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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Oh my! First, forgive me Jessi for the tadiness of my blessings and warm wishes on your graduation and obtaining your first job.

    I do hope that things are going well with your new position. Congratulations again for your success!

  2. :lol: ...(Blink...Blink...Blink)...

    "My word Nell, if you make your way up to Blackbeard's this June, mayhap I should instruct thee on the benefit of a Happy Man..."

    Lilly pauses a moment, then kicks the hemp rope under the bed.

    "There is something about a Sea-farring man and knots, eh Nell?" ;)

    I'll be there...I am hoping to go arrive early enough for a "school trip" again, Captain. I think the new kids would get a kick out of Bess. I'll see what I can do.

  3. and Cheeky-- your ermine skirt thus far looks fabulous!!! .... and air brushing fabric leaves a fabulous result for stripes/ ermine spots/ dots { as in like cheetah}......... we have done that too, and have had fabulous results with it!! -- PLEAS EPLEASE PELASE SHOW YOUR WORK!! ESP MANTUA......lady constance.

    Thank you Lady Constance. Yes, a razor does work wonderfully and cuts down on the amount of fluff...but not completely. I have to say I never thought about an air brush for application of ermine tails/spots. I can just hear my HD shouting at me as I collect his air brush kit from his garage aka "man cave". If he knew that I was going to use it for my 'silly sewing project' he'd pitch a fit.

    Kate said, "I actually used a utility knife when I was doing alot of work with real fur (rabbit, fox, bear, beaver, etc) and it went much more easily. And I like those big curved upholstery needles for sewing fur".

    "Kate, when you sew with the big curved upholstery needle, what thread weight do you use?"

  4. I guess it all depends on what you're most comfortable with. I've tried them all.

    For speed, I've done Lady Constance's suggested method more than once when I was under the gun. It works wonderfully.

    I have also pinned the snot out of them too. This give you a wonderful period correct look and is also wonderful for perfecting your hand stitching. You're just going to need a ton of pins.

    I find that using the smaller binding tape (bias or dutch) you will get a better 'finished look to your stays without the trim showing too much. I'm sure they will look wonderful once they are completed!

    and again...we all love to see the finish product!!!

  5. **Sterling shocked casts a quick glance at Mary** Ye have... dia... never mind... I do not wish to know... Ye certainly seemed in perfect health... Ye certainly looked mighty fine...mighty fine indeed... So fine in fact... I say, care to take a trip to ...hmmm... any place but Barcelona?

    Lilly stands there tapping her toe with dirk in hand. "Come again, Johnny?"

  6. Rummaging around, talking to herself...

    Those Filthy DOGS will pay for what they have done to my husband...

    Traitorous Scum!!! Dammit, where is my primer... Oh, Pretty! Beautiful silver, scroll a ball through their hearts ~ or their heads, I care neither which...

    <_<:unsure::lol: ....it's got to be the heat here in Port Royal that gets to her?!

    I can say, and with assurance, that Mistress Lilly McKinney was not there, as we changed lodgings some six times over the course of the events and I do not recall having seen here at any of the locations visited. Unless she came in at a window during the hours of noon and six of the evening on the second day of our tale, a feat that even the baboon would have found difficult, she was never once a part of the disaster as a whole.

    Good God...I should hope NOT!!!

  7. *PSSSST; Capt. Sterling sir, I can take care of that baboon fer a small fee. I'll take it out driving! :unsure: *


    Lilly shakes her head..."I don't think the Baboon can drive, Bo."

  8. Oi and just what are ye acking about?? Weren't acking at the time...

    <_< You SAID it was for my Health!!! :unsure:

    Are you kidding?! :lol: What did he tell you?! That is was good for curing diarrhea or per chance, did he also state that a ‘health romp’ was good for the liver?

  9. wow...that is really pretty....i want one....i mean...how bout a matching mens cloak??.....damn...i got to start scavengin the roadways again...see what i can come up with..... :unsure:

    LOL! <_<:lol:

    If you come in wearing a 'Pole-Cat' Cloak...I'll just know I'll piss myself!

  10. All right, all right... twas not Cheeky, although aye it looks like her...twas **covers mouth and mumbles** some merchant's wife...

    ACK! :P

    Oh, fear not Mistress Diamond. The Captain said, "Some merchant's wife"...could have been one whom he owe money to. He keeps telling me that time spent with the merchant and their family is done so to benefit a good solid transaction.

    Lilly looks over at the Captain then over at Mistress Diamond. "Ha! How's that for transaction!?" Lilly says thumbing towards the Captain's direction.

  11. Update....

    Here is the finished petticoat for my Blue Winter Mantua.


    For those of you who are wondering what it's like to work with faux fur...here are my two cents. ICK! I cannot imagine working with it all the time. It gets everywhere and it is best to use a good sharp needle and strong thread. To Master Patrick Hand...if you are out there...I applaud your skill working with this stuff!

    But I digress..As you can see, I've cut the fur by scallopping the top edges as shown in the fashion plate, but I did make a few changes. First, I decided to go with silver accences instead of gold. Here is a close up of the trim and accent pieces.


    Now...I must return to making my Mantua...

  12. Okay...as promised, here are some shots of the Winter Gown in progress.

    Here is my inspiration for my lastest and greatest project!



    Here is the very short, very soft, low pile white faux fur which I painted last night. As you can see, I did it in two stages...the first four rows about 1/2 inch apart and the rest further apart for dramatic affect. As I stated before, I used a swept-brush tech. to give it the look of a tail.


    Here is the cut faux ermine fur front piece for my petticoat. This part will only be about 20 inches high (half the petticoat) as the rest will be dark blue velvet.

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