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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Vietnamese Vermicelli A guy walking down the street with a large, live green parrot on his shoulder. Really! Bossy Barb Mike
  2. Downtown dance club
  3. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  4. Air Kraken Defence
  5. I'm bidding on eBay again. Last five minutes of an auction. I've already been outbid and I'm waiting until the last few seconds to try to up the ante.
  6. Tornado [severe weather watches issued in my area yesterday and probably again today. I do hope I don't have to sleep in the cellar!]
  7. Potted meat, crackers & gherkins My chives in bloom Vilma from the roofers Mr. H.
  8. Both Patrick and Capt. Pogue are indeed debonair, and may I say that Pogue's lady is exceedingly fair!
  9. The Rumble Strips http://www.myspace.com/rumblestripsuk
  10. Hellishly hot & humid... but "cooler by the lake"!
  11. Thunder rolling in the distance. (It's rather soothing!)
  12. The pub kicked us out, MadL! (We didn't have a reservation.) Wound up down the block at a swanky Art Deco restaurant that didn't require a reservation and had a great cocktail list (not to mention wonderful sweet potato fries!).
  13. My feet have a dance-hangover! That 3-hour feminist waltz workshop Tuesday night was quite a workout! P.S.: Hang in there, Merry!
  14. Interview with The Amazing Kreskin. (I had a crush on him as a kid.)
  15. Well, of course I plundered the larder! I'm a pirate, silly! When I grow up, I'm going to be a pirate Sailing on the deep blue sea ... We'll have salted pork and hard tack for dinner everyday And sausages and shrimp for tea! And we'll all go paddling and bathing when we like -- Oh, come and be a pirate with me!
  16. Their new editing tool makes my browser crash.
  17. Picnic on the riverbank
  18. Going to a pub for dinner tonight. Hoping to talk my dinner companion into sharing a bunch of deep-fried appetizers.
  19. I'm just about to fix myself breakfast: Mock lobster & Stilton omelette Fresh cherries Tea & dark chocolate
  20. Discussion of political torture on CBC radio. The producers seem to consider this topic to be breakfast conversation. Yikes!
  21. Grey, dull, on the coolish side. But they're predicting hellishly hot & humid for tomorrow & Saturday.
  22. Thanks, Captain Pogue!
  23. I'll try to spot you, Ransom ... but I haven't even found Patrick yet! Patrick: what's your Steampunk alias, m'dear?
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