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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::hugs::: Thank ye. Aye... life sucks. And, I experience more problems than I do anything else. But... every time I hear "Dance" by Jo Dee Messina (I think that's who sang it)... I love it, and I say a wee prayer as I sing it, thinking of my Nephew who is having a difficult time right now. My 2 Nieces are, too, but not so much as my Nephew. I ALWAYS hope the best for them. And, if God allows, that someday I have kids of my own, I will think of this song always, too, and wish and want the best for them. Dedicated to my Nephew. And one I want to dedicate to all, also... family, friends, everyone I knew and know and will come to know... "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim Mcgraw ~Lady B
  2. Something like this... I leave to depending upon the moment. I know it drives me nuts when people believe they are Masters when they are not. It's not the belief of what you are... it is who you are and how humble you are especially in accepting that. One of many quotes I love and this I've had since childhood is: A man can face the most dangerous challenge so long as he believes he can Master it. If the moment requires you to Master the situation, whether by God or Fate, then by all means, must do what you must. But don't attempt to Master a situation when you are not called to be the Master. Back off and let the Master do their required work. I'm no Master, I know who the Master's are. And it bugs the hell out of me when people I know try to be the Masters and tell me what to do. This is where I get snappy and will tell them to bugger off as I would prefer to listen to the Master rather than someone who's just as much a Learner as I. And... a Master... they may be a Master in one area, but not in another. Some areas have no Master one can go to for help. That's something you are meant to learn and master on your own and keep to yourself. Live, learn, love, grow. ~Lady B
  3. Oh? And why be that, Saltypots? May I be so bold as to ask? ~Lady B
  4. Welcome! Ye've found no better place than th' Pub to carouse with such a fine selection of Pirates! I'll skip th' Ale... but be willing to have whiskey. I'm more in th' mood fo' that. Sit a spell, enjoy th' surroundings.... tell us tales of yo'r adventures... and more. ~Lady B
  5. From one Piratess to another.... Happy Bday to ye, Red-Handed Jill! Apologies for the belated wishes. Hope ya had a grand one nonetheless and gained the pleasures and treasures ye so desire. ~Lady B
  6. Hmmm... Honestly, I find this an issue, folks. Not at his fault, but other's fault! If he was wearing an eye patch and it was disturbing?... was it disturbing to the students or the teacher? I've seen several people who wear eye patches and as medical conditions. yes, it does attract attention cause of the lore of eye patches.... but must a teacher make a larger deal out of an eye patch??!? I don't think the inflatable was the problem... it sounds like the teacher was making more out of the eye patch that what it really was. No different than a kid coming to school wearing Captain Morgan t-shirt or a piraty belt and sash with a ruffled shirt that's barely piraty. It, a fashion statement and the poor kid was put on a negative spotlight rather than a positive spotlight. Yes, the teen was violated personally for being treated like horribly! ~Lady B
  7. I had a fairly decent weekend. A bit stressful at times mostly due to issues with other people. Was at the Iowa Horse Fair this past weekend with the Kirkwood Drill Team to perform. Did well saturday night, not so good on sunday morning. I nearly flew off my horse twice after another horses "bumped" into him. Again, issues with a couple members of the Drill Team. One of these days I'm gonna snap on their sorry arses! Bubba did well at the event, I was rather proud of him. And he's quite the looker, too. Had lots of compliments about him. Though, again, some of the other Kirkwood students I just want to deck cause they seem to treat me like some damned 13 year old who just shouldn't do a thing. But Bubba did well... minus Sunday morning where he worried me a wee bit after another horse "bumped" (ran into) him and he became a little distraught hence I nearly flew off him twice during the ride and I thought he was about to drop from under me during a circle. Again, I want to deck people cause everyone seems so damned heartless and pathetic when I'm concerned about my mount! He's my responsability and I adore this horse despite our issues. And everyone telling me rudely that he's fine nothing's wrong? Just pisses me off! I cannot believe how heartless and unsympathetic people are! Even with a colic we were suppose to check up upon who didn't belong to us... I was rather concerned and everyone else seemed to brush off the horse despite it's standing and they just wanted to quickly feed the horses so they can go eat and have a little fun... it seemed. Oh, I am just FURIOUS! Today, I hurt like hell. Having to go a week chucking LOTS of Ibuprofen to null the pain from my hips. Today, the Ibuprofen is barely working and on top of that, I'm both ill to the stomach (cause of the Ibuprofen) and depressed - from just not feeling well and the pain, the annoyance of family, still no job cause of barely no time to work, and also from heartache. I swear... every day, things pile up more and more. Hope you feel better today, Christine. Asukaru... I hear ya. On both fronts. But, I'll be more than willing to trade you... kids with annoying know-it-alls. Will.... I hope you keep that good streak. ~Lady B
  8. Welcome, deary. :::Rather unsure at the moment; keeping an eye upon th' welp::: I'll be havin' whiskey, thank ye. So... eager t' be havin' some fun 'round here? Come to th' right place for that. I also see that ye, too, have a Pirate Tales rpg. Interesting. Tell me more 'bouts it if ya don't mind. B'ware th' gents round here, m'dear. They be quite a bit t' handle. ~Lady B
  9. I've been watching the issue since the beginning and have been VERY glad that the food my cat eats is not on the recall list. So far, I personally do not know of anyone who's pet is having problems or is eating those recalled foods. Though, I know that there are people here in CR who have lost their pets and pets are in various conditions cause of the tainted food. It will be interesting what comes of this. ~Lady B
  10. Well... I'd love to do that, too! But... at current... would have to take a bleedin' miracle to be able to set foot upon that ship. And, yes, it would be wicked to have a piratess adorned in black upon the deck of the Black Pearl. But also cool for a pirate in black to be astride a Friesian. And.. again, cool for a pirate in black to be in a snow storm, surrounded by white. Many ideas... rarely an opportunity. SO can't wait for this film. I'm trying to wait patiently for it. The images from the trailer... ROCK!!! ~Lady B
  11. Oh good Lord! M' fingers, swords, pistols, and everything else is crossed, CptnJake. Hopefully the city 'll take notice swiftly. ~Lady B
  12. And Barbossa thought he was cold when he was shot back in the cave! A very cool scene/image with the frozen look. Oddly enough, I pondered that last month about donning my pirate attire and having some pictures taken of myself in the heavy snow.... black outfit in the white conditions... Oooo. Now... seeing that... FREAKY! Wish I had a black horse like a Friesian to get my picture taken on.... black pirate mounted upon a black horse. Ooooo... Anyway.... Another awesome picture of Barbossa... as always. ahhh... he IS th' grander of the pirates. ~Lady B
  13. Yup... on Sunday at Noon if it's still scheduled. Pretty awesome. Just went WAY too fast last year. Couldn't keep up... ~Lady B
  14. Well, I'll be damned! Another Bday within th' ranks of th' Fool's Gold! We be flooded with them! Tis a good thing! A very merry Happy Bday to ye, Red Bess! Aye, ye be one of a kind and a pure pleasure an' joy! I'm incredibly proud to call ye Shipmate! T' Red Bess! May God grant ye all the treasure possible in th' world! And yes... we'll be a celebratin' Bday's at Port Wash! That's a threat (or treat) and a promise... which ever way ye see's it. ~Lady B
  15. As a crew member on both ships, I think I will play with myself. No comment, Pete! A little over 2 months before Port Washington, folks! We all ready for this? Ideas all hashed out of what we want to do? Or can do? I'm game for pretty much anything. Prayers for the parade that it goes SLOW this time and last longer than 5 minutes! ~Lady B
  16. Eeekkk. Prayer you get better soon, Christine. Tis a pity, there is something going around. Had that earlier this week, too. Hope it goes away for you fast like it did for me. Never fun being sick. Me... I'm sore as hell! Riding all this week and Bubba (horse I ride often) is experiencing burn out I think. He's... just being stubborn and NOT cooperating. So, gonna have to do something. I've spoken with my instructors on some help to help loosen me up (as I am swelling at the hips cause of his damned bouncy canter) and working on his canter to help smooth it out plus get him back to being the happy horse I remember. I'd hate to see him ruined like a few of these school horses have become. He's absolutely the biggest teddy bear and sweetest horse you've ever known. Broke to ride for a kid, but not bombproof (still has a way to go for that in my opinion, several things spook him or make him uncomfortable at first). All in all, gotta get down to this after last week's week long break. I would have figured he'd be rested... but, physically, he is...mentally... he's not. Gotta do something since going to a big event in Des Moines next weekend that the Drill Team is performing at. And... don't want to botch this up. ~Lady B
  17. Stuck way away from any of th' festivities... as th' closest event would have been at least 4 hours from me... too far and I was sick anyway. But... here be somethin' from a fellow pirate who attended the Chicago event: Here's a quick post i put up on a few groups about today's event. Well, my sister and I attended the Chicago event today. It was fantastic! I convinced her to dress up so when we arrived, we were whisked past the crowds at the entrance and checked in immediately. From there, we went to the lobby area where a TV crew was taping everyone that was in pirate garb for “Good Morning America” (at least that is what we were told it was for as ABC was the sponsor for the event). After that, we headed to the theater to select our seats. About 4:00 pm, they announced our special guest – Lee Arenberg (Pintel). He spoke for a few minutes then made himself available for photographs and autographs. I got my photo taken with him and I have to say he was very gracious to all the fans there. While we were waiting for the movies to start, had a chance to look through our gift packet. They gave each person a limited edition numbered lithograph for the POTC online game. Beautiful piece! Also included is a cd-rom “Test Pass” to access the beta version of the game. While we were waiting for the movie and trailer, they held 2 costume contests. One for their employee/wait-staff and a second for those of us attending. Captain Hook won the employee contest (Judged by audience applause). Mr. Arenberg judged the rest of us. I was delighted he selected a young girl over all the adults, including an awesome Jack Sparrow (Toby Markham for those who know him). The grand prize is an “Easter Egg” on the upcoming dvd for the new movie so I think he selected a wonderful winner! A little after 5:00 pm they started the movies. It had a special introduction with Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush and Gore Verbinski. They obviously showed “Curse of the Black Pearl” first. It was great seeing it on the big screen again! Then followed the event we’d all been waiting for – the trailer for “At World’s End”. The trailer is fabulous! Some great lines from Captain Sparrow and gorgeous scenes from the upcoming movie. Made everyone anxious for May 25th to come! Sounded like a barrel of fun! ~Lady B
  18. Bein' sick these past couple days, I watched it nonetheless and was grinnin' and said "WOW" after I saw it. Aye, t'was incredible seein' it. And now... the rumors have dulled... I'm a happy camper. Kudos to th' team, Iron Bess! Thumbs up and eager t' see th' 3rd installment. Oh, an' one of my professors is a big PotC fan, too... I asked her if she saw it and she nearly flipped out of her skin in delight! Hehehe... Memorial Day weekend is marked down for Piratical fun! ~Lady B
  19. Hmmm.... having been drunk only once... but drink occassionally.... I either become rather sophisticated and mellow.... or loose & relaxed but restrained. Only one person here on the Pub has seen me totally drunk... and he's not around currently t' tell ye. ~Lady B
  20. Oooooo... KILTS!!! Irish or Scottish... a man looks damn good in a kilt! Line up, gents! Ye gots a Kilt! Post 'em!!! ~Lady B
  21. Thank ye both. Tis hard to explain but I doubt I need to explain... he was, after all, th' one I had been prayin' for for years. Time 'll tell if it was mean t' be. Horoscopes all said yes, but... I don't follow Horoscopes... I may my own path. ~Lady B
  22. Russian? Phbst! I think it will be interesting to see with ethnic background can outdrink one another. Bein' German AND Irish (with God knows what other ethnic backgrounds to me all from Europe)... I think so far... I've been able to handle my liquer and spirits QUITE well. Drunk once after having well over a dozen drinks with no hangover and the works. Perfectly fine. Ahhh.. St Paddy's Day is only but one day to have some drinking fun. Wait til MaiFest and Oktoberfest! And other drinking holidays that may be out there. ~Lady B
  23. Aye... an' amen, Christine! Especially to see ol' Barbossa back in action... can't wait! And more characters to introduce. ~Lady B
  24. Ya know... amazing what can happen within 2 months. I can ramble on and on... but I won't. Let's just say I'm hurting... deeply. I guarded myself VERY, VERY well over the years and now... I've been played a fool and whore! Aye, passion is around... but I don't look for lust nor passion. I prayed for Love. Thought I had it and was totally wrong. ~Lady B
  25. Sick t'day... so, I'm trying to recover. Not really what I need as too much is going on. Granted I somewhat enjoyed my weekend. Had some fun with MerryD. But, kinda felt like I was half there. ~Lady B
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