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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Here are some gorgeous chromolithographs dated 1910, from the National Library of France, showing artist impressions of what the year 2000 would be like. (Lots of flying cars...) http://instructabless.blogspot.com/2007_09...01_archive.html Original source: http://expositions.bnf.fr/utopie/feuill/index.htm
  2. "I am a mermaid But I've sold my voice For a bottle of gin 'Cause I can't swim And I sure don't want to float!"
  3. My local $ store had a pirate playset, with two plastic "Action Figure" pirates, a desert island and a raft with a Jolly Roger. I considered buying it, then felt too silly & shy. When I decided to brave the embarrassment and went back to buy it -- they were sold out! Sigh! Fortune does indeed favour the bold! Next time, I won't hesitate!
  4. Oooo... Robert Carlyle in pirate garb! Nice bit o'rough that would be!
  5. Scrambled eggs with mock crab & cheese Construction down the road Shirley the hairdresser Allen, who has a new e-mail address Addendum: One thing I DID today: Got my bangs trimmed.
  6. Fishnet (Stockings) http://youtube.com/watch?v=gi46pd7iHWo
  7. I wish I could convince my sister of that philosophy, Silkie!
  8. Just came back from getting my bangs trimmed. I'm feeling very intrepid, because my regular hairdresser is out of town, and I bravely went to someone new who happens to have a shop close to my house. Whew! My newly-trimmed bangs are even and not too short! Hurray!
  9. unproductive
  10. Hi, Lady B. (sorry to hear about your work hassles). Oh, I was just waiting for Mr. H. to come home and take me out to dinner. We had a lovely meal at one of our favourite Thai restaurants. So this morning, I'm feeling rather... replete!
  11. Printing out English Country Dancing posters. I hope my ink cartridge holds out!
  12. Bidding drunkenly on eBay -- and winning!
  13. About to watch the 2nd half of The Andromeda Strain.
  14. Hot & humid yesterday; breezy, sunny & cool today. It's hard to know what to wear!
  15. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Okay, I have a very long list of favourite pubs, and I can keep this up for a very long time! (Until someone else changes the topic!) Another of my favourites in Britain is the White Hart in Arundel, in southern England. After a long delay picking up our rental car at Heathrow, we arrived in Arundel around supper time. Too late to tour the castle, but this pub was warm and welcoming and cozy. Very soothing after a hectic day and a rather scary drive on the "wrong" side of the road. I had the salmon. It was delicious! < All dressed up with 2 hours to kill before my "date". V Pass the Q -- describe your favourite pub!
  16. Mock crab quesadillas & coleslaw
  17. Mats, I'm not sure what I envy more-- your access to this artisanal rum, or your lovely seashore! Great photos -- very atmospheric! Rum & barnacles -- nothing more piratey than that! My husband once brought me home a hermit crab in a jar of seawater, after visiting the west coast. Such a sweet, romantic gesture! But the poor thing smelt very bad when it died a few days later.
  18. Hope you've had a good meal and are feeling recovered today, Lady B. My whine today: My bloody toaster broke! I only bought it a couple months ago, to replace one that I'd had for more than 10 years. I was doing some spring cleaning last week, and I upended the new toaster over the garbage bin and shook it and gave it a couple bangs to knock the crumbs out of it. Apparently, it was too 'delicate' for such treatment. On the weekend, I tried to make toast, and it came out uncooked on one side and half-burnt on the other. So, I turned the toaster on and looked inside, and only half of the coils were lighting up. So, I had to junk the toaster (didn't even have the receipt anymore). And I've been eating cookies for breakfast ever since.
  19. Fresh raspberries Lots more loot in the post! Mr. H. (briefly) Dorothy (I need to send her a card)
  20. Not cooking -- going out for a romantic Thai dinner!
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