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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Icing my rhomboid.
  2. The Mekons & Kathy Acker Pussy, King of the Pirates ... which really suits my iconoclastic mood today.
  3. Wow, Silkie -- seriously "Minister of Lawn Care"? And a citation for what you choose to keep on your own front porch? That's very Orwellian! But hey, Toronto seems to be heading in that direction too. Today, I'm feeling totally dispirited and frustrated by the City's draconian approach to their new, ill-conceived recycling/garbage program. They've switched from recycling boxes to huge industrial-sized wheeled bins. And although we measured carefully and ordered a "medium" size, this morning they deliverd a "large" one that won't fit down the narrow walkway between our house and our neighbours'. This thing is so frelling big, I could actually fit INSIDE it, with room for a friend! I told the people delivering it that it was too big, and they'd have to take it back and send me the smaller size, but they refused, saying I'd have to call the City about it. [Great -- nothing like being put 'on hold' on the phone all day long.] The moronic city planners failed to take into account how tight space is in the inner city and instead designed their program for the monster homes in suburbia with 2 car garages out front. I have a 24' lot, with a 2 1/2 foot walkway leading from my back yard to the front of the house, hemmed in by solid brick walls on either side, with mechanicals like drainpipes and gas lines sticking out into it. I have absolutely NO wiggle room. A couple inches makes a difference. And once that walkway's clogged with snow in the winter -- all bets are off! So, now I either have to try to "fight City Hall" (which will probably be futile anyway) or put up with this enormous ugly blue plastic 'lawn ornament' sitting out in plain sight in my front garden all the time! Soon to be joined by its matching "one size fits all" official garbage bin. Crap! I really don't have the energy for this nonsense! Get stuffed, City Hall! [And what really pisses me off is that I voted FOR the mayor who's implenting this bone-headed system. And he's from the inner city and was supposed to understand our unique circumstances in the older "pre-car" neighbourhoods.] All this so the garbage collection can be "standardized" and "mechanized" and "metered". McGarbage! [Not to mention that my taxes will be going up to pay for this new system!] I think my response to this forced standardization will be to turn my hated bins into "Altered Art" projects. Particularly if I get stuck with the size that has to sit out the front of my house. Bring on the spraypaint and stencils! (I wonder if that defiance will land me in court?) Hoist the Jolly Roger -- I'm gonna be a Garbage Pirate!
  4. Yesterday: Strawberries & ice-cream (We dropped in on our neighbours, unannounced, just as they were about to have dessert.) Baby blue Vespa (I covet!) Heather the physiotherapist Claire (I need to reply to her e-mail.) Red Cat Jenny wrote: We were at a company dinner once, with printed menus. Among the appetizers, crudite's were listed, but with no accent on the 'e'. My husband then asked me in all obliviousness, "What are crud-ites?" I had to correct his pronunciation and explain that it was French for raw veggies.
  5. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^"Altered art" bracelet < To rehabilitate my injured rotator cuff, the physiotherapist has prescribed a set of exercises to be done 3-4 times a day, followed by icing the shoulder for 1/2 an hour. Gee, that will leave just enough time in my day for me to bathe & eat. V How long does an opened bottle of tequila keep?
  6. Kiss the Cod (and drink some Screech) http://www.geocities.com/sky_lar/nfldscreech.html
  7. Alize' Gold Passion -- cognac & passionfruit liqueur.
  8. Yesterday: Cherry-mango smoothie Teenage boy standing on the street corner holding up a sign that said "Hot & Ready". [He was advertising the dinner special at a newly opened pizza take-out place.] T & N - our dinner companions. Great. W & M - where were they?
  9. Antique charm bracelets Liberty paisley ties Kitschy tiki bar accessories Steampunk decor
  10. Happy Birthday, Lady B!
  11. "Looking for Clues" http://youtube.com/watch?v=28JRmzaxvJw
  12. Punky Britpop: http://www.myspace.com/dogsmusicspace
  13. Your brother's a lucky guy, Matt! But hey, don't be too bummed out by what the generator told you, Corvette Stingrays from the 1960s are pretty cool looking too:
  14. ... and now back to our regularly scheduled clean thread... Mayfly nymph
  15. Toast -- white bread with real butter. Clutter Postman Mr. H -- who forgot to take the cell phone with him. Addendum -- one thing I did today: Made a vid: Farscape: Rhapsody in Blue ... when I should have been out shopping.
  16. Porsche Boxter. (In yellow? Blech! I think NOT.) And that bloody generator had the cheek to tell me that I have an "inferiority complex"! Sod that -- the list didn't even include my REAL sportscar personality -- an E-type Jag:
  17. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Today I celebrated the blossoming of Spring by participating in the Japanese ritual of Hanami -- cherry blossom viewing. < Rather irritable from seasonal allergies and all the drugs I ingested to keep the symptoms under control. V What's the most recent thing you bought on eBay?
  18. Happy Birthday Patrick! And here's to another 50 years! (Both my grandmothers lived to 100. Their secret to a long life seems to have been frying everything they ate in bacon fat. )
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