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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Oh Diosa! Looks like a grand time of it! You look great in your garb.

    Nice to see farmilar faces at this event with good weather and fun.

    I'm not sure, but it looks like Mickey may have been the prettiest guy there - Nice up-do there Mickey. Did you loose a bet? (Sorry M.A. d'Dogge...but Mickey must have been filing in fer ya).

    Bikers? Okay...that will work for the Raid. I bet the Men of Menendez were pleased with turn out. Did anyone grab a Sunday Paper to see the 'facts' about the event?

    To Kate, Mickey, Salty and Calenesh. Please be careful driving back home.

    Thank you again for the lovely photos, Diosa!

  2. Mission, did you ever read the Watchmen graphic novels of the late 80s?

    This would have given you some insight into the dark pondering questions the movie had to offer.

    The graphic novel goes further into detail about the dark side of human nature and if there is truly a sole purpose of our existance.

    It has taken Hollywood almost 20 years to make this movie...something that shouldn't have been done. I'm with you. Scale from 1 to 10 - 10 being the best....1.

  3. Well, I would have agreed with you as of yesterday Patrick, but as of 5 am this morning the southeast area of Wisconsin has been getting hit with freezing drizzle and snow. Yesterday we had a high of 52 here, but as of 6:30 pm today it's barely above freezing and said to last until the middle of this week.

    Spring break for most schools in the area start this week?! :blink:

    Oh, let's get it over with, already!!! :D

  4. I found some very interesting facts about the 'demon ways' of nine (9) pins and bowling. Found this on the site Historical Folk Toys

    " The earliest Virginia colonists loved the game nine pins so much it interfered with their work. After Captain James Smith returned to Jamestown, bowling was declared illegal and punishable by up to three weeks in the stocks!"

    Three weeks?!? Three weeks?! Well, I guess that means no playing nine pins whilst the Captain is about!

  5. Well, what did you do for the Mouse while in the land of sunny FLA? Or can I ask this sort of question knowing too well that the Mouse likes to keep things under his...his...Ears?! :lol:

    I hope that it wasn't too exhausting and you did have a little down time between responsibilities.

  6. I agree with Black Syren, Silkie. If the tightness lingers more than a couple of days...have a doctor take a look at it. The warm weather is coming your way. The high tomorrow is spose to be in the 50s! Finally... :lol:

  7. Talked to Lady B yesterday she says they think her computer was infected from EBay so a heads up for those who go there.

    Damn! I was hoping to sell some stuff this weekend!

  8. here's his web pic of the nine pin sets

    NinePins.jpg They go for around $40.

    Thank you. Mine are a bit more 'stout' in appearance - more the traditional looking bowling pin.

    From what I am told they are made of hickory and have a lovely sound when struck with a wooden ball.

  9. I do not believe so. Northhamptonshire Skittles is hooded skittles where a "cheese" is thrown at the skittles as opposed to a ball tethered and swung.

    You can find more information here.[/font][/size]

    Thank you, Quatermaster for the help!

  10. The news also said that they feel that it gives girls the impression that they don't need to be educated.

    Black Syren beat me to the same reply...

    Hmm, interesting. Seeing that Barbie's career paths has been everything from a Doctor to an Astronaught. I don't see how that idea came to be, either.

    Needless to say, there are bigger concerns to address in this day in age, don't you think?

  11. Thank you Lady B and Quatermaster.

    I have been trying to gather up some fun interactive games for the kids at our events. Kids usually open up to our group when they are having fun. Lots of them know bowling (heck, I'm in Wisconsin...bowling is as popular here as beer and cheese). So I thought gathering up games from 1680s to 1720s would be something they'd like.

    I did read somewhere that Ten Pin bowling in North American because the Dutch took skittles to America in the seventeenth century.

    Yet, the game became more popular with gamblers. It was then a law was introduced to ban the game but since the law only mentioned "nine pin bowling", people simply added another skittle (pin) and called the game ten-pin bowling to avoid getting caught!

    Quatermaster, Is Northamptonshire Skittles the same as Table Skittles or Devil Amongst The Tailors?

  12. Though the game of Skittles has been around since the 3rd or 4th century in Germany, there are several different various games/rules depending on the region of the United Kingdom.

    The most popular version of Skittles, however, is West Country Skittles. Where 9 skittles (pin) are arranged in a square at the end of an alley that might be 24 feet, sometimes much longer. Each turn starts with all the skittles standing and consists of three balls being rolled down the alley. If all the pins are knocked down, then they are reset. So the maximum score in one turn is 27.

    Here is what I've found for the 'Basic' rules of Table Skittles:

    Step 1

    Set up the game by placing the nine skittles on the raised platform in the playing area and setting the long pole in place with the ball attached via a string or chain.

    Step 2

    Determine if you want to play a game for one turn per player or if you want to play until a player reaches a certain score, such as 50 or 100 points.

    Step 3

    Toss a coin to find out which player will go first for a two-player game.

    Step 4

    Sit or stand with the entire game board to your right.

    Step 5

    Grip the ball in one hand and swing it around the pole toward the skittles. You must release the ball so that it swings along a circular path around the pole only once. If the ball comes around full circle, you must stop it before it reaches the skittles a second time.

    Step 6

    Take two more swings at the skittles. You have two more opportunities to knock down all nine skittles during your turn. If you knock down all nine skittles at any time, reset the skittles for your remaining swings.

    Step 7

    Add up the points for your turn. The maximum points for a turn is 27.

    Step 8

    Allow other players to take their turns and add up their total points.

    Step 9

    Win the game by having the highest point total after one round of turns or by reaching the agreed upon score first. The highest score wins if both players break the pre-determined score line set at the beginning of the game on the same turn.

    *I am in the process of make up a few Skittle games with several game rules and the history of the game.

    Any one interested, please PM me for further details.

  13. Though the game of Skittles has been around since the 3rd or 4th century in Germany, there are several different various games/rules depending on the region of the United Kingdom.

    The most popular version of Skittles, however, is West Country Skittles. Where 9 skittles (pin) are arranged in a square at the end of an alley that might be 24 feet, sometimes much longer. Each turn starts with all the skittles standing and consists of three balls being rolled down the alley. If all the pins are knocked down, then they are reset. So the maximum score in one turn is 27.

    Here is what I've found for the 'Basic' rules of Table Skittles:

    Step 1

    Set up the game by placing the nine skittles on the raised platform in the playing area and setting the long pole in place with the ball attached via a string or chain.

    Step 2

    Determine if you want to play a game for one turn per player or if you want to play until a player reaches a certain score, such as 50 or 100 points.

    Step 3

    Toss a coin to find out which player will go first for a two-player game.

    Step 4

    Sit or stand with the entire game board to your right.

    Step 5

    Grip the ball in one hand and swing it around the pole toward the skittles. You must release the ball so that it swings along a circular path around the pole only once. If the ball comes around full circle, you must stop it before it reaches the skittles a second time.

    Step 6

    Take two more swings at the skittles. You have two more opportunities to knock down all nine skittles during your turn. If you knock down all nine skittles at any time, reset the skittles for your remaining swings.

    Step 7

    Add up the points for your turn. The maximum points for a turn is 27.

    Step 8

    Allow other players to take their turns and add up their total points.

    Step 9

    Win the game by having the highest point total after one round of turns or by reaching the agreed upon score first. The highest score wins if both players break the pre-determined score line set at the beginning of the game on the same turn.

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