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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Premature Victoria Day fireworks (apparently they're trying to beat the rain)
  2. Frozen strawberry daiquiri mix & brandy (ran outa rum). Tastes surprisingly nice! Why is the rum always gone?
  3. Tad drunk. Best wishes for good results and relief from your worries, Merry.
  4. Traditional English Pub Fare -- with garlic? Last night, we went out to dinner at a nice English pub. I ordered the "Stuffed Yorkshire Pudding" with roast beef, gravy with carmelized onions, mashed potatoes, and veggies. The "veggies" turned out to be green beans saute'ed with minced garlic! While I must admit they were tasty, there are at least 5 reasons I need to whine about this menu item: 1) Garlic just isn't really part of traditional English fare, and it certainly doesn't belong alongside Yorkshire pudding! (My Yorkshire grandmother would be spinning in her grave at the thought!) 2) The garlic was really unnecessary in this dish, and it competed with and masked the lovely flavour of the more traditional carmelized onions in the gravy. 3) There was no mention of garlic, a very unconventional "fusion" flavour, in the menu's description of this dish. 4) Garlic sometimes upsets my stomach (although luckily not this time), so I'd like to know which dishes are likely to contain it, so that I can try to avoid it. I expected "Yorkshire Pudding" to be a garlic-free choice. 5) I was heading out to a social event immediately after dinner, and I could have done without the 'garlic breath' that even Clorets couldn't fully cover. Oh, sigh!
  5. No dancing this weekend. I think I'm going into withdrawal.
  6. That's my mantra, Rumba!
  7. charm bracelets
  8. Mmmm... Robert Carlyle! Nice bit of Scottish rough.
  9. Envy Corps http://www.theenvycorps.com/
  10. Damn. I shoulda paid more attention to this thread and then I'd have done better on the "Know Your Pirates" second quiz. [Hint, Hint!]
  11. 5/8 on the second. I guess I shoulda got the Pastaferian Q, if I'd given more than a cursory glance to the noodle-head thread here.
  12. 9/12 on the first test The Goonies???? Seriously... I've never seen it! (Should I?)
  13. Bidding on silver charms on eBay.
  14. Toad in the Hole (aka "Eggy in a basket") Grilled tomatoes Black Pudding (because Toads don't contain enough iron )
  15. A piece of dark chocolate that I found in the pocket of my housecoat. (Yes, at 6 a.m.!)
  16. Here's a music video which is visually quite Steampunkish, by an Iowa band (who've migrated to London, England) called the Envy Corps: Envy Corps - Rhinemaidens
  17. Fried egg sandwich, on heart-shaped waffles instead of toast.
  18. There's a partial blenderful of frozen margarita in the freezer that's calling my name. But I'm trying to resist -- at least until after supper. Solitary drinking in the middle of the afternoon is probably not the best habit to cultivate!
  19. Cooking for just myself tonight. Mr. H. is going to his Royal Society meeting. I'm making capellini with baby clams in tomato sauce. (Canned clams are very high in iron!) And a salad.
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