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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. For the first time in years I am wondering like a kid what is in me packages and hoping it's pirate stuff!!
  2. Awwwww...
  3. I feel like a warm an fuzzy Cat, Christmas is me favorite holiday!
  4. Hmmm...William, I believe plum pudding may be in order for the holiday? Perhaps some roast duck, rolls, veggies, rosemary potatos and gravy...all started with cheese, crackers and foie gras? and mayhap a crisp vintage to wash down such fine fare?
  5. All sit upon the floor an crates to ponder this new developement. Unable to take her eyes from the mountain of shiny goodies, RedCat, deep in thot, absently pulls out some of th leftover cookies an passes em about wishin sorely for drink..then remembers False Ransome's magic bottomless flask! "Oi girlie! give here! I can't think witout summat to um....wash these cookies down! yeah..that's it...just dry from th cookies.." she says with a silly grin. Oderless and Jacky chuckle and Chloe is still reachin thru the bars, the treasure juuuust a bit far outta reach.. wavin her arm about like she be swattin bugs.
  6. I find tinsel a HUGE distraction! There's never enough tinsel! This has been a standing family joke for as long as I remember heehee!
  7. proportion no matter how
  8. I write for my own amusement. Usually in my head while I'm driving to work. It's monotonous, so I let my mind wander , then jot it down shorthand and work on it when I get home. I was trying to organize my files, and came across a small piece I wrote some time ago. It's not that much, I've written better, but it was unattached to anything else so Thought I'd share - PS other than a small character bio, I have never put my stuff in "public" Though I am 42 chapters into a pirate book I have been working on for some time--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destiny The man realized he had signed his own warrant as the words escaped his lips and fell upon the Pirate Captains ears. Words that should never be spoken when he was close enough to be looking him in the eyes.. At this instant the Captain's eyes changed. Not a muscle in his face had contracted, but something moved within. As if his soul had muscle...sinew and bone ..and took shape in the cold frozen look which now filled those eyes, vacating any soul attached to a god. Death.. instead, stalked the interiors of their color....not menacing, but death .. with it's finality etched in history.... only waiting for time to catch up. The man barely drew in oxygen to replace the words that had flowed out, when with that last breath he fell dead to the deck. The Captain turned, his coat whirling behind him and walked off as calmly as if nothing had transpired at all.. replacing his cutlass in it's scabbard as his footsteps fell away on the wind. *Red Cat Jenny (J Church 2005)
  9. Not to interrupt..but I do so very much like those embroidered shoes Kudos on all the information here
  10. Patrick I want ya behind me when I'm boardin! (on the home ship that is )
  11. which is ALWAYS gone
  12. Spinach and Artichoke hearts!!?? ::passes clean out from estacy:: oi I be droolin just thinkin about it! -- hmm little chocolate moles wrapped in foil in me stocking
  13. Yes sorry, I left Mad Jack and Patrick Hand in that very nice blue checked shirt off th list .. LOL trying to picture Sylvester Stallone dressed as a pirate! YO HO Adrienne!!!!
  14. Trans Siberian Orchestra Christmas Music and my brain getting soggy from rum mm mm mmmmmmm
  15. Wit eyes wide (0) (0) RedCat begins ta bounce agin... **~GAAASP~**
  16. Considering the price of the Amalfi paper (Which is just too beautiful to pass up) at $10 a sheet, I was looking for a place in NY *land of everything* to beat the $10 shipping. I came across an aged leather journal filled with 80 (count em!) pages of authentic Amalfi paper for about $140 - $180- considering all, I think it's a much better deal and like with your kit , beter to spend for the goode stuff "This Handmade Italian Distressed Leather Journal is filled with Handmade Paper from the Amalfi Coast." Journal shopping Hey Patrick any pics of your writings from PIP?
  17. Ahh Jack, I fynde every time ye think ye've reached the bottom o the barrel...it gets a little deeper! Listenin to the crinkle and swish of me mum wrappin gifts in the other room as I'm visitin f the weekend! More decoratin woohoo! ad she makes great pancakes!
  18. Here here I agrees wit ya! Shall we add the handsome Captains Brand, Lasseter, Tar and Mister Blackjohn and Blackfoot? oh and perhaps some Sheppeys! They be cute! agh ok they're all temptin...they're PIRATES!!!
  19. sack the local port
  20. Aye Silkie! Ye look great! The last pic like ye just arrived t dig up yer plunder! Master Studley looks quite the authentic scallywag (nice shoes) and I do agree Jim Warren looks so real I'd believe he'd been marooned all these years without aging o course. Some people just fit into the look altogether. Huzzah to all here ye look grande!
  21. Nay Chloe..we could put em in two's!
  22. at least it's Captain
  23. Patrick, I think you have it pretty well thought out as usual. I would think if the deck was crowded with people fighting, fast and easy would come to mind for someone smaller. I wouldn't want to be standing still and aiming. I'd take a brace of pistols, a cutlass and more than one knife hid about. Oh and possibly one of those clay grenades..just to even the numbers a bit if possible. I'd also expect /hope for the gunners to take out as many as they could from aloft or the cannon first.
  24. I never have that problem..... I just look at the pictures....... I just wish they didn't put the staples right in the models bellybutton tho....... :angry: heehee Oh Patrick...
  25. I am sensing a theme here ... Oh and I think I'm going to the Kate's for lunch and Jack's place for dinner...unhhhh Raspberries and chocolate! aaand mole!!! *sigh* :angry:
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