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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny
Well I'll take it ifshe doesn't want it...you KNOW one day it'll be beachfront property....OOh did just say that? jok!
Tosses in one more chip....worth flamin Tequilla shots! an a free straw hat with a big bright Ostrich feather..Ole~
Aye Scrounger! I knew we could count on ye! Whar ye been?
due to his cheating
A secret none knew until now is tha Th' Cat looooves Dr. Pepper! She was watchin Ray fill th tankard just outta reach and plannin a mad dash to snatch up the foamy dark treat ...but stopped short as Eyes tossed a 'nother section o th map in wi th lot. She shoots Jacky , Ransom and Jane a look of excitement whch they miss as they look down at the carmel colored tide rising about their boots (eh erhhh ah ..or shoes) soon foam is flying everywhar and Eyes is gettin nervous! Can he not swim? Ain't good t' be a pirate what canna swim! but then again this ain't th briny neither.... The problem wi Dr. Pepper is it makes RedCat Tipsy...she begins to play merrily in the foam splashing about and creating a fleet of sudsy sea sheep.."I am now Commodore she gasps between breathless chuckles" Commodore of the sudsy sea sheep!" Eye's c'mere! I'll make lil horns wi yer hair heehee! wooogh! Whee! prepare t' be boarded! oiIIIIIIII!!!!!! Th foam and sody have reached high enuf t spill out th place Scooping up th map pieces she dissappears beneath the Dr.pepper and floats laughing out th window t land in a sopping, giddy heap on the porch wi th others...
I'll see yer nekkid freaks (or cover me eyes with me hat if they be too freaky) and raise ye snorkelin, bbq ribs and an open swim up bar!
Wow he bought you a whole STATE? what a great prize!
Grilled please, on a open flame with just a bit o marinade...and rice
^ Mostly yes, not for lack of ideas or dreams, just funds. <Mmmm fleece is sooo warm....(well I said I was bored..lol) V To me money is like a ring of keys - To unlock doors to new places and experiences. Natch I don't have much *sigh* Though I have learned to save.If I had it, I would do all the altruistic things of course - then I'd spend my life seeing and meeting the rest of the world. VSave it or spend it?
First of all - Happiest o birthdays! early. Secondly there's Captain Jack's Pirate Hats - who make a fine hat based in the US and Jas Townsend who is also US based. I don't think they can serve ye by the 16th tho. You could chek in with the Sheppey Pirates site-They're on yer side o the drink They may be able t point ye in th right direction. Just keep in mind the right hat is worth the wait. I'm hopin t get mine by me own birthday! - Good luck let us know how ye do!
lost her knickers in
"I say a spit on th palm n four way handshake outta do right by us (yer own palm that is n nuthin fancy eh?) Equal shares f equal partners? Fleas n all? Aye?"
"Hey Mon! I be frosty th fearsome Jamaican~Pirate snowman!"
Red Cat leans in closer to the piece o tin she's been examinin..then fixes Jacky wi big dark eyes which have a hint of danger and excitement.. "walll Jacky, I found wot I been seekin..ere!" She points a finger at the image on the tin rubbing a bit more soot off. She stops t rub her nose which is now smudged with the stuff.. " I believe I ha seen the rest o this image on summin... t' should be one more piece o this map" Glancing around again she lowers her voice so's only Jacky cn hear.."Now I doesn't mind sharin wi those we cn trust sir... we WILL need help diggin it up..and th tankard is necessary cause it contains a hidden item necessary once we locates the plunder!"After placin the cream aside at his advice.. Red Cat downs her martini in one gulp n looks Jacky in the eyes once again.. "What say ye?"
Red Cat Jenny comes inna th pub out of the frosty air stompin her feet loudly t' get warm... She's bundled in a great coat, many weapons, a scarf and tricorn and bits o soot. Her hair windblown and tangled as dreadlocks wi bits o frost. "Oi! a newcomer! " she saunters o'er his way and leans in fer a closer look...a bit intimidated he leans back slightly.. In a voice barely a whisper she says "ye got summin what jingles in those pockets o yers? "T'aint no need t fear me lad!" She says grinning n enjoying his reaction..realizing what she probably looks like after a wild day of fightin and pillagin at sea... "We're all mates here!" says she.. clapping a hand t his shoulder in a friendly piratey manner. She draws her cutlass and waves it dramatically in th direction o the room " Welcome t' the pub! I'll have a Mexican Coffee t' take th chill off whilst ye tells me summin about yerself Mr. Gilligan" Stabbin the cutlass inta th' deckin The Cat sets on a nearby stool leanin it back again th bar. Taking a deep draught o the hot drink she raises her tankard to the newcomer.. "Sooo...er...ever been marooned?"
RedCat Jenny settles on a barstool hookin one booted foot over the rung Inbetween munches o pizza she's studying summin closely... "Ray.." she starts not taking her squint away from the item guarded by one arm "nuthin fancy fer me, just a plain ol Martini..painfully dry if ye please..thankee!" She brushes some soot and burnt crumbs offa the item and her eyes grow big as saucers o milk..just fer a moment...regaining her composure she glances about th pub and tries t' decide whar she's seen th other half o the image which had been hidden by greasy black fruity soot....
^Dark chocolate! Dark chocolate! ..did I say DARK CHOCOLATE? with raspberries....mmmmmmmmmmm siiinfull and a cognac...yes! < ::Hands Lilith a kleenex or two:: My shoulder is almost healed..gosh you never realize how much you use your right hand until you spend a few days trying not to V Ever have a memorable "moment of clarity?"
Yesterday I decked the halls and everything else that was standing still.. today? I am on the floor having a tantrum after reading Hurricanes post ^just kidding - glad u all are having a great time and eagerly awaiting pics
A jug of tattoo?! - Party at Ransom's house!!!! - Well 2006 seems ta be wrappin up slighly better n planned. although getting to PIP would have capped it.. however, I am grateful for my new friends here and all the laughs and interesting reading. Ransom, I be gettin together me kit so you (n you others like Rusty) do th same an we'll paint every port we put into red!! Woohoo! I look forward to 2007 with hopeful eyes and wish everyone good fortunes early!
Ingredients on th can : Spammers reconstituted in sea water heh heh
deceipt and revenge for
tea tankard and told
The pungent yet tasty smell o garlic surrounds all... Eye's eyes start t' water.. Red Cat grabs a hot buttery slice o garlicky bread "MMMmmm!" She declares! grinnin with a bit of butter runnin down one cheek.... "This'll do th trick I believe..Ye just gotta give it a minute.."They all stare and after a second or two the tiny terrors be walkin the plank and makin a bee line fer the door. "Take that ye scaberous dog chewers!" she shouts waving a slice o pizza over the retreatin line.. "Ray, GIN!....gin would be lovely wi this! The Cat quickly passes around the yummy aromatic goodies Ray has prepared careful t' keep the chafing pots away from Ransom lest she burst inta early fireworks.. Jacky will ya bring yer coconut scented, flake covered self o'er here n hand me a napkin r two? I think there be some left o'er from Halloween. Then mayhaps ye best be handin Ransom a few t sop up the rest o the Rum afor she become stuck ta summin from th sugar?
People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them. ~James A. Baldwin
"Fleas! Fleas Navidad! " "Aaaaccckkkk!!" Red Cat begins t' run about t' pub in an itchy panic.. knockin over a snowman figure who's head falls off and rolls across th floor scarinn th dogs..They jump up scratchin as well n make fer the door almost knockin Eyes over as they dash between his knees. One grabs a mouthful o snowman as he runs by leaving stuffin flyin about in th fray.. She's cursin n wavin er arms about. "Ray! do summin! eeeep!".. Jacky looks like he's just been snowed upon as the stuffin flakes land on his self.... All five pirates look ta be doin a maniacal jig from th itchin