Could you provide a link to that Steampunk board, please, Blackjohn?
You may be right about Steampunk being the next trend.
For some mystifying reason, today the second "O" in Google is a very ornate hot air balloon. Clicking on it takes you to pages relating to the history of hot air balloon flight, such as this one:
Perhaps Google is tapping into the general interest in Steampunk era technology.
And of course, there was the recent ill-fated record skydiving attempt of Michel Fournier, who intended to use a hot air balloon to take him to the edge of the stratosphere:
Hot air balloons and airships are definitely floating through the popular imagination these days:
For summer reading, I'm looking for Steampunk-themed novels. This collection of short stories looks interesting:
(Apparently one of the stories even includes a pirate!)
And I've just received this paperback in the post:
I'm considering getting this "young adult" book:
And this more high-brow tome:
Any further suggestions for Steampunkish literature (particularly involving dirigibles, time travel, or an aviatrix heroine) please let me know!