I feel for you - two years in a row my husband gave me nothing for Birthdays or Christmas and the third year, I decided I wasn't going to go through another sad holiday with him. So, I told him I didn't want to be married any more the day after Thanksgiving. He moved out the following week while I was on a business trip and pretty much wiped me out of everything - but I am so F*ing happy now that I am single, it makes no difference! Simply put, I thrive on attention.
Rummy baby,
Am I to understand that yer hubby, the man who suppose to be the love of your life NEVER got you B-day or Xmas or Valintines gift the entire time he lived with you? Girl, that sh*t DOESN"T FLY in this household. If you were my wife, you'd be treated as royalty....Just ask My current wife of 27 yrs. Yer ex needs to be beat to a blood stump!
Black Jack