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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Ok..I was shopping today for Christmas gifts, and I do have the occasional impulse buying habit. I always come home with something for meself. Well it is all on sale this time o year.. But I found myself thinking...nah I could use that $15- $20, $35 to buy my garb with. Now....what to buy first...
  2. 60% off sales at KOHL'S....YES!! Pillage, plunder!..well..sort of
  3. For a brief moment you see the edge of the bathtub beyond the horizon
  4. Weird for Dec...foggy, coolish, spooky weather. Feels good on the face tho!
  5. ^ Already wrapped so he won't peek lol <It always seems to snow 2 days after Christmas here. Sweedish recipie? Is it Glug? My mom makes this killer Sweedish punch! V Ever gotten caught outside and completely thoroughly soaked thru by the rain and had to go into a public place?
  6. a salad with peas
  7. Wit Eyes scratchin and grinnin sheepishly - he has stepped a bit back puttin th Cat atween he and Ransom who is still straining and cussin in his direction. Red Cat tries t calm th ragin woman wit a quick joke.. "Hay Ransom, So this mushroom walks inta a pub..." ... Ransom looks at Jenny like she had two heads and redirects some o th cussin which trails off as the joke seeps in... "and?" she says more than a little annoyed yet curious..ye ne'r know what th Cat may say at any given moment..a bit daft she be from too much rockin on th seas and Dr. Pepper that gets a lil strange when kept in oaken barrel. Jacky is still lookin quite threatenin and tense standin there havin just faced th beast as well as missing a bit o cloth from his shoulder seam due to the ricochet o Eyes shot. His eyes are a bit squinty an he looks kinda dark and menacin.. Mid joke Jenny gives him a smirk shrugs and raises an eyebrow..hopin ta snap the pirate outta it afore he do summin rash..
  8. As Eyes an RedCat were crouched matchin th map with the markins on the cabin floor, the ship rocked as if a great weight had shifted. Looking at each other both said "wot was that?"at the same time like they'd rehearsed it or summmin. "Eyes, we'd better see of th otters are ok! We needs t tell em about this anyway.." "we'll mark a trail back here." Eyes nodds emphatically, his hat bouncing about and shakes his cuffs dumping out his seemingly endless supply o sand to leave a trail through the dust and rum back to this spot. X
  9. Malty...malty... what goes well with malty? Hmm wings, fried fish in paper wrappings, cornbread?
  10. Mostly I talk for a living. Close to 8 hours a day for 6 days in a row. I'm exhausted. Was it worth it? yeppers!
  11. Charles Coburn. Too cool. There's two old movies with him that I absolutely love. 1) Especially his role as "Benjamin Dingle"in the 1943 movie The More The Merrier. 2) He also was in another great OLD movie The Devil and Miss Jones (NOT the porn flick) RedCat Jenny
  12. ^ Adventure or mystery as long as theres a bit of humor somewhere and romance mixed in is nice. Tequilla Sunrise was a great movie. Raul Julia was awesome. Plus Mel (pre weird) and Kurt hmm not bad. and it had funny stuff too. I looove stories with a twist like that as well < Never was on for short answers V Plans for New Years Eve?
  13. Creeeak!.. Red Cat turns n drops into a crouch steppin as far back inta th shadows as th clutter spread about the small space will allow. Her grip tightens on th dagger still in her hand every muscle tensed fer action, In th back o her mind she's figgerin where the map pieces be and wot other way there may be out. She's also listenin fer Jacky n th others abit worried now.. darned curiosity she thinks t herself...allus gettin th cat inta trouble.. Summin stumbles inta view and she's suddenly relieved t' see it only be her mate Oderlesseye. "Avast Eyes!" says she lowerin the dagger and tuckin in her boot once more.."Ye scared me mate!" She throws him a look o disgust f' bein so careless. "I mighta poked ye fulla holes man!" Eyes isn't payin her gripin much mind as he looks over her shoulder straining t see what she's been busy studyin. He hand her th flask and she snatches it up takin a swig. "Thank ye.. needed t' steady me nerves and clear all this bloody dust from me throat (kof koff)" She turns back and splashes a bit on the floor much to Eyes horror. Wiping away grime with the rum and a rag she points t' the floor where marking have now become apparent. "Looky here ... I knew it! these markins match that wots on th map...."
  14. ^The ocean first and foremost..But also coconut sunblock you smell on vacation, Christmas trees, florist shops, french milled soap, coffe brewing, Red Door perfume and yucca flowers. < What should I cook tonight? V Best thing you cook/bake?
  15. I loved that show when I was a lil thing... as I got older Carl Reiner cracked me up! I think he's hysterical!
  16. Welcome Crimson blade to th most piratey o pubs! I'll have a rum f' me tankard and whyn't set a spell an ave one yerself!
  17. Aye Lilly! Welcome to th' pub!
  18. Pushin her tricon back a bit an wipin th dust from her brow, RedCat began to hum a shanty to calm her excitement and dispell the nervous sensation runnin over her. Still peering thru th glass she absently reached inta th back o one boot and retrieving her dagger picked the latch with ease. Slipping through the door she closed it behind her. never seeing the reflection of the hideous thing in the newly scratched clean patch o glass..
  19. does backflips for quarters
  20. My truest prayers to her family. So sad.
  21. ^I love quirky sketch guys Rowley Birkin from the Fast Show (Genious) "Kids in the hall" Phil Hartman < Realizing why infomercials are on so late (you're so punchy it "sounds like a good idea") V Ever woke up and wondered "where AM I?"
  22. Mel Brooks
  23. Moving? Pack yer treasure n head for adventure! Good luck wi th job - house hunt and may all your friends be there t greet ye along th way! pictures woulde be grande!
  24. Red Cat has wandered further away on the sticky deck and around th bend of a stairway. She stopped frozen a moment when a muffled thump and odd cracking sound filtered towards er from where she left er mates moments ago..listenin until she heard th familiar tone of each voice. Ever the curious cat she leaned foward and with one hand brushed at th salt n dust crusting a pane o glass on the doorway before her. Coughing at th dust stirred about, Red Cat brings her stub o candle close t th smeared pane and as she cupps a hand t th glass an lookes in she could only gasp with awe at what lay beyond..
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