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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. The door creaks slowly open as the ragged pirate crew walk back in nearly trippin over each other as they remember the treasure map and the marks on the floor..
  2. Aye... There's the fun of it!
  3. Awwwww Saltypots!!!! I been waitin t see what yer answer would be t such a gallant suitor! *sniff* ye makin this pirate go all mushy Congratulations to you both !!~ May your days together number many and countless in happiness! *sniff* RedCat
  4. was for lilly livered
  5. Red Cat slung over a yardarm above, manages t' trail th sweet sticky bucket quite a distance from where Eyes an Jacky be. The spider is followin it with a greedy look in it's eight eyes....or at leat th ones that not be wooden.. She brings th bucket t rest around a corner an the spider set's t swillin the cooky rum souffle.. makin happy hungry spider sounds. Chloe an Ransom duck below th rail to hide their laughter at the comical sight of a swillin spider an Jacky swingin back towards the deck hangin on t' Eyes nearly by th scruff.. sommat like a pirate circus act. Eyes wears a wide drunken grin an is still clutchin a cup in one hand. Jacky looks between nervous and annoyed swingin about so. As he dropps Oderless t th deck all look over an the spidey be sount alseep wi it's chin in th bucket. Whew! Red Cat climbs down an drops t th deck with Cat aplomb an gives both men a squeeze. Grinnin at each in turn."OK now mates.....ewww Eyes, ye be all sticky!..shall we head for the promise o riches now!? Me pockets need fillin!...and I'm witout drink fer too long!" Eyes hold out th cup he's been totin.."um...no ofense lad, but I'll wait..that spider cup be a bit dusty n sticky fer me...un....thanks jst th same tho." Eyes just shrugs, throws down the last of it an chucks the cup to the deck with a smile. JAcky rolls his eyes and everyone heads back towards th door to below decks.
  6. Siren an Blackfoot!! In th flesh! Whar ye been? Singapore? Th spice islands? I was beginnin t' wonder if ye been in irons sommeres! Bring yer scurrilous selves o'er here an have one r two on me pocket! Captain Bo seems yer infamy is well known about these parts! So I'll welcome ye back an haloo says I. If ye be buyin, an ale would be fyne! Second round is on The Red Cat !
  7. Aye, she is a beauty to behold
  8. "hmmm...Ransom ye has a point.." Red Cat thinks fer a second or two mumblin t herself an pacin about "ok plan B, if'n thar be a cargo net in th hold, we can fasten it t the ship, throw it over th beast when it's busy sippin and then swing it out over th cavern.."
  9. Glad you liked it! LOL
  10. I love these stories! I only wish we were sittin about a table sharin a drink over em! They are GREAT! keep em coming! You have all inspired me to getout there and garner some odd looks for meself!
  11. Aye, I be like poor ole Bob Cratchit. well maye not THAT poor, but I could sure use some more o the shiny stuff. However, I reminded meself what Christmas be.. and having friends and family is nice on the holidays. specially cause they're more amusing with a few drinks lol. I have handmade a bunch o cards and gifts this year. It's been fun actually ..hadn't done it in awhile.
  12. I'm wontin some none too sweet Blueberry pie.. the kind with a nice crisp flaky crust..heated through and served with vanilla ice cream...mmmmmmmm ooh and coffee
  13. *sigh* Alls I got is a little paper boat I'm in the market as it were....
  14. Yes this year is mostly best forgotten for some. However it brought me here to ye fyne folk and for that..I am grateful. I look forward at 2007 with a slightly crazed and highly unpredictable sparkle of anticipation in me eyes..and a wide mad grin on me lips. Sail on I say! Damn th weather!
  15. WOW Matt..snow in AZ is as rare as rain. Depending on what part o course. I lived in Phoenix for two years. Lizards, prairie dogs, sand devils, and a mud storm which I shall not forget. Mostly it was nice tho. And Oranges an Lemons all over th place. Here this AM its sorta warm, but the distinct smell of snow is in the air.
  16. The others ponder the idea and think it sounds goode. After all there is the map and hopefully treasure waitin. Red Cat steps forward an empties th rest o Eyes flask inna th bucket which Jacky has managed to just about fill. "Jacky, mayhap Chloe an Ransom should stand at th rail wi pistols an torches is case ye need backup an ye can swing down on the second rope which I has tied here t th mast. " Testing the strength of the sticky thread Red Cat adds.. I'll take the ride 1/2 way wi th bucket and if there be trouble ..douse th thing wi rum an they kin toss a torch at it." She pauses for te idea to sink in as Jacky rubs his chin in thought. . ..."Ye know..spider flambe.. kinda like th fruitcake..bet it'll smell right awful tho" Ransom an Chloe exchange looks and snicker rememberin the fruity flaming scene in th pub earlier.
  17. A grande picture ye paint! Enjoy your new home in a reasonable climate. Good for you for escaping the icy grip o the North! Jes wondered where some o ye be. Happy Holidays and stuff
  18. Th' Cat havin calmed down...a bit.. has been sittin on a bucket in th corner o' th deck a thinkin....hmmmmm..she repeately tosses her dagger inta th rail while mulling th best plan o action and listenin to th ideas o th others... Finally she stands up takin a well needed stretch and leans back agin the rail she's been perforating. Diggin summin outta th sole of her boot with the dagger, not lookin up ,she declares "Well we need ta be doin summin! Let's fill this bucket wi rum and lower it over to the tunnel .. near th edge. Then we kin come from behind an jest kick the thing off th cliff once it be goode an drunk. It's a spider, it'll ketch itself sommere on th way down.. or mebbe it'll jes pass out n we kin fetch Eyes quietly. She tucks th dagger back in her boot..and squints up at th others.."Wha'd ye say mates?"
  19. "Arrrr!" The Red Cat is grumblin and glarin down at the cavern. She's silently grateful for Jacky grabbin her protectively - stopped her from doin some impulsive crazy thing which she has the occasional penchant for. His arms do feel kinda nice..she's still grumblin and has naught put away dagger or cutlass.. but begins to come a bit more to her senses. She's thinkin a trap may be the way to go.....
  20. The thread goes slack an thefalling light o th torch dims just in time t' reveal whar the stinkin creature crept to... Red Cat alights a piece o the broken chair leg which has soaked up some Rum from the deck. The wood erupts like a torch almost crispin th Cat. She tosses it over the side and the gather at th rail . The flickering wood casts shadow of spider legs just inside a crevice... "Look" someone shouts thar it be! Red Cat's already lookin up into the rigging...hmmmmmm
  21. You have something with him that she doesn't.... a history. This can sometimes be a powerful ally - good luck! === Do I know what I want? - Oh yes...veeery clearly. I know juuust what I want.
  22. What happened to PirateSSe, Hester, Blue Mermaid and Blackfoot? anyone?
  23. "Ohhhh no ye don't! "Red Cat yells "Ye don't know who ye be dealin wi!" She leaps t' th rail and grabs the trailin silk wrappin it about th capstan. Calls f th others t help reel in the creature. Cat overhands one o the torches intp th abyss so's they can see the spider. The three remaining pirates join in the pullin while Red Cat peers over and shouts "put yer backs into it!" "It's workin!" She grabs th bag o cookies from her coat and waves it o'er th rail chummin the air with the scent o sugary confection. The spider is makin sniffin noises and slows it's descent..as if helplessly tempted by the treats...and the extra pirates..
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