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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. MerryD and I was at the parade watching it... a couple piratical floats. Then later that evening went to 3rd Street Live for Wylde Nept... an awesome Celtic band. Had some fun.... but... still... was feeling rather... distant and alone. Hope everyone enjoyed their St Paddy's Day. ~Lady B
  2. WOW!!! OK... mind has just been blown away! Bess... I SO believe you about this film! The trailer was incredibly awesome! Or should I say ... as it's being labeled now... AWE-some!!! Will be drowning in the trailer and will be looking forward to seeing the movie Memorial Weekend. ~Lady B
  3. They be all out drinking beer! Holy Mary Mother of God! Ya mean green piss water! Sterling, pray tell, you DON'T drink that shyte? I be with a couple others on this, Guinness all th' way! Course, I don't drink that stuff... tis Irish Whiskey or Irish Cream for me! :) Hopefully they 'll get there arses in here for some Irish fun! Sterling, ye be Irish? ~Lady B
  4. Can't help it, Bess. Those two gents... they get yer mind a stirrin'... wonderin' what happened that got them both where they are. And especially why th' both of them fight over a ship as though they were born from it! The imagination has been sparked, curiosity is aflame... :::Taps at her head::: Too late t' stop it now. Until I be seein' th' movie. Just... be prepared for whatever more questions I'll be asking AFTER At World's End! Tis funny about those involved in Star Trek. Went to two Star Trek conventions. Met Walter Koeing at the first one. Funny, funny gent! The stories he told. Priceless! And Terry Ferrall at the second... Terry being from Cedar Rapids, hey, Hometown girl! Was a hoot! And both conventions where here in Cedar Rapids. Never been to a Star Wars convention. Was at one Transformers convention (holy cow! NOTHING on Star Trek!). I have to say, I have more fun at the Pirate Festivals than any convention I've been at. It's GREAT t' be a pirate!!! ~Lady B
  5. Rumba... yer close enough t' Irish full blood! Ye've th' spirit! That's more than enough! Cheers, m'dear! Why thank ye, Shipwreck. Such a grand Gent ye be. And a hearty kiss back to ye, mate! ~Lady B
  6. A good day to ye, Master Hunt. And a pleasure t' meet ye. Does me an honor t' be th' first t' welcome ye to this fine establishment. B'stow upon this Lady whatever drink ye see fit. I've no particulars currently. ~Lady B
  7. Line up, gents! Time t' kiss th' piratical lasses an' women who can quite literially steal yer heart after they put a sword into yer gullet! Wish one an' all a St Paddy's Day. Ye be Irish, so state ye are and guaranteed there'll be a kiss from at least someone! :) And if yer not Irish, well... that be ok, too. Someone Irish 'll kiss ye, to be sure. Guinness, Irish Whiskey, and various other drinks for all! Come celebrate this glorious day of festivities! And if yer wonderin'... yes, gents, I've a wee bit of Irish in me. So, kiss me all ye like. I'm not taboo. ~Lady B
  8. Barbossa was in the possession of it for ten years, once he had stolen it from Jack Sparrow. Remember at the end of Dead Man's Chest he wondered what Captain Jack Sparrow had done with HIS ship? So each thinks that the Black Pearl belongs to him. I wonder though if there wasn't something before the Pearl become the Black Pearl. After all, and not sure if Bess knows much about this, in the ride, Barbossa is on the Wicked Wench. A simularity there? Did the Wench belong to Barbossa at some point in time? Speculation there, but I think there is something more underlying besides BArbossa in possession of the Pearl for those 10 years. What would ever make him attempt to mutiny Jack at the time of obtaining that gold? Perhaps I'm thinking too much into that. But, I always wonder. Attempting to connect the dots. ~Lady B
  9. I may have posted to this already, but who knows. I'm not about to search again. What I sought for years was someone who caught my eye, wasn't involved with someone else. Blue eyes are my weakness and a big plus. Someone who fancied the same things as I - reenacting or the sort, liked animals. I begged God to place upon my path someone so worth spending the rest of my life with. Someone who could not only put up with me, but put up with my family. I admit, may sound like I need rescuing (in a manner of speaking it is since God knows I have tried to get away from my family as financially possible, hasn't happened). I'm not the most spectacular person in the world when it comes to money, course, I've not made a ton, either. Why else would I be returning to college? Basically at the low point in my life and he has to be someone who is caring, who's supportive. Someone who's the light of my life. Guaranteed, if he has my attention and impressed me so to pass all my standards, then I'll be as loyal as no other could be. Someone who knows me to an extent. Someone who's willing to communicate, to talk.. and to listen. I bitch at times, I admit it. I don't want someone to toss me away thinking "oh, God, there she goes again." Cause if I don't let off steam, then it won't be a pretty sight later on. I need sympathy and understanding more than I do help. If I need help, I will ask for it. But I ALWAYS need a shoulder to cry on and arms to hold and comfort me. Cause then I can set my head straight and with someone to be that shoulder, they are also the wind for my wings to keep going. He'd be someone who is my light, my life, my wind, my fuel... he'd keep me going no matter what. Cause I want to keep going for him. I want to be the same to him as he is with me. Someone willing to have fun but not be overly obnoxious. Drink occassionally when they so see want to but not a drunk or alcoholic. Smoker, prefer not... I live with several members who are smokers and it gets to ya after a while. I prefer to smell perfume and cologne, not smoke. Will he allow me to pamper him when I can? Will he pamper me also? More importantly, is he someone who is willing to work out EVERYTHING no matter what happens? To keep those communication lines open and talk? Nothings worse than to hear dead silence. Granted there may be times where no words spoken for a while will be a good thing, but other cases, we'd have to talk. Would building a life be a joint effort? Would we grow together? But yet be individuals? What about a family? Is he willing and wanting to have kids? Will he shy away from me and keep me in the dark on his issues or mine? Finances going to be a problem? Too little going to hurt us? Not discussing out money? Or hording the money? What financial plans will there be? Will we coordinate on what home we'd want? If a disaster took away everything we had, would he isolate himself and blow me off? Or will he allow me to work with him? Can he allow me to comfort him and can he comfort me in return? Is he someone whom I can be intimate with? He'd have to be someone I am 100% comfortable with. Which is NOT easy considering all the troubles of my past and there are a lot of them. Understanding about those troubles. I'm no gorgeous or beautiful woman. I admit, I'm plump, I'm fat, chunky, whatever you want to call me. But if he is willing to love me at my size, then by God, that's wonderful. And I still won't give up on losing weight even if I may never lose it. Thin or fat, sick or healthy, young or old, I wish for him to love me as much as I love him in return. For if he is my light, then he's my happiness, my future. The one I cannot live without. And he'd be the one I thank God every day for. I'm no sexual Goddess that can perform every position of Kama Sutra, just being sensual either sporatically or old fashion would satisfy him. Sex not being everything but is something to enjoy no matter what. I don't expect perfection. I know there will be troubles. I don't expect him to be utterly perfect, but if he's got my heart then already he is prefect. Charming, sensual, charming voice, appealing, honest, humble, human, older than I am, can cook well, is fair enough with vehicles and goo dmr fix-it who wouldn't mind my helping him out, Likes the weapons of old - pistols, swords, etc Movies are not much of a problem. Likes country and various other types of music. (Rap and Elvis I can stand). Horses and horseback riding, roadtrips, fun vacations that we both can enjoy in locations we both wish to go. Surprises, one who can surprise me... and won't mind surprises in return. Tis a long list there. I know I'm leaving many things out. But that's a start. A heart is NOT something to play around with. I'm sure many of you know. I've seen far too many of my friends and family screwed over because of "love". I never wish that for myself. Same with what major problems I had in the past that still haunt me to this day... I don't want to make a mistake. I pray he's understanding of my woes. A man who can put up with me. And love me for it... Then by God, I'm a happy woman and he's got himself a VERY loyal woman in return. ~Lady B
  10. Aye, Bess. Thank ye. I admit now... from my end, the rumors have pretty much halted. ::Worships and dances around:: Nothin's MORE annoying than the rumors. Now my Barbossa eyes have been satisfied for a wee bit, I patiently await th' trailer on Monday. The images are just striking! I believe you 100% that we will be taken on the greatest thrill ride ever! They both think the Black Pearl is THEIR ship. "Mine!" "No, Mine!" I'm hoping we find out WHY th' both of them claim the Black Pearl as theirs. I'm presuming it's something that goes back even to the days of the Wicked Wench? ~Lady B
  11. I'm with you, Christine. Truly a hilarious sight! I'm ever more curious to know WHY those 2 are at the helm like that. :) The one of Barbossa talking to Elizabeth - or so it appears to me - is most interesting, too. He seems rather subdued there.. like she's the more powerful one than he is. Ahhh... NOW this better. Actually SEEING stuff. And rather patient with the trailer. ~Lady B
  12. Now... I've th' mind t' be a smart arse.. but I won't. I'll be right nice an' not play with the good man's name. Granted it's VERY, VERY temptin'! :) Welcome to th' Pub, Mr Neede. I'm sure ye've have many a welcomes already. But, what th' bleedin' hell is one more. How's 'bout somethin' t' drink, I'll let you pick out m' drink. Dropped anchor at Port Royal, have ye? Tis been a while since I was at Port Royal. I've half th' mind t' return there. God help the sour place if an' when I do. An' when I return... I'll seek our yer fine establishment for some freshments. ~Lady B
  13. Oooo, m'dear Roberts. Ye've spoken th' magical words. :::Holds out her tankard::: rum says ye? Well, luv, fill me up with whatever ya dare to give me. An' double th' pleasure, double th' fun? Ooooo, I think that can be arranged, too, luv! :) The Lady here be at yer services. Whiche'er services ye need an' desire. ~Lady B
  14. Bilgerats! Tis a pity fo' those of us stuck way out in th' boonies! ... far from those said civilized cities. Actually... th' only way it would be th' Ultimate Fan Event is t' have the cast there an' generally make it a convention. So, doesn't appear that be th' case. I'm still awaitin' THE Ultimate Fan Event(s) that make it worth spendin' $100 just to attend. All I know be this... Memorial Weekend.... I'll be at a theater wreckin' havoc on poor unsuspecting patrons who attend a theater. :::evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  15. The Holiday Inn had been less than cooperative with our event. Their management has refused to sponsor the event or provide any comps. I believe they reason that since they're so close to the event they don't need to be a sponsor or offer discounts as they'll get the business in any case. I hate to give them business, but they are RIGHT on top of the festival grounds. It's like buying gas at $2.65/gal.: I hate to do it, but I have to. And they call us pirates! soundin' more an' more like th' EICo t' me. For those who will be stayin' at hotels, will there be ANY hotel offerin' discounts to those of us involved as volunteers an' entertainment? MerryD can correct me on this, but I think she an' I - plus m' nephew - stayed at th' Country Inn an' Suites. A wee bit further... but they SO made th' stay VERY well worth it! Treated us like Kings an' Queens they did! ~Lady B
  16. ROTBDLMAO!!!!! Oh ho!! so well said!! (Wiping a tear from m'eye...) Oh, Christ... Will! Don't give ideas! Last thing we need now is PotC crossed with National Treasure! PotC crossed with The DaVinci CoDe would be far weirder! Jack would discover who the Heir is and then shag her! ~Lady B
  17. I find this highly odd if not ironic I be th' first one t' post in response to this lass. Welcome to th' Pub. Hope you enjoy the fun here. Whiskey, please. :::Holds out a tankard::: Fill th' whole bleedin' tankard with it, please. ~Lady B
  18. Aye, ya mentioned that to me that day after I posted this. Rather strange. Have we another Siren? Oh, well... Hey, how's 'bout this!?... A VERY MERRY UN-BIRTHDAY!!! ~Lady B
  19. Aye... I said it last night via th' phone an' I'll be sayin' it again now... Congrats, MerryD! First time G-mama. Now... all this new G-mama needs is a T-shirt that says "Sexy Grandma"! Lookin' forward t' pictures. ~Lady B
  20. Aye.... I'll agree with Silkie... the view is wonderful when ya still have snow an ice on the ground with the temps below 30 yet. Keep the warm images comin'! ~Lady B
  21. I'd be killed if I didn't post here a happy Bday t' MerryD. But hey.... I'd be killed nonetheless if I didn't do a bloody thing t' celebrate her bday with her. Happy Bday, MerryD. An' yes, we'll be celebratin' yer Bday one of these days (I have ALL of next week off). ~Lady B
  22. Can't forget m' Sister in Sea Crimes... the lovely an' infamous Siren! Hoist yer tankards an' raise yer voices for th' one who's voice b'gan upon this day many, many moons ago! Here's to ye, Siren.... An' plenty t' drink... ~Lady B
  23. Pirate Tales is an online role playing forum of continueously written stories. This one is specifically for pirates, about pirates, to... well, Pirates and the world! Whole lot of fun! You don't have to join to write you can read the stories as they go along. But if you want to you can jump in and join the fun! Not only is there a PotC role playing category, but there is Treasure Island, Treasure planet, Ice Pirates, Pirates Constructable Card Game and more. You can role play from the Ancient days up through the Golden Age of Piracy into the modern day and beyond into the future! You can be a historical or fantasy, a character from a novel or movie, or your own. Again, this is a role playing forum. Again you write the stories as they go. Whole lot of fun! Looking for more folks to join and play in various stories and categories. Check it out! Pirate Tales ~Lady B
  24. I don't watch Dancing with the Stars either. I don't watch TV much anyway. Well, I suppose I'll be waiting for it on YouTube. Tis when I can access it when I bloody well will get the time after a riding class. Well... Bess... just let us know when. I'll be waiting. Thanks for the update, m'dear. Greatly appreciate it. ~Lady B
  25. If ya click upon my name... you go to my profile and you see the pic... that feline there is my kitty named Magellan. Loveable and adorable kitty. 10 mos old... trying to get him use to horses (he's a long way to go) but he loves people and kids. Likes rides in the car... LOVES his salmon fancy feast... follows me around like a shadow... absolutely gorgeous cat. Silvery dark gray with golden eyes. Wish I could take him to events. He'd make a fantastic pirate pet. Move over parrot and monkey! ~Lady B
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