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Everything posted by Hester

  1. My throat is scratchy and sore. I hope it's just mould allergies, and not the start of a summer cold!
  2. Oh yes ... pirates with grow-lights ... and we're supposed to believe you're just growing bananas!
  3. Cats in heat, in my front garden.
  4. No, silly ... that's Douglas Fairbanks from The Black Pirate! But I agree, CaptainSatan, that was definitely the inspiration for Gene Kelly's costume. Personally, I want to be Billie Dove: http://www.doctormacro1.info/Images/Fairba...,%20The)_01.jpg [That image is huge, so I didn't hotlink.]
  5. You could try making you own, Briar Rose! That way, it would fit your small wrist perfectly, and you could choose charms that aren't too heavy. I collected the charms and the skull beads on eBay. I had the basic idea of how I wanted to make the bracelet, but did not know how to attach the beads. So, I took a short private lesson at the local bead store, where the shop owner showed me the appropriate technique. She also had the sterling silver chain, which she cut to size, and the black onyx beads. So, I completed the bracelet in her shop, using her tools. It was really a fun afternoon!
  6. Love, love, LOVE Gene Kelly! The "Butch Peter Pan on Steroids" costume works for me! We get to see his legs! Saw part of this movie on TV awhile ago. I remember it wasn't wonderful. Don't think I actually saw this dance sequence, though. Love the crow's nest and the fire!
  7. Thanks, Kate! Nifty beads, CaptainSatan! I look forward to seeing what you eventually do with them. BTW, the skull beads I used on my bracelet were ones that I originally wore in braids in my hair for a pirate costume one Hallowe'en. But, that was a lot of work, both to braid them in, and to get them out again.
  8. Best wishes for a fabulous birthday, Mats!
  9. Hmmm... 1: At least 6 times - twice in the theatre. 2: Probably 4 times. 3: Maybe 3 times. But I have them all on DVD and I think it's about time for a marathon!
  10. Cat with no tail:
  11. Here's a picture of the pirate-themed charm bracelet that I just finished putting together: All of the charms are sterling silver, except the coins, which are pewter. The central figures are Captain Hook and the Crocodile. The skulls are hand-carved Tibetan beads made from ox bone, and the small black beads are made of onyx.
  12. I can empathize, Depinux! I had too much Pimm's yesterday afternoon at the "Tea on the Lawn" garden party that my English Country Dance group held to end the season. I did not sprain an ankle dancing on the lawn, nor topple over the edge of the ravine, however I did wind up with a nasty stomach ache (not helped by the heavy, deep-fried pub meal I ate later in the evening). So yes, I'm laying off the drink for awhile too, until my digestion recovers.
  13. "Half a Boy, and Half a Man":
  14. Feeling irritable from mould allergies, which are giving me a sinus headache. Wish the weather would dry up! Hoping the antihistamines will give me enough relief to go Contra dancing tonight, since it's the last dance of the season.
  15. "Island of Lost Souls" http://youtube.com/watch?v=QJAqLkcyP6M "Oh bucanneer, can you help me get my truck in gear?"
  16. Pleased to be fitting into my "skinny" jeans today!
  17. Elliot Brood, "The Bridge"
  18. Squiffy on margaritas! Lady B. & Merry -- let's hope the tide leaves you high & dry again soon.
  19. Lloyd Cole & the Commotions http://youtube.com/watch?v=KIba414vLhE
  20. Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time, Merry. Keep dry and get well soon!
  21. Uploading English Country Dancing videos to You Tube: http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=FrolicsInTheHey
  22. Careful, Jenny -- I've discovered from personal experience that margaritas are fattening (especially by the blenderful)! Tonight: Wholegrain flax spaghettini with red clam sauce, zucchini, and salad.
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