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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. RedCat looks at the bushel o numbers..with LATTERS MIXED IN!! ....looks at Oderlesseye ::blink..blink:: looks at th numbers again.... ....looks at Jacky with wide eyes :blink, blink:: ... then flopps over backward n passes out from brain overload.."thump!" displacin bits o sand as she lands
  2. I wonder if they would survive in a salt water aquarium? Although given what an algae bloom can do in one...probably a bad idea..
  3. ^ Any and all - I have a very small family left < Made great garlic bread today. Using extra toothpaste tonight V Wierdest place (as in location) you have ever brushed your teeth, washed your hair or shaved ? (Again place-not body part!)
  4. Throws down a nekkid freak and a bbq ribs and picks up one Icy cold Jello shot...pulls a bottom card from th deck ..OOh! late night hammock for two on a beach! ..v e r y late...I'll keep that one!
  5. Callenish, I hope this finds ye well! Seems many of us missed it this year.. looking forward t next n seein ye there (if not somewhere sooner) Take care o yer health first - so ye can enjoy all there is t enjoy!
  6. Hm..in my pockets (so's I don't have ta count em in) Butterscotch candies..or Butter Rum lifesavers (my gramma always had em - think she was part pyrate hmm)
  7. After PIP comments...eh?...eh????
  8. hmm pirate match . com "Toothsome wench seeks blind, rich, mercury free pirate with crow's nest. Add a point if it's yer ship. Interests are-
  9. I was doing my old "2 phone books on top of the stepstool, on the porch" to hang Christmas lights on the arbor, and found myself trying to picture the whole thing including my perch swaying like a mast at sea.. was a nice daydream for a moment an I'm teachin me wee nephews t speak Pirate!
  10. Well I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Happy Holidays!
  11. Personally I can't stand all the cute little animations of bodily fluids lately, I mean really I may be eatin dinner! Now there's a nose one,,,,UGH ::heads to th rail:: And I agree with you on the drug ads..inbetween parts of yer favorite holiday special are 1001 ways you can contract horrible side effects of medicine you need? I am not discounting medication or proper medical care - I'm all for it but this is torture - that and car ads... what ever happened to Joe Isuzu?
  12. at dice with her
  13. RedCat plops down cross legged on the freshly mopped, yet somehow still sandy floor turnin th pieces this way n tha.. She scratches her head in thought and then addresses th group.. "Mayhap one is upside down? I dunna know abou th nummers..ne'r wuz too goode in geomertrickery ...buuut" ...she turns one edge agin t' other revealing a ship drawing..or most o one.. theres a scrap missin which shows the rest o th name "Hmmmm (The Flyin..) Ok start guessin! who know's th name? We'll get th picture clue if'n ye cn figger out th nummers there...." Eyes! EYYYYEEES!!!! Whar ye be?! Oi he's allus wanderin off summere no wunner e' got marooned probably jest got lost O..D..E..R..L..E..S..S..EEEEEYEEEE!!!! Whar be th other small scrapp ye had?
  14. Wrings out hat over Matt's lap... sorry lad.. hmm mayhap ye needs them yer breeches be soaky!
  15. Don't ferget th gold teeth lass.... Christmas Gold! oh an sorry about th puddle........ :: GRIN ::
  16. Smiles gently at his awkward but sincere bow.."T'was indeed my pleasure Captain!"
  17. Mee too mee tooo! ::Waves hand in air wincing from the pain:: Ow!
  18. Ah.. right ... well best o luck to ye pirate! Hopin ye plunder love! or at least fun!
  19. ^ Slaps head and replies slowly with resign...ughhh ....yes I'm a idiot! < Barefoot whenever possible. Takes shoes off at work, in the car.. Hikers in the winter but shoppin for piratey boots this year V When we was lil my bro used to climb up on the washer and call the operator to say hi..he was a cute lik tyke and lucked out most of the time.. I met a guy once on a wrong number (one digit off from my boyfriend) Ever had a conversation with a wrong phone number?VV
  20. ::Looks down at self:: "BY GUMMY YER RIGHT!!!" Hey Mon! I be frosty th fearsome Jamaican~Pirate snow woman!" knew I was missin a "wo" somewhere... "Oi! Gilligan lad ! Stop all that laughin! Ye sound like a hyeeeena!"
  21. Recoverin in a jiffy at the sight o all 3 pieces - the soda drained from her boots and tricorn RedCat joins th others.... a strangers voice is heard (eh?)
  22. THis is a vid from last year. You may have seen it..if not watch it...let the WHOLE thing play..it's incredibly creative and you'll never look at xmas lights in quite the same way.. From my past work experience, I'd say this is someone who programs theatrical and stage lighting for a living and had the time and access to the gear, it's also a great piece of music,. The downloaded mpg is better I have it if u want an email.. Christmas House Enoy! RCJ
  23. "Hey Mon! I be frosty th fearsome Jamaican~Pirate snowman!" - me..As inspired by Jacky Tar Thanks Jacky! LOL
  24. Laughing completely charmed by the kids reaction to Stirling...how coyld they help it? Life through a childs eyes can just make so much sense when not soaked through with the rediculousness of mature thinking.. A toast to you Pirate Sir! Duh moments and all....
  25. Mad Jack's brain shrinking from the boring teleconference..I hand him a headset with some better things t listen to.. "you know...you COULD be at a pen convention.."ack!
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