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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Glorious! Sunny and mild. I'm going to take advantage of the weather today and take a picnic lunch to High Park to indulge in Hanami -- the Japanese ritual of cherry blossom viewing.
  2. Grilled Stilton on an English muffin, with fresh pear, dried apricots and pecans on the side. A ghost spider crawling out of my keyboard -- eek! Mr. H. -- to whom I gave a sartorial tutorial. A.W.W. -- who is having his birthday today.
  3. Welcome back, Rumba! We're looking forward to seeing some of your pictures if you get a chance to upload them here at the Pub.
  4. Dark chocolate & fresh strawberries A very cool antique watch, with pearls and turquoise enamel, disappearing from the listings on eBay Mr. H. C.
  5. Mango & Alize' slushie
  6. Oh, Ransom! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I can really empathize! I did almost exactly the same thing a couple years ago at my cottage. Newly stained deck covered with morning dew, and a pair of old flip-flops that were worn smooth on the bottom. I wound up very stiff, with bruises from the stair edges across my back. Afterwards, we installed that black friction tape across each of the stairs and the top edge of the deck. [There had been some on the stairs previously, but we'd removed it to do the staining.] I seem to recall that extra cushions on my deck chair and lots of frozen cocktails helped dull the pain. I hope you recover quickly!
  7. Awoken in the pre-dawn by nagging shoulder pain. Felt like I was sleeping on a bed of nails. So, I got up, took some ineffective NSAIDs and signed on to the Pub.
  8. Well, Transformers isn't exactly my cup of tea, but Robert Downey Jr. certainly is! So, I may try this one.
  9. I'm reading The Story of Chicago May by Nuala O'Faolain: The author takes an interesting approach to the task of biography. She starts with the subject's own autobiography -- a sensationalized and cliche'd gang-moll confessional from the roaring 20s -- and then contextualizes May's story with Social History. The author then openly speculates about what May might have thought and felt about the events of her life.
  10. I'll take my vitamin C in the form of daiquiris, thank you! Corkscrew hair is a symptom of scurvy? You mean if I ingest enough lime-laden daiquiris, my natural Shirley Temple ringlets will unfurl, and I'll be able to throw away my straightening iron? Huzzah!
  11. Silkie & Ransom: No personal offence intended, m'dears. Some of my best friends are Boomers. [Okay, ONE best friend, one older sister, and lots of charming acquaintances. ] Hell, some demographers even want to call ME a boomer! Sod that, I'm younger than Douglas Coupland ... punk-rock slacker till I die! [Crap, it's hard enough for me to even admit that I'm probably middle-aged now! But hey, just barely, even given the recent birthday!] Then again, even Billy Idol is a Boomer! But can you believe he was ever once so young and cherubic-looking as when he fronted Generation X? Kiss Me Deadly Okay, now I'm lost in nostalgic reverie of my teeny-bopper years... Still, Rogue's 60-something male co-worker who spends most of his time sleeping at his desk deserves to be poked with a sharp stick.
  12. Leftover birthday cake (for breakfast) Rain Doctor's secretary -- yes, I've finally made an appointment to have the probable bursitis in my shoulder checked out! D. -- who never dances with me
  13. Hey, Rogue: Next time he falls asleep at his desk, you might try waking him up by shouting "Retire, dammit!" at him. Sodding Boomers! They've been the bane of my Gen X life! It's taking an awfully long time for the economic boa constrictor to digest that old elephant!
  14. The "Rebel Rebel" vid with David Bowie in pirate drag is back up on You Tube: Catch it before it gets yanked! Nostalgic Postscript: I was 12 when this song first came out, and loved it even back then. One of my friends at the time suggested it should be my themesong, because I had a rather non-compliant attitude even then. I think Bowie's fashion sense has also made a lasting impression on me! LOL
  15. Robax Platinum (and called it "breakfast") David Bowie in pirate drag: Myself My mom Addendum -- one thing I did today: Not a sodding thing yet!
  16. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^It's a toss up -- If I could go back in time and sail with any real-life pirate captain, I'd be hard pressed to choose between sailing with Captain Sam Bellamy as he captured the Whydah, or sailing with Calico Jack Rackham and finding out the full story of Anne Bonny & Mary Read. However, I'd shun the DeLorean as my choice of Time Machine, and I'd choose this lovely Steampunk alternative: < Woke up with my shoulder out of place this morning. Ouch! V 'Tis May Day today! Are there any celebrations going on in your area? Morris teams dancing up the dawn? What are your festive rituals for this very welcome time of year?
  17. Primeval (UK SciFi) http://youtube.com/watch?v=K_rTszH1gXA The Wind in the Willows Sushi Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cake Black ankle cuff socks Vintage costume jewellery Chanel Allure perfume
  18. Millenium Falcon
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