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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Thank you Mission (or can I call you Ralphie? :P ) for all your talented efforts on putting together your 2008 PIP Journal and gathering all the links of the people whom I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time and seeing old friends again.

    Thank you for sharing some memories that I am sure most of us will not forget....

    And if you were :P drinking like most of us...having the pictures to help us remember!

  2. Still very pretty stays. I had always wondered about that horizontal boning anyway. She's got a teeny waist!

    As for Lynn's waist...it is all in the stays, Kate! When both Lynn and I worked at Ren Faire oh so many years ago...we use to be quite small in our waist and bust. Wearing a properly cut/fitted pair of stays can take you for noth'n honey to Ooo WOW... My Eye?!? in a matter of seconds! Sucks...I'll give you TWO (2) good reasons to wear stays if your figure is lacking...

  3. Proverbs 31... the virtuous woman??? OHHHHHHHHHH tis the beginning of the new theater season in London and ye are auditioning for a comedy eh Lill?

    More like a comedy of errors, Captain. :rolleyes:

    I particularly like the following of Proverbs 31:22 -

    She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. I so do look smashingly wonderful in purple, do I not?

  4. Capt. Bo of the WTF co.

    - Padre: "I expect to see BOTH of you in the confessional IMMEDIATELY!!!"

    Cheeky to Padre: "The Both of us?! Together?! My word...I don't think we will ever see the light of day again, Robbie."

  5. 'RustyNell' date='Jan 12 2009, 05:17 PM' post='337819']

    Cheeky I LOVE that photo... my thought for a caption was Robbie to the Padre: "Where do we come from and why are we here?"

    Padre: .....(skirt blows up - padre looks to the sky)

    Thanks for taking that one.

    Classic Nell...timing is EVERYTHING!

  6. Well what the captain is saying, it appears that for our time period ladies, the horizontal boning, as he describes it, lookes to be individually sewn on the inside, lose in a casing, that looks as if it is only attache at the end of the boning case, because it does not replace the vertical bones that are directly sewn into the corset, but is in addition to them and they are in the inside of the corset and not seen on the outside at all. He will post a picture to give us an idea later, when ever he gets his ass out of bed. :D

  7. ['Capt. Sterling' date=Jan 9 2009, 06:09 PM' post='337309]

    I have to admit that this is one of my all time favorites... this could ONLY happen to Cheeky..

    Looking at the photo...."Ah...Crap..." At least the simpleton had the decency to cover his eyes. As you can see here, the so called, man of the cloth, did not?! ;)

  8. LadyBrower,

    I know the pattern of which you speak. My twin sister made them and I know that Mary Diamond also made them for herself. I have worn them, yet my sister did not use cane, she used poly-boning and I highly suggest cane/reed instead.

    ['LadyBrower' post=336718' date='Jan 7 2009, 06:20 AM]I'm glad someone else has used the pattern...

    For those of you who want a better understanding of the construction of the 18th Century Stays that were mentioned earlier, here is a photo of the 18th Century Stays with the horizontal caning in the front.

    Please excuse this content of this shot...*Someone* I know doesn't care to wear shifts when modeling a newly constructed set of bodies..( ;) )...and no captain...Them ain't ME!


  9. LadyBrower,

    I know the pattern of which you speak. My twin sister made them and I know that Mary Diamond also made them for herself. I have worn them, yet my sister did not use cane, she used poly-boning and I highly suggest cane/reed instead.

    ['LadyBrower' post=336718' date='Jan 7 2009, 06:20 AM]I'm glad someone else has used the pattern...

    For those of you who want a better understanding of the construction of the 18th Century Stays that were mentioned earlier, here is a photo of the photo of the 18th Century Stays with the horizontal caning in the front.

    Please excuse this content of this shot...Someone I know doesn't care to wear shifts when demoing a newly constructed stays..( ;) )...and no captain...Them ain't ME!


  10. Yes, I do plan to bring a few bottles of the Pyrate's Rum (thank-you Master Brown)! Also, I just found a case store here in town that has traditional Absinthe. Still looking for the white shade...not the green fairy stuff. Oh, we have Pimms too...
    i thought the "white shade" was the watered down stuff...add water turns white(cloudy)...popular in yugoslavia...or turkey...or.....damn green faiery...done took me memory.....(swats the air above me head) :blink:

    Good question there Maddogge. I had the pleasure of trying the 'white stuff' about a year ago. The host of the party informed me that it was French, but less bitter and more pleasing to the pallet. I had to agree with her on that. I found by my second glass I was feeling...Nut'n!. Yes, she did say that the white was much more popular in the 'iron curtain' countries...but still French.

  11. (This is not a comment on Lilly, it is a joke about the pipe. You have to have seen the cartoon...in fact you can at You Tube here.)

    Hey Mission...that be Bess, the Indentured Servant. Lilly wouldn't be caught dead smoking a pipe!

    Looney Tunes Rock, by the way...

  12. Would the owner of the previous photo account (the one that has Silkie standing at her Ordinary) please fix the position of Silkie's picture located by the link.

    I would love to add it to my collection!

  13. Patrick washing his hair for the Locks for Love thing!


    (As much work as it is sorting through photos, I am always amazed by the moments different people are able to capture.)

    Hmm...I must have been off with the Captain or with Lily and O'Keefe when this was going on. Great shot!

  14. What was Grace saying?

    Captain...you think I can remember back to the exact moment?! Well, I can...this time! She was discussing what it's like to share her tent with 'Robbie - the gifted one'.

    Yet, keeping with pub decorum, I cannot go into detail about the matter spoken. Let's just say, I was laughing hard enough to make water upon myself!

    She's a hoot, Captain. Can we keep her?

  15. Grand! We can go back and listen to Mr. Beasley promote alcoholism all over again... :unsure:;)

    Ya! Nothing like a bunch of drunk reenactors falling about the lobby of a grand, upscale hotel...then having the cops crash the party. All in all...a grand time!

    Yes, I do plan to bring a few bottles of the Pyrate's Rum (thank-you Master Brown)! Also, I just found a case store here in town that has traditional Absinthe. Still looking for the white shade...not the green fairy stuff. Oh, we have Pimms too...

  16. Cheeky are you left handed? Thatss awesome, Lefties unite!

    Sorry, pround left hander... And no I would think being left handed would effect your stitches in that manner.

    Yup. We Rock...we know we do. We are such creative bastards, aren't we?

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