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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. much to the surprise of
  2. ^ Very nice wee Bess.. A man's feet must be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. ~ George Santayana
  3. Well here in the part 'o' NY which sticks out into the ocean..it's too damn cold! Snow mix tomorrow AM..brrrrr I need palm trees, sunblock, sand in my lunch and the sound of waves :)
  4. ^ Non-contact - sailing Contact? Good old in your face ice hockey woooh! < I spent too much today..oh well I'll just bring my lunch to work for a while V Best gift you ever recieved?
  5. Some video of their tests would be interesting..
  6. “Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates” ~Mark Twain~
  7. Hold that thought MadMatt, I'll be right over
  8. They are quite nice! One on my birthday wish list f'sure! Ok Ok Ok Ok swept the side porch, cleaned the windows, put up some lights, need bulbs. batteries, extension cord, rum, gifts, a wreath, rum, christmas card list, foil pans, fruit, brown sugar, rum, where is the ^&($# snow shovel? heck where's the rum?
  9. the same cabin boy
  10. Shaking off th blush at Eye's comment.. One o those little "think bubbles" appears over Cat's head..hmm.. she thinks, ::could Oderless have figured the significance o his bejewled tankard?...::
  11. ^ 16, mini buds - ice cold - in the rafters of my brother's oh so cute friend's detached garage....ahh youth... < Bought a new printer..it's still in the box, put up xmas lights instead. V Favorite condiment?
  12. ^ This little local place by my house in AZ when I was little..there was this ride "the whip" I'm sure it was tame (I was 5) but it was the agonizinly slow anticipation they dragged you through wating to be flung around the corner at either end that somehow has translated into my childish zeal in adult life! LOL < Matt, no Tuna Apple casserole? V Accidentally, hit, bowled over , smacked, or crashed into someone (without a vehicle) ?
  13. A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. ~ George William Curtis
  14. Hmmm..A Winter Pirate....one tha can keep me warm as the Caribbean tho I be in th frozen NorthEast!
  15. Would that be Spam, Spam, Turkey and Spam? With a Guiness O Course...
  16. Gladly accepting Saltypots extra wish, Jenny closes her eyes, concentrates with her whole self and makes that wish....again Thankee Salty!
  17. ^ That's a tough one so I'll say anything that doesn't make me cringe! < 1) Morgan yer welcome!, 2) Hope's Jack and Janelle come back with many "telling" pictures of piracy aboard their cruise V Worst "shoot me now this is soo bad" movie you have ever seen? (I gotta say "Dune" was up there)
  18. Simply weigh down? My dog likes to weigh down anything I'm doing if he can reach it...he's an incredible bed hog as well! Oh and for a dog he has a helthy appetite for string, styrofom and tinsel....luckily he's adorable..
  19. Large, feathered, bejeweled Captain's
  20. "Don't get yer breeches 'n' a twist!" she laughs t' Eyes who suddenly lookes pale as th sand still spillin from various parts of 'is garb each tyme he moves....There be no undead monkeys whar this come from..Just fruity sheep! ...as a metter o' fact...Mr. Oderless..."Red Cat fixes the pale pirate wi a smirk.."Jes ow did th sand be gettin in me cleavage?Ye been leanin a bit close there !" Laughing suddenly at the comment and Eye's innocently shocked expression, Jane spits a piece o fruit which narrowly misses Ransom's locks across th pub.. everyone pauses for second..... a Parrot squaks...... "Ahem!" turnin back to th matter at hand "and by th way th map is "Hecho in Peru! Land o sheep!" A Spanish swear is heard from the kitchen..could Inigo still be here? "Now lessee.. this X be lookin familiar.. I think there's a clue in the bottom right corner.. Red Cat turns ta Jacky, who still has his steadying hand on her shoulder and it seems th bouncin has teporarily transferred to him...making the Cat giggle and jingle..Jacky, ye has goode eyes..What d' ye see?"
  21. WOW! Thanks! I love this kind of stuff!
  22. Wall, not passin another birthday till the year turns (January) but thinkin despite part of this year falling into the "sucked" category.. I did have some goode fun at work, I have a new Niece, and have discovered all ye Pirates and Privateers here at the pub. This has the makings for a great 07! I plan to fill the new year with all things Pirate! A toast to new possibilities and goode fortunes for all Now if my car will just hold out thru the winter.....
  23. ^ GOF has some goode info on his site here Jas Townsend has a pricey fur felt blank I know there are cheaper ones avail, check the threads in Twill, I believe you will find more there < Slowly realizing Capt Stirling shares her fondness for raw cookie and biscuit dough..it's a rare indulgance tho.. She already shares a fondness for Key Lime with BlackJohn VFavorite dessert item?
  24. Ah! RedCat bounces over t' CrazyChloe who's swattin at Eyes as he keeps leanin over her shoulder.. That be 1/2 the map! T'was buried in the sheep shaped fruitcake! Goode thing 'twas etched in tin! Hmm perhaps burnt ashy fruitcake is an improvement over it's usual sticky rubbery consistency? She calls out t' Ray.. oi! we be needin some Brandies n Ale O'er here!
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