamed loose to once it cools, it's held into a whole new shape and perhaps I'd recommend something to keep it in place, too. Because a blank will NOT hold it's new shape without help. Been there, done that, the results were horrific. If you don't have a proper hat block (check local antique stores for the crown hat block), use two heavy board planks to flatten the blank's brims while it's being stretched. Because with the type of blank you have... it's been shaped and stretched downwards. You generally need to restretch it and reshape it. Sorry, mate. ~Lady B
  15. Ahh... a fine an' proper welcome for ye, Mistress Dobyns. Glad t' have a Gentlewoman here with we crazy lot. And, ye not be alone. There be a few fine Gentlewomen here. :) I'm sure ye've met a few of them already. So, ye be th' Wife of a Brit Captain, hmm? What regiment be he in? I'm curious. Wondering if I crossed paths with this regiment before. Surrounded? Ye poor lass! What did they do to ye?!? Mmmmm... already I'm eager t' try some of yo'r homemade Hot Chocolate. Mmmmm... If there be one thing I like better than rum and wine... it's hot chocolate!
  16. Ooooo... chocolate. Ye have me sold. I fancy a good Hot Chocolate. And sounds like ye'll fit rather well with we Ladies of metal. Join us for a fine hunt either at my plantation or one of the hunts at Sterling's Plantation. Or another hunt elsewhere where the pirate gentry be frolicking. ~Lady B
  17. Aye. I'm eager t' see images, too. I've only seen a select few on Facebook. And I mean they were a select few - a few images of a small selection of certain pirates. Generally, Just of pirates standing pretty and nothing of what the festival was all about! Action, man! I want t' see action! ~Lady B
  18. LMAO! Nay... :::tugs on Magellan's whiskers, my cat:::: now I did. ~Lady B
  19. Oh, nonononono... I know all too well what happened when Cornwallis finally overtook a port. He brought with him a particular youthful gent (among others) who spawned wild tales with his band of green men running all over the Carolina countryside! Worse... t'was those under Cornwallis who was responsible for th' death of a particular Gentleman whom which I am most incredible fond of (and it's not Hector!)... where Camden be his final resting place. Hehehehe, welcome, Ms Dobyns. Grand t' have ye here. By all means, lass... please, create a thread t' introduce yo'rself. We'll give ye a proper Pub welcome. Tis a nice place, Karadimos. Both of them. Oh, dont' mind Hook... any place with spirits of th' alcoholic kind, he'll be willin' to haunt. ~Lady B
  20. Now THERE is a right fine fabulous Renaissance Pirate! HUZZAH! Ye did incredible well there, Henry! Kudos to ye and Liam! I think ye'll set th' trend now at Ren Faires. ~Lady B
  21. One less issue that those involved with PotC4 won't have to deal with - an ever growing oil slick! Geez! Can't complain about them not wanting to be in the Caribbean for this one. Hmm... I'm curious how th' story will go though. BOOTY TRAPS- I mean, Booby Traps! Don't forget th' Booby Traps! Oh, come on! Just imagine Jack attempting ALL those same issues the Goonies went through to get to One-Eyed Willie's loot? Hehehehe. :) Fun image, isn't it? Especially Jack playing the Bones organ? Can't wait. And hope all be having fun in Hawaii with the shoot. ~Lady B
  22. I think many of us has thought about a port establishment for the likes of we devils. A couple places have been attempted yet know not how the fair - like Buccaneer Bay. But ye can come and dream here, lass. A thread we deemed for those here of a port towne for th' likes of us and our ::: clears throat::: trades: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16408 ~Lady B
  23. Hahahahaha.... Thank ye, Oderlesseye. Nothin' gets me on m' best than in th' heat of battle. Loves th' roar of th' cannons. Wait? JUST th' crusted salt? Apparently I'm not stompin' hard enough then. Hahahaha... oh, now I think that's a challenge, Oderlesseye! When next we cross paths... we shall see who best holds their rum. Aye? ~Lady B
  24. Hmmm.... Ticks, huh? I think I'd rather deal with fire ants. Glad th' lot of ye had fun. LOL, running aground at night... oh, now that's magical! LOL ~Lady B
  25. Oh, dear.. they have a pizza now (can't remember if it's Papa Johns, or papa murphy's or dominos, or where) but it's a Bacon lovers pizza! And they've dubbed those who are bacon lovers as "Bacconisours" (or something like that). LOL.. Will... I laughed... and DEFINITELY thought of ye, mate! They apparently know ye be out there... and they are doin' what they can t' satisfy yo'r desire for bacon. ~Lady B
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